Well I'm in a bad mood now, my steam got hacked so I got to wait on steam support to try and get it back...

Well I'm in a bad mood now, my steam got hacked so I got to wait on steam support to try and get it back. Came here to vent cause I have nowhere else, hopefully from what I've seen they contact me within the day.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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is this a meme? or do you genuinely believe anybody here cares what you did today

has to show nobody cares by putting out a response, anything else dipshit?

>has to show nobody
i was asking a question dipshit

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you mean your half assed rhetorical question that's meant to be used as a statement you faggot

is your steam name happened to be the same as your s4s name?

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>rhetorical question
i wanted to know

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the username is the same but the profile name is something I created when I was a 10 year old. To shorten the story, they had 3 different people with profiles mimicking steam employees to get into my account

Who would've thought that something would be misinterpreted on the internet!

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>you faggot
tfw a faggot calls a faggot a faggot

i dont even dislike the dude just poking fun

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i also want to know, "faggot"

I'm just done with you people, can't vent and all I do by talking to you is feel worse

ah...i don't trust tech support...

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then stop namefiging and blogposting
post/create memes and ill bet you'll have more fun

"[s4s] - Shit Yea Forums Says" is Yea Forums's imageboard for posting dank memes :^)
go to if you want to vent

Sh*t *chan S*ys

"[s4s] - Shit Yea Forums Says" is Yea Forums's imageboard for blogposting, anime spamming, gay roleplaying and schizoposting :^)

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this is family board and the word *chan must be censored as of 2009

If I censored the word *chan it would be *ch*n

nice dubs and you are right, beare apologizes for his vulgar behavior, this is family board

You fell for a phishing scam? Sad! Never give your login info to anyone.

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Ya I know, I'm not the smartest person and I'm constantly sleep deprived. I'm definitely an easy target