AOP reveal where they've been since WrestleMania: WWE Raw, Sept. 16, 2019

Attached: AOP reveal where they've been since WrestleMania: WWE Raw, Sept. 16, 2019 wwe.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

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I want rezar to split my ass in half

>Jobbers can speak English
>get subtitles
>Good talent can't speak English
>No fucking subtitles faggots, recite dumb live promos in perfect English or get buried
It must be hell inside Vince's head


>It must be hell inside Vince's head
>Vince didn't produce anything on this show
Also Akam can speak English, Rezar's accent is as thick as fuck

>Splitting them from Ellring

Lol weren't these guys jobbing out?
Last time I saw them they were lumber jacks in a match and got easily knocked down while on the outside. Did a run in as extra heavies with Mcintyre, Lashley, and Corbin just to all get beat up by Seth and Reigns. And broke up a promo fight between Seth and Brock.

WWE is shit because they bury guys and then act like none of it ever happened. And now we are supposed to think no one wanted to fight them and thats why they been off TV even though they were always losing.

Attached: 1567587368447.gif (498x281, 3M)

No. The last time they were on the show was in the Saudi battle royal, before that they were in a tag title feud, lost their titles, and before they could rematch Akam got injured for like eight months.

Thanks for offering an answer to a question no one was asking.

Based Rusev-lites

I like it but what is their gimmick supposed to be exactly?

third world mobster mma dudes

>Based Rusev-lites
Rezar is bigger and taller than Rusev though.

The one on the right looks like a Mean Dude.
The one on the left looks like a doughy soft baby bitch.

Bouncers of Pain

Ellering didn't want to travel on the touring schedule. So if that's a criticism, blame him.

it must be hell having big dick Vince live rent free inside your head

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what language were they speaking?
one is from canada and one is from the netherlands, but billed from albania.
shit is weird as fuck.

>Who is AOP

Attached: 1506295527021.png (645x729, 59K)

they wear SUITS now!!!!!!!!!

so they're eastern european gangsters now.

Based af

Akam is from Canada.

And Kamala was a truck driver from Atlanta, doesn't mean anything

Based Vince giving mastodons subtitles whilst leaving the gooks to rot

Guys who clearly need a manager.

So is Abdullah the Butcher

so is jinder mahal

>comparing early 90's wrestling to late 00's wrestling

They're speaking 2 different languages.
The 'Canadian' one is speaking Punjabi.
The 'Dutch' one is speaking Albanian.

so is bret hart

nah. he's cowboy from texas.

Attached: cowboy bret.jpg (494x621, 67K)

Best promo on the show last night desu

>WWE splits AOP from Ellering
>This bullshit explanation pops out of thin air based on literally nothing
>Ellering himself immediately comes out to set the record straight
>Over a year later and there are still retards parroting it
Same shit as the people insisting Enzo got fired for knowing about the rape investigation and not telling WWE, I fucking hate the internet.


WWE should just team them with Roman.

Kamala was truck driver?

Jinder/Rusev/Hassan gimmick of speaking a foreign language to get heat from braindead republicans.

Breaking Bad vibes anyone?

Attached: Breaking-Bad.jpg (2500x1660, 318K)

wouldve been so based

Im pretty sure this was the idea yes

Beko needs subtitles as i cannot understand potato

why the fuck are you still saying this, it's been wrong information for a really long time

He literally said that he didn't mind the travel. Vince just hates managers even though fucking Heenan vs Hogan carried his fed for like 3 years.

i didn't watch the video...screencap makes me thing "Ethnic Southern Justice"

btw- regular "Southern Justice" had so much fucking potential

I'll never forgive them for what they did to AoP. These guys were money in the fucking bank. They were huge, they had the look, the music, the manager, the gimmick. I finally gave up on the WWE after they ruined them on RAM


Why does Vince take these guys from NXT only to remove what made them work, then has to spend time later building them back up from scratch.

Happened to these guys when they lost Ellering, and happened to War Raiders with the awful name change.

Now both teams are having to be built up when they could have just been decently over from the start.

So is Santino Marella.