>so you're saying you want me to watch this wrestling thing with you tomorrow again? No fucking way, that was SO boring
So you're saying you want me to watch this wrestling thing with you tomorrow again? No fucking way, that was SO boring
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Ding-Dong Diddlyname?
idek who the fuck you are dumb white bitch. Gtfo out of my room
Stupid bitch, I don't care if you don't like it. We are going to watch WWE tomorrow. And if you ever mouth off to me again without my permission, I'll show you what I learned from watching Stone Cold
Why is there a white girl in my room? I've left that race behind. #BeigePower baby
Every 6/10 leg-spreader in town, I'll say this one's named Charity.
>don’t worry babe, we can watch new japan and see some 5 star matches
Giulia Nassa
Why would I be courting a White thot in 2019?
They're nothing but problems.
That’s 150% a tranny
>no adam’s apple
maybe not
>also user, i'm going out with a friend around 10pm
...oh Smackdown ends then so we could watch before you leave
>.....whatever....*walks away*
That’s cool. You do you tomorrow night, and I’ll watch SD! with my fellow E-Chads on Yea Forums.
She's right.
The state of that room
Why can't these thots ever clean their fucking rooms?
cause they don't need to, only autists look at how messy their rooms are.
I haven't noticed it. And you woudln't either, if you were a normal human.
>Giulia Nassa
she has a Bayley chin and no ass hard ass
I hate blondes. Go fuck jamal bitch. Take your wrestling bs also. Fuck that fake shit.
>hard ass
meant hard pass kek
I want to put a baby in her butt
Based retard
I want Him to put one in mine.
Why do you make these threads?
They're entirely pointless.
>Why do you make pointless threads on Yea Forums
So you guys imagine girls being shitty to you? Don't you get enough of that irl?
The go fuck off and watch Gilmore Girls or some shit, ya anorexic slag. My shites draw more pence than you.
I...I...t-told you I would provide y-you with the Molly if you watched with me
Imagine getting a girl to watch Raw for the first time and it was last night's episode.
if that's a 6/10 sign me up
There are a lot of female fans though, more so in AEW and NJPW
lmao fucking no. Well, maybe """""female"""""
I honestly see a lot at indie shows like Beyond
Hello Tyrone, if you're looking for the Kevin Nash threads, just check the catalog
Japanese chicks dig deathmatches
no you dumb dense stupid bitch
i want you to take your top off so i have a place to shoot my cum on
Imagine getting a girl to watch Raw for the first time and it's an episode from this decade.
would still fug