So you're saying you want me to watch this wrestling thing with you tomorrow again? No fucking way, that was SO boring

>so you're saying you want me to watch this wrestling thing with you tomorrow again? No fucking way, that was SO boring

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ding-Dong Diddlyname?


idek who the fuck you are dumb white bitch. Gtfo out of my room

Stupid bitch, I don't care if you don't like it. We are going to watch WWE tomorrow. And if you ever mouth off to me again without my permission, I'll show you what I learned from watching Stone Cold

Why is there a white girl in my room? I've left that race behind. #BeigePower baby

Every 6/10 leg-spreader in town, I'll say this one's named Charity.

>don’t worry babe, we can watch new japan and see some 5 star matches

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Giulia Nassa

Why would I be courting a White thot in 2019?
They're nothing but problems.

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That’s 150% a tranny


>no adam’s apple
maybe not

>also user, i'm going out with a friend around 10pm
...oh Smackdown ends then so we could watch before you leave
>.....whatever....*walks away*

That’s cool. You do you tomorrow night, and I’ll watch SD! with my fellow E-Chads on Yea Forums.

She's right.

The state of that room

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Why can't these thots ever clean their fucking rooms?

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cause they don't need to, only autists look at how messy their rooms are.
I haven't noticed it. And you woudln't either, if you were a normal human.

>Giulia Nassa
she has a Bayley chin and no ass hard ass

I hate blondes. Go fuck jamal bitch. Take your wrestling bs also. Fuck that fake shit.

>hard ass
meant hard pass kek

I want to put a baby in her butt

Based retard

I want Him to put one in mine.

Why do you make these threads?
They're entirely pointless.

>Why do you make pointless threads on Yea Forums

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So you guys imagine girls being shitty to you? Don't you get enough of that irl?

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The go fuck off and watch Gilmore Girls or some shit, ya anorexic slag. My shites draw more pence than you.

I...I...t-told you I would provide y-you with the Molly if you watched with me

Imagine getting a girl to watch Raw for the first time and it was last night's episode.

if that's a 6/10 sign me up

There are a lot of female fans though, more so in AEW and NJPW

lmao fucking no. Well, maybe """""female"""""

I honestly see a lot at indie shows like Beyond

Hello Tyrone, if you're looking for the Kevin Nash threads, just check the catalog

Japanese chicks dig deathmatches

no you dumb dense stupid bitch
i want you to take your top off so i have a place to shoot my cum on

Imagine getting a girl to watch Raw for the first time and it's an episode from this decade.

would still fug