Thoughts on Mabel?

Otherwise known as Viscera and Big Daddy V.

Attached: Mabel2.png (630x636, 427K)

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AKA The Nightmare on 92nd Street

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freakishly large human. couldn't work for shit.

I used to think viscera was spoopy when I was a kid


I liked Viscera

He was at his best with Mo and Oscar.

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Damn, Nash isn't even fighting back. He knows he's fucked.

He had some of the best entrance themes.
>I love you like Barney and not a horny orgy.

>his finisher was literally dry humping dudes asses


Sid's crossface?

>Its happening again.....

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Shit enough for Yea Forums to pretend he's based

One of my favorites growing up, I can admit he wasn't that great of a wrestler but he was under used.

If he had a good manager or a good tag team partner he could have done a lot more in his time in the company.

Too obese, shit in the ring and to top that all off he couldnt find one good gimmick to stick with. He also kept injuring people he injured taker’s face and was too rough with nash’s back when he landed on top of him.

Unironically my fav as a kid cause I could relate to being the fattest guy around

>and was too rough with nash’s back when he landed on top of him.

Im not even meming he legit landed too hard on nash’s ass and nearly injured his back

Viscera vs Savio Vega was pure Kino

NAsh won the match in 1995. Try again new fag
Kwab: Kevin Was Always Based and shook of Mabel (who broke undertaker's orbital bone and injured Rikishi) botch and finished match unlike Sid when he snapped his peg leg in half or Deadie Cuckuerrero when he dislocated his elbow

what's this move called?

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Underrated Villain, unfairly blamed for Nash's reign.

I remember that one wrestling rumor that said that Shawn squealed on Mabel to Vince about his monstrous coke habit. Apparently the straw that broke the camel's back was seeing Viscera snorting a line off the limo hood.

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Oh my


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also known as Big Nigga

Based Notorious Biggie Smalls Langston.

Why didn't Nash finish this match then?

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Most of his entrance themes were rad as fuck

Do some research into quad tears and don't be such a simp to think the severity of everyone is the same. Nash rehabbed it and came bk an wrestled for another decade. Sid snapped his leg int two an never signed a deal with major promotion again. Cuckuerrero heart conked out in 05 and he never breathed again.

His career clearly never recovered because the only thing most people remember Nash for is not the nWo but tearing his quad by simply walking.

Mable was based as fuck.
there was a weird time in WWE when big black guys were getting these "Lover", "player", "swinger" , R&B gimmicks left and right.

Is that biggie smalls ?

No, King Mabel.