Sasha is as good as Io incels

Sasha is as good as Io incels.

Attached: oW0jfDVzMrgxab9t.webm (480x480, 1.75M)

Maybe at promos.

The difference here is between Becky and Candice

Now show us how they run the ropes


now do one with suplexes

Do one with top rope moves

Cool but I want to have a threesome with them both.

>here's one (1) move, which is actually pretty basic, which they both can do. they must be completely equivalent!

let's see Io do this

Attached: Io who.webm (896x504, 2.58M)

Show us how they run the ropes, incel.

Sasha moonsaulting off the top of a shaky cage would be kino

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>becky has to hook her own arm under sasha's leg

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>botcha being good at anything

Lmao i want to see one like this with spear comparisons

Not as kino as Sasha tripping and falling off of a cage

Sasha's transitions to the Banks Statement have always been solid, especially for a women, but that's about it. Not that I give a fuck about wrestling ability because she actually has charisma and she's sex incarnate.

Sasha would die
But to be fair Sasha's HiaC with Charlotte was pretty good.

Would be the same thing

>has charisma
>sex incarnate

>not even being able to break a table
>pretty good

why is that so fucking sexy?

Look at how badly the horse locks the move. She completely forgets about Becky's arm after turning so Becky has to lock herself in the move like a retard. Also why the fuck she lifts Becky all the way up if the purpose of the move is to keep the opponent still while you apply pressure to break both jaw and back? It looks retarded and gives Becky even more room to free her arm and attack horse, which in turn makes Becky look even more shit because now she has to lock her arm behind one leg so it doesn't look like it's floating in the open. The fucking horse doesn't even bother jumping to apply force in the takedown to reduce Becky like Io did, she just waits until Becky falls because the script says so. Notice how both hands are not even properly linked and look weak as fuck.

tl;Dr: You just proved Sasha is really bad in comparison to an actual wrestler. Nice fucking job retard.

came here to post this


>Sasha is as good as Io incels.

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Fucking ownd

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>spent 15 minutes rehashing Carder killing Mankind, complete with the stretcher spot, except it was artificial as fuck and we were supposed to believe a gentle powerbomb from the side of the cell was a devastating as Carder just chucking Mick off the roof
>then the match itself was middling

Guess it wasn't as bad as Roman/Braun at least.

Io is so hot. I can't see this without getting hard.

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>Sasha is as good as Io incels.

Attached: 1568218522973.webm (640x640, 2.45M)


Sasha and her move looks like shit. I wouldn't be surprised if Io did move this to prove she is better than Sasha or to create a "rivalry." Sasha and Bayley were teasing a fight with the Air Pirates in NXT before WM, and then it never happened. I believe that they got punished for this appearance and then lost the belts. And the Air Pirates were broken up at the same too. If they weren't punished on purpose, then it was simply retarded booking that did it to them anyways. KEK Vince and his carny ways

how was she supposed to fall?

not on her head, that's for sure. Bayley lands ok. Sasha should land like Bayley I think. but she runs out of room and time for that. I'm not even sure who is at fault. It seems like they just needed to practice it more.

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Holy yik

They never do that move anymore

Thank you, based Regal

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I hope someone called him out on this!

that was after the suicide dive against Asuka

If Lo is allowed to do her promos in Japanese she would brutally destroy that horse.