Last thread hit bump limit Next show is on the 22nd
Discuss armpits, filter agua buzzwords, do not respond to guilty looking posts
Important message from the 5*Star winner
Last thread hit bump limit Next show is on the 22nd
Discuss armpits, filter agua buzzwords, do not respond to guilty looking posts
Important message from the 5*Star winner
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for ASUKA!
I want to bust a nut on this woman's armpit.
Jamie is winning it all. Best gaijin.
You people are so incapable of holding discussion you spend forever talking about a poster and need to mention him in the OP?
How does it feel to be worse than Twitter as a place to talk about joshi?
Shut up and post Joshi armpits, dork.
>You people
fuck off Nazi scum
Which random internet person will you immediately associate with my post to whine about for 3 hours (just so I know what to expect)?
>Discuss armpits
This isn't going to help the thread get off to a good start.
There's a few ways to deal with schizophrenic pedophiles, one of which is putting them in prison to die. You can't out-shitpost them because it's 1 of you against 5 personalities each with their own post timer and captcha solver.
Fuck you
No one because I don't give a fuck about weeb pseudo celebrities. Just post pits, please.
I'm sure you're wrong a lot, but this is probably the wrongest you've ever been
Natsuko has the best pits.
Like clockwork.
Provide proof for your outrageous claim.
Those are some very specific assumptions you're making there. Project much?
I project that you will be arrested within the next year for your crimes against joshi
I came to the sad realization that I don't have any pics of them when I posted my claim. I don't appreciate you saying it was outrageous so I'd like to know who you'd say is the best.
You've gotten responses from two of them already.
>I don't appreciate you saying it was outrageous
Submitted without proof, dismissed without proof.
God damn I want to have my way with Sumire's chubby arms.
Disgusting, Natsuko was made to be chubby
Kagetsu's done it again...
I still firmly believe this is the best photo of Sumire that exists
>the best times for all joshi threads are when the stalker is sleeping
>the worst times for all joshi threads are when the stalker is not sleeping
simplest way to put it
praying that the cops find his drives
The fixation of armpits is appros, because /oedo/ is the unwashed armpit of joshi discourse.
bullseye !
dangerously triggering
Sup /Kon/? Who else is already celebrating Konami winning the GP?
"joshi discourse" that is a hell of a lot better than reddit blogs full of thesaurus spam lmao
Hana Kimura
I know you guys like arguing but consider just filtering shitposts. Add dumb shit like "incel" and "trigger" to your lists, report spam to the jannies who do it for free, anything.
While you're spending your day watching wrestling and being better people, that sorry fuck is gonna sit here and wait for (You)s that never arrive. It eats him alive not receiving attention because that's the only thing the world has for a guy with no skills, abilities, or genuine interests beyond harassing athletes. If you deny him responses he goes a little bit more insane and then one day he does something stupid and gets put in the asylum where he belongs.
birds of a feather sexualize Rina together. Your only hope is vigilante justice or joining the 41% because they're obviously a tranny in disguise.
based, factual and nerve hitting
accurate, precise and truthful
Good luck to the user trying to give Mayu his hard earned money.
hell yeah brother
One of these people has been at the top of their industry for years, and sells out shows just by appearing on the card. They were there when wrestling was small, and they fought with everything they had to make wrestling big again. They're indisputably one of the most important, if not THE most important person to ever do it.
The other is an egotistical no-dimes retard running a manlet training camp in Florida.
Post discussion about the 5 star GP or this skeleton will attack you in your sleep tonight.
>5 star GP
A nice mix of armpits, there's something for everyone. They have a talented roster, for sure, but note the physical fitness of some - Hazuki and Hana stand out as the premiere pit princesses, with sculpted crevasses that never let go of their feminine, youthful softness when put on display. That's not to forget the allure of the shapeless curvature like Sumire and Kyona have, where the substance is far more important than the figure.
/ourseal/ is winning
I'd just give my body to Mayu so she can treat me as a living dildo as a way to show my appreciation for her. It cheaper and I hope she enjoys it more than cash.
You think she'd make you the ottoman while her and Kagetsu watch Doraemon?
Rossy's going to throw us a curveball and have Tam win it and challenge Bea, win the red belt, and gloat about and let Arisa know which belt is the most prestigious ever hour of every day.
That's far better than he could set up, that's a triple
what are they hiding?
They were too pure for Rossy, so he killed them.
Based Jungle Woman.
so pure
Jamie likes it rough
I wanna fuck that skelington
you wanna bone it?
Tomorrow I will post the Day 7 image pack, it features this which I think is a great picture.
spooky skeleton roleplaying a zombie
You're not attracted to a zombie, are you?
Based and spookpilled
I would eat the living dead out of her ass.
I wish I was there so I can help nurse her back to health and be her dance partner at her sister's wedding.
does anyone here have tweets of that cringe fan who retweets Kagetsu and always has sexual comments while doing so?
it's really a crime that oedo is making her wear a jumpsuit
I want to lick her from toes to the tip of the nose. I want to give very meticulous licking. Every nook and cranny. She looks like some sweet treat.
sweet lord...
I was at this show!
kek Saya's so short Hana nearly missed her with her drop kick.
Kagetsu is a bad influence
I am, but not that zombie
this zombie has had her head cut off finally, she's gone forever
wtf happened in the last thread?
the rare janetty faction with a GOAT theme song
i want for saya to have specifically requested that spot out of the pureness of her heart
>kyona burying her sister at her own wedding
imagine all that hair cascading down around your face while saki rides your dick raw
ironic how women are always bitching about impossible male beauty standards when i would step over my own mother for just a handful of a woman like this
I'd fuck slutty zombie Saki, I'd marry rookie Saki
I appreciate that they were still able to fight during a 7.0 earthquake
Azumi you're too young for that!
Here is where I stop adding to the Day 7 (sep 14th) image pack
Bonus content: Loud yelling man
I envision this many times, but with Sumire.
sat a couple seats down from this guy at a show. He's kind of annoying because he's constantly yelling the girls' names even after they acknowledge him, but he means well and supports Stardom since he's at like every show wifebeaterkun is at so he's alright. He also does a good job at getting others in the crowd to come out of their shell and cheer along to Yurie's show opening song.
lol no one cares, post pits
9/7 thoughts. Hana-Avary was effectively a squash, but it was done well. The character of Avary’s comes across stronger than in her previous matches, thanks in part to Hana’s natural ability to draw a crowd in and create heat. AZM has been the star of the tournament. She’s hanging in there with tougher opponents. Sometimes even sneaking away with a victory. Momo delivered HARASHIMA style punishment with stomps and kicks. This was a lot of fun. My personal best bout of the tournament so far. [4] The first singles meeting between Kyona and Natsuko since the dissolution of JAN. This had hard hits and bombs. Kyona’s rallying from underneath, which is always good. The sprawl counter into the powerbomb from Kyona was amazing. [3.75] Tam targeting the injury of her stablemate and friend Mayu sells the importance of the tournament. Mayu is fighting off of one leg, making the most of small openings she finds. [3.5] A battle between the Red Belt and the White Belt. I was looking forward to Bea and Arisa facing as they are two of my favorite champions at the moment. The match develops into a blistering back and forth where one mistake could decide the match. Flashy offense from Arisa. Bea’s steep angle backdrop and Regal-Plex were brutal. My only complaint is that it was too short. [3.75]
lol no one cares, post pits
it's just a hidden post to me but I know exactly what's in it
Agua, what is your opinion of Bea?
You know what he reminds me of is those wota cheerleaders.
I watched a performance in Osaka by a new unit called Mamushi Station, and there were several guys there with deep bass voices going OI! OI! to the rhythm of their songs. They're goofy, but they set up a sort of dynamic between the audience and what they're watching.
that's exactly what he did lmao, god bless that goofy fuck
Absolute pitslut.
Sonny translated the Japanese phrase for "just kidding" as "What's up?" in Tamu's promo before her 5 star match with Hazuki. What exactly are the job qualifications to be a translator for Stardom?
sucking rossy's little cock
doing it for free and being ESL
I think she's a great worker. She has a well rounded game. She has an eclectic style which unifies techniques from other wrestlers / wrestling styles in a unique and comprehensive way. Her matches are usually structurally sound (something I feel was lacking in her singles performances previously; she’s found a good finisher to build around with the Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex). I like most of what he does in the ring. Hard hitting offense, joint manipulation, unorthodox submissions with unique transitions. She's also deceptively athletic (that triangle diving foot stomp to the opponent standing on the apron; how she performs it which such precision never ceases to amaze).
Her Red Belt title win (5/4) and her defenses against Konami (6/9), Momo (7/24), and Utami (8/10) are amongst my best bouts of the year.
lmfao this nigga boolin
she's got le-egs
Holy shit she’s a midget!
Alright maybe you're not such a bad guy as /oedo/ makes you out to be. Glad you aren't one of the mindless Bea haters.
Also fuck konami.
Bea fucking sucks
Go back to Plebbit you spoon feed needing pizza shit
He likes talking to himself
I think what were missing in this is that along with the separated shoulder is that she tore 3 ligaments as well. A lot more damage than originally thought. I hope her recovery goes well.
To follow up on Here is a collection of 1,807 photos from osaretai315. Most of them are from 2019, and the batch downloader wouldn't go back further to see what else there was.
He only attends Stardom and has a focus on STARS/Stardom Idols, particularly Big Saya.
Resolution is pretty good and there are some neat shots, but since this is so large I'll be posting a few from it as previews to follow.
Tam has the best suplexes in the company, fight me
and that's it
i don't do these often because it results in quantity>quality situations
Mayu quit
Based loud Boomer
You just know the person who typed this has pronouns and #mikaallbelts in their twitter bio.
Does Nao have the best bum in Japan?
Long may she reign as the Red Belt champion.
>he's talking to himself again
go outside you fucker
Neat style, but Hazuki's pants look a little weird. Should have left the shine off the windows.
Oedo Diet #15
Maybe. But Utami has a nice dumper.
so bullseyed it triggered
Maho is X
Shouting man is based.
Korokuen Hall 5 star GP final:
1. Riho/Starlight Adult/Chin Golem vs Azumi/Leo/Hina vs Konami/Rina/Tall Saya in a 3 way trios match
2. Sumire vs Avary
3. Tam vs Saki
4. Hana vs Hazuki
5. Mayu vs Moomoo
6. Miyagi vs Natsuko
7. Arisa vs Kagetsu
8. Bee vs Jamie
9. Red block winner vs Blue block winner finals
the best joshi couple
because The Best Friends are not really too much of a thing anymore
Kagetsu's face - "I get to eat a different kind of cake later"
An-Chan needs to show off her legs more.
That piss break semi main, good job rossy
>tfw a fresh Hana demolishes the other finalist with her Tiger Lily in less than a minute
>That piss break semi main, good job rossy
That piss break will decide if Konami goes to the finals or not.
The only 2 who can meet her in the finals are Konami or Jamie. And Konami will be even fresher since she's with the kids and rookies. Just as planned. Her 5d chess skills are 100%.
this really should be with the caption
>if you only knew how bad it really was
>fuckin qq
Shamelessly stolen from plebbit.
The winner of the Blue Stars will be :
Konami if Bea beats Jamie during the Korakuen Hall show
Jamie Hayter if Bea doesn't win (Loss or draw) against Jamie
The winner of the Red Stars will be :
Mayu Iwatani if : She beats Momo and Hazuki doesn't win (Loss or draw) against Hana
Momo Watanabe if : She beats Mayu, Tam doesn't win (Loss or draw) against Saki and Hazuki vs Hana goes to a draw
Tam Nakano if : She beats Saki and, Mayu and Hana don't win (Loss or draw) their match
Hana Kimura if : She beats Hazuki and Mayu doesn't win (Loss or draw) against Momo
Hazuki if : She beats Hana and Tam doesn't win (Loss or draw) against Saki
Pretty sad Kagetsu vs Arisa isn't relevant. I'm sure it will still be good, but would be better with stakes to create drama.
blue stars is hopeless, what went wrong
This year's cake doesn't have /oedo/ OC on it. what a downgrade
This means one of these 4 are winning, right?
>the chad konami vs the virgin momo
>tam and arisa went to the museum
>kyona went bar hopping
>konami held down the hotel bed
rare andras forgetting to not be a qt 3.14
natsuko should be fatter
starlight T H I C C
Based translator.
They should hire this guy and fire Sonny
How dare you pit the lovely wonderful Momo and /Kon/ami against eachother.
Is the birth of Oedo Tai they're celebrating or someone elses? I believe Hazuki's is a week or so away and Kagetsu's paased already.
I'm sorry I left /kon/ hanging that there, but my bank account didn't have as many Konamibucks available as I thought so I could treat her to a fun night out.
The thing is.
And it was Momo by the way.
They both say congratulations Hazuki-chan.
Can someone send a note to the Pope so he can start the sainthood process for translate-user.
Probably getting a jump on her birthday festivities. Especially if it falls on a show day.
"fuck QQ" - konami
Do you really think that decision hasn't weighted heavily on wonderful Momo's heart since it happened? Just getting them to sit down together is progress.
Momo sold her heart to make room for more stomach
I hope a visit with good friends picks up Jungle's spirits as she recovers.
the only time Moomoo has sold anything
Nah, I can't rip on her for her selling. It can be inconsistent but that's a problem with many and it still doesn't take you out of the match.
I can rip on her for buying Azumi candy from America and then eating it before she arrived home.
Momo the only one who dressed up for TV, that is why she is the Ace.
lmfao true
Anyone have a MEGA link to the Costume Battle Royale?
who is girl on left?
for real? didn't look like based SHOUTO
Thanks whoever just bumped the thread, can't see your post because it contains numerous words known to be common on wordpress blogs that get 4 viewers a week including search engines.
Here is a Konami
sup /kon/?
Shinkiba (9/8). Seeing Riho perform in a singles match capacity in a Stardom ring feels surreal. This was her first singles match in the promotion; against the low ranking Leo Onozaki (who has physically bulked up recently). Riho does an aggressive, veteran workover. Leo makes her small but explosive comebacks. Short and simple match elevated by Riho’s in-ring presence. ***1/4 Good match from Kyona and Kagetsu, with callbacks to the previous matches in the feud, and dueling limbwork. ***1/2 There's strong action in Mayu-Hazuki because the two have great chemistry (despite not meeting in singles matches often). It doesn't come close to their match from last year, but it was enjoyable. ***1/2
Thanks whoever just bumped the thread, can't see your post because it contains numerous words known to be posted by a "lifelong fan" of Japanese wrestling that had to use Bing translate to (rudely) ask Sumire a question.
These digits are my chance of escaping the Triangle Lancer.
I had an associate of mine who is fluent in Japanese and has lived in Japan for many years translate the question I asked Sumire for me. I didn't know how the question was worded or what the tone was because I do not speak Japanese. If it was rude, I apologize deeply. It must have been a prank for him to word it in that way with me being totally oblivious.
I'll give you a hint, ベストボート is not even used within wrestling press or even within sports culture at large so she automatically knew you were a retarded dekinai.
Maybe the 25 hours per week you spend curating your useless reviews could go towards something productive.
You know people can type what you wrote into google translate and see for themselves that it's exactly the same, right? And that some people in this general actually bothered to learn Japanese?
Most importantly you have no friends, let alone Japanese friends
I think you meant "ベストバウト", because that's what was written in the question. And it certainly is terminology that is used in combat sports media in Japan.
>Projecting this hard
>ignoring the other two reasons you're lying through your teeth again to focus on the gratuitous insult
At any rate, I got the answer to the question I was looking for, and she didn't seem to take issue with how it was worded since she responded in the first place.
How about you stop being petty little bitches over trivial things?
Look, see? the term was considered so unclear that the search engine offered to ask if I meant boat.
You disgust me. You ape on and on, through wrestling threads for 5 fucking years at least, about how you love joshi and you love Japanese hobbies and you wank it to only Japanese porn stars but not only do you fail to learn KANA within that period but you have nothing to show to this entire world but 3-4 paragraphs about matches you never saw, involving people you don't know, referencing classics you saw on Youtube.
All the while you've integrated new aspects into your psychosis, such as stalking and harassing both athletes and the people here, accusing them of various political leanings and even trying to doxx them because they call you out on the retard you are.
What a sad fuck. Now you're backpedalling and being the wimpy victim. Go eat a gun.
What athletes did he stalk/harass?
the list of joshi he hasn't is probably shorter at this point
>>accusing them of various political leanings
I retract this, it has only been one, it's "i'm totally not puro twitter or a secret tranny" agua calling people Nazi scum unironically and unprovoked
cute chubby
>I retract this, it has only been one
Don't you remember when he was calling everyone who disapproved of child modeling an SJW
Right, and that became hilarious when I found out Natsumi Maki was a child bikini model before wrestling. Because now I know why it was the favorite choice for mr. avatarfag
My beautiful but mysterious girlfriend Andras.
I'm sorry that you are not familiar with Japanese combat sports media parlance. Parlance that has been adopted by professional wrestling and kakutogi groups. Maybe you should read more. I like Japanese pro-wrestling. Any other aspect of Japanese culture that I enjoy is entirely incidental. The rest of your post is denial, lies and outright projection.
thanks whoever posted that dupe finder program last thread, I found out my total collection of cheeks is less than 50 after all
Kek, i read that in jesse venturas voice
Arisa and Maho (old zombie from tjpw) are the known ones
One month until TCS theme finally makes it to CD, almost 6 months after its first usage.
what happen to stardom thread?
did it fall off the catalog? I don't really look at other threads
TCS photobook. Buying the moment it becomes available.
Went over bump limit and no one made a new one.
Wonder if the other units get one too. Also, I like Mayu's new costume.
Bro, you worked yourself into an absolute ベストボート shoot brother. Take a voyage bro.
I'd like to take a voyage into Yamaguchi Nao's bra
Is she talking about her trip to the UK?
She's talking about agua messaging her
imagine giving Hana some molly and fucking her sweaty ass in a bathroom stall
what did they say to our dear sumire?
hana rocks those knee high boots
lewd /kon/
kyona really got herself a handful at the 1:00 mark
you think they?
Konami got fat.
Sumire reminds me os Asia Carrera here.
Wow. I wish that was me.
holy fucking yum!
when did konami get so thicc
my penis is hard send help
Why would you want to be momo?
Obesity can be fixed with diet and exercise. There's no cure for not having Sumire grinding on your face.
Savour it, for one day you will no longer be a coomer.
bushmaster is that you?
The TCS theme makes me feel like getting drugged and abused by TCS for a night while the theme plays loudly on repeat would be a great experience.
How do you guys watch this staged shit? What's the appeal?
cute grills
Kyona working the crowd with the cheek finger lift
Hana grabbed Kyona's thigh first.
I-I need those toes in my fucking mouth, NOW
I want to eat $45 of KFC with Konami
>komonkey in fishnets
I want to be the meat in their sandwich.
I want to eat $20 worth of Sbarro with Hana.
thread needs konami ass.
What about Konami pit?
do you think sumire would slap me if I asked her nicely?
Replace asked her nicely with pay her and sure.
what else would she do if I paid her?
what a fuckin pro
I don't know what to feel about Konami in a bra, she always seemed like a kicking machine without a clue of what lewdness was, especially her awkward gravure.
Yet here she is in fishnets trying her best. It's a quandary for the mind.
Seems she has become way more comfortable this year. When she first started she was a complete enigma.
this lmfaoooo
so is there footage of jamie injuring kyona
based Kon shooting on her uncomfortable gravure
Did /stardom/ died?
konami would bep pretty hot if it wasnt for her huge ass potato head
And her eyes too close together
And her weird shoulder growth
And her dachsund legs
And her no ass or tits but still fat
She seems to be enjoying the teppanyaki and udon over there.
we call those charm points
damn right, she's lookin real thicc
So what's the verdict? Are seals still our animal or is it time to all grab clubs and become Canadian.
Rather lick her pits
Jamie needs a photo book.
I had proper ramen for the first time today. I didn't eat the softboiled egg, and the chef asked if it was improperly cooked. I said I just didn't want it because I don't eat egg, but really it was being saved for my girlfriend Tora Natsuko!
Depends, was it Jamie doing the rotation there that made her land on the shoulder joint?
If so, I'm going to temporarily rename "jamie hayter as a seal" to "jamie hayter is not a seal" as a cruel indictment
lets be honest here the only flawless woman in stardom is jamie
Different angle from the match which is up now.
even if I put aside my yellow fever, doubt.jpg
i have terminal yellow fever yet i can still recognize jamies immaculate beauty
God, that's a tough one. Obviously an accident but feels like a completely preventable one, yet Kyona already was injured coming into the match.
I think..
I will continue to support Jamie despite this unfortunate accident
I want to marry Konami and Jamie is a shitter
I'm neutral on the Jamie Question.
She can repent for her sins by not winning any more matches this tour
Our girls on SamuraTV. Watch Mayu in the background. She somehow manages to almost trip over twice just getting to her seat. I love that autist.
Mayu is speaking to the camera. Konami is speaking to the camera. Who is Hana speaking to?
It's an iffy call. Kyona got rather high for that and was at an angle going up. Jamie could've guided her down with her left hand to a degree, but maybe she was thinking Jungle was going to try and adjust herself and that's why she didn't try to help her on the way down.
Mayu a cute. Long hair really is best.
Wtf is “a cute”? Are you a fucking 12 year old with assbergers?
someone get this hotheat outta here
golem please do not attack the screaming woman, she will do things to you that make an Utami torture rack look like a comfy nap
mayu looks like a goblin
nice, lean n thin body
If this is what goblins look like, then goblins would be the race I pick every time to play as in an RPG.
Jamie needs a sex tape
you sick fuck
I don't blame anyone for it, but I especially wouldn't blame Jamie after seeing this. Chokeslams are completely on the shoulders (sorry) of the person taking the bump. Kyona jumped up at a bit of an angle which led to her landing directly on her already worn down shoulder. Normally this would be fine and the match would go on without skipping a beat, but since Kyona's shoulder was already injured going into this one she never stood a chance. No one is to blame here other, it's just an unfortunate wear and tear result.
she's reading the cue card
anyone have an hd pic collection of jamie
based Hana's based defensive arm grease worked against Mayu's ill-willed attack
Someone else has to make the next OP this time, they have a recent trend of hitting 310 during euro hours
Forgot my media attachment
can't wait for Azumi Tai
Hana's mom has got it goin' on
Yuzupon was so hot. And took to wrestling surprisingly well. Stardom's biggest draw was still her retirement show.
get a load of this mark
>no sound
>can still clearly see konami say 100%
i love her
based OC
>that mask is itchy
>how long do i have to hold my finger gun pose
>my feet hurt
tf bro? Mayu is the perfect woman
ok nevermind