Unironically, how much did Nash get Sid's Crossface over?

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Fuck of

when Sid put him in crosface he had no choice


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Dunno about the crossface but I do know one thing Nash hasn't gotten over..
The memories.

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Nobody cares about your gay fanfic

Well apart from a handful of incel queers who post here and waste hours of their life every day talking about their gay fanfic.

Also KWAB = Kevin Was Always Based

*calls 92chads gay*
*posts deadie spam in retaliation*
Worked and ding-dong diddly seething.

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It's been well establishied carter is both the 89 and 92 poster. Only simps haven't figured this out yet

>carter pretending he was the original 92 poster because he can't draw dimes as the fake wolfie
Absolute state.

Hi Carter


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>spends all day spamming gay rape
>Calls themselves"""""""Chads"""""""
The absolute state

Just answer the ding dong diddly question

Kek at Wolfcuck pretending to be a based retard


>Makes a deadie thread

>spams gay rape all day
>thinks only ONE individual in the entire world could call him out on it
The. Absolute. State.

I want to see you in the next deadie thread calling it out then.

Oh believe me I do

That being said, wolfcuck and that ass blasted redditor are faggots as well.


Yeah the crossface threads are based but are sometimes ruined by the same unfunny 92 spam


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>OP tries to get Nash over
You still get ass hurt. kwab