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It's cute when beta cucks think they're funny


You mean like you do?

the right can't do comedy

no u

Neither can you fucktard

Good comeback snappy.


CO CAINE!!!!!!!!!

She dont lie she dont lie CO CAINE

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Not Neidhart

but i guess you can? oh what am i saying
you're whole life is a comedy
dorkimus maximus

SHouldn't you be paying attention in remidial math instead of posting here?

i don't know, shouldn't YOU?

Nope sitting in my section 8 apartment enjoying the good life.

oh yeah? well i'm sititng in my section 9 apartment enjoying the better life

Great comeback there kid.

Shouldn't you be busy talking about Lil Nas X?

shouldn't you be licking deez nuts?

Nah I see your mom is already busy doing that.