My evolution

>be me
>be 12
>mostly browse Ifunny, thinking everything on there is hilarious
>be 14
>hear about reddit, start browsing it
>think some of it is funny
>it becomes my main source of comedy
>ditch Ifunny
>be me like 2 months ago
>I work up the balls to browse Yea Forums
>think if I say the wrong thing I'll get hacked
>cautiously browse Yea Forums
>no humor
>mfw it's just porn
>so much porn
>even the ads
>still wade through the shit
>realize everyone's retarded like me
>post some retarded thing
>be me now
>go to a board that's not Yea Forums
>choose this one
>actually enjoy it

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Other urls found in this thread:



dubs lol

yw user :^)

checked blessed thread

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Not too different we are. It's just that it took too long for me to evolve past ifunny. Got a friend who still uses it tho.

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Poor lad. Just attempt to steer him to the path we've laid user. That's the best we can do


Your fortune: Godly Luck

Attached: psychadelic bury.gif (506x431, 510K)

>Enjoy the ban young fag.
>Lurk more

this thread
lacks some
like some serious
actually serious

Attached: whoa check those dubs.jpg (393x315, 61K)

what discord server is this?

Attached: around snacks never relax.jpg (251x245, 16K)



Excuse me, but who are you quoting?

He didn't actually confirm that he's still 14. Obviously he is, but technically it's possible that 4 years have passed since he started on Yea Forums, and he just didn't specify otherwise.

We hab guod times hear fren

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same lol

Same OP, same...

Are you me, OP? i had to double check if i didn't post this :-)

Pretty similar myself except I started using Reddit after Yea Forums

Only part I can relate to is the, Commenting and trying not to piss off a Hacker part :)

Wait I thought this was reddit r/SRS (shit reddit says)

Same OP. Still browse reddit a little bit, but i've been enjoying here.

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