Are they seriously about to job him to Seth Rollins?

Are they seriously about to job him to Seth Rollins?

Attached: Bray wyatt 5.png (921x666, 754K)

Yeah so what bitch




No they’ve been building seffs power level up just so he could fall to the fiend

seth is the most boring wrestler on the roster, of course brays gonna job to him

He's going to beat Seff in 5 minutes

Wrestling is for children and the dimes Seth will draw from parents beating mister nightmare fuel will be tremendous

>Hyped Wyatt's return up with the Firefly Fun House
>It's completely irrelevant to his Fiend gimmick
They should have Mr. Rogers Wyatt doing backstage interviews where he ignores the questions he's asked and gives answers to other questions instead like he's just routinely following a script regardless of what the interviewer says. They should have him in his Richard Simmons onesie doing jumping jacks in the background backstage segments. Have him guest commentate matches and absolutely no sell any questions or statements they make about the fiend. Just put him in the crowd with a bucket of popcorn, have the lights go out, and then when they come back on he's still there. Add some suspense to it, make it tense. As it is now it's just "ooo spooky claw man comes out when the lights go off"

Yeah. What's wrong? You got a problem with The Fiendslayer?

god imagine bray hosting funhouse promos with the belt

seth is
bray is
>the fiend
go figure it out

I agree the fiend should be an extension of Bray


You sound surprised


Golly gee mister you should be writing the show!

>Tarps layer

audibly kek’d

No.. Becky is going to Smackdown, which means Seth will be too. Bray is going to send him packing.

He's a shitter, always has been. The match will be -5 stars because Seth is involved too.



yeah when he's on jobber mode they use the firefly funhouse character like finn

>the new Cherry Twist champion is The Fiend
It's going to end up in a NC with some retarded shenanigans.

It's not like people say this exact same shit every time this is brought up. Yes it would be a far better way to utilize this iteration of bray to its full potential but this is the wwe, where good ideas go to die.

It would actually be kind of funny if he showed up to the match with Seth and immediately goes down to a single punch for the loss, completely sandbagging any moment

>Not the debut of the ultimate incarnation of Bray as the Muscle Man Dancer