What do we do about leftist and roastie fragility?

What do we do about leftist and roastie fragility?

Attached: seething roastie.png (1080x2246, 350K)

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ignore it like everyone else is slowly starting to do

gas them

I give it 18 hours before WWE issues an apology

what's wrong with calling someone a beta cuck? Are people actually supportive of cucks now?

Why would women be complaining about this, they literally win from cuckoldry, they get a beta cuck to pay the bills and a big bulgarian cock to stretch their vag.

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No, she's mad that cuckoldry is being made fun of. It works in her favor for cuckoldry to become acceptable.


I'm extremely not okay with hearing those words spoken out loud.

is such a silly word that's only used by incels and it's funny too because if anybody offline ever used the word literally nobody would know what it meant, if you asked 1000 women they wouldn't even know.

and if you explained to them what it meant you'd literally get laughed to an early suicide.

Isn't this a literal cuckold storyline though? Like, Mike was actually cheated on by Maria?

Cuckoldry will never be normalized.

Imagine defending a woman cheating on her husband and thinking it’s not something to be shamed for


why ae wrestling fans so bitchy about everything? they used to be normal working class type

"Cuckold" has been the other name of "white liberal feminist male" for years, that's why they came up with "incel" to sort of counter it. An actual feminist male in their ideal image would gladly father another man's black kid, so them seeing on life tv Mike, the prototype of the white male democrat audience, being devastated left and right and acting like a chickenshit hurts their vision.

What the fuck is a roastie

A woman that fucked so many men her labia has been destroyed to the point it looks like roastbeef.

Hopefully you're right. I want them to keep shitting on cucks as hard as possible.

When did the change happened?

Here in mexico the lucha scene is still poor brown marks (racist, homophobic, xenophobic in an ignorant way) and the edgy smarks. Still feel like the late 90s

I’m coming to meheeco

Politically correct doesn't affect poc. If they started a slut chant for Stephanie or Mandy on RAW, the show would be stopped.

How is slut shaming a cheating wife bad?

>Here in mexico the lucha scene is still poor brown marks

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I don't understand what the outrage is about. Alpha and Beta has been used to describe men for fucking decades. The dude is being cucked by Rusev. So...what are you supposed to fucking call him? Strong? Male Feminist? Brave?


Same, keep shitposting in internet and dont let it spill in to real world. Cuck and Incels are just bad memes and words that dont mean anything since they both are spammed everywhere.

If WWE was smart they'd roll with this momentum. Here's your chance at your first real controversy in years. And actually having heat for a heel commentator among your nu-male audience. I swear they better not suddenly pussyfoot around this

Turns out those anti-suffrage fellas were right all along.

>Cuck and Incels are just bad memes and words that dont mean anything
Cuck does. A cuckold is someone that gets off on doing something retarded that will only destroy him.
Basically, a white male voting for the democrats.

why would they use latinx when they aren't talking about a gender? leftist cuck shit is weird as fuck

Its basically a normal insult at this point you mongrel. Its like me calling you an idiot, its just a fucking insult and a horrible one at this point.

Cuckshit has to be worse forced meme that stuck on some fucking beta shitters who should have killed themselves but got lucky that everything is a sexual kink now

This alpha chad gets it.

This beta cuck doesn't.

>slut shaming
So it's empowering for a woman to pursue about 15-20 minutes of awkward "pleasure" (assuming the man doesn't nut immediately), after wasting hours at some shitty bar to drink watered down drinks at double price? Just to make some dude waste hours and money on her for material gains that are flushed out in 8 hours. Not even to find a decent relationship that lasts for at least months. Just mindless sex. Fuck, it may as well be mutual masturbation at that point, all pleasure with no substance. No actual love, no emotional connection.

What the fuck is the point of being a slut anyway? Anything beyond 45 minutes is chaffing.

I know you are memeing so i dont really care.

If you pray to gg allin his spirit will bless the world with anti pc knowledge youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA_1SLcocj1kJGsI9ebV_gEg0GNYdKYVZ

Pretty well know that Corey is a /pol/cel retard that reiterates buzzwords from Yea Forums

where the fuck do you think you are

not a single peep when a female does it

Someone explain to me how "beta cuck" is slut shaming. Are women so vapid and narcissistic that they somehow make shaming the dude about shaming them?

Not /pol/? Those marks actually take this shit seriously.

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They take issue with the word "beta". They think shaming the cuck for having no issue with being cucked is awful.

This says a lot about our society.

It's because women don't have any agency.

That's actually a pretty profound observation when you strip away all the "4chanisms". Of course some leftist college millennial isn't going to even recognize the collapse of the nuclear family as a problem.

It's not slut shaming, nobody said it is, it's shaming men who accept shit like being unironic cuckolds, and they can't have that on worldwide tv.
Notice how it's a bunch of weak emasculated men on twitter that whined? They felt called out.

Attached: slut now wife later.jpg (640x1136, 151K)

cuck is a meme all over this website as is beta

>Hey these smaller shopping carts that are cheaper to produce are becoming more popular
>Must be the Jews taking over society
imagine having this though process

Beta is redundant, if you're a cuck you're automatically beta. That's like claiming you can be alpha and into pegging, it's not possible.

If you claim you're alpha, you're probably not.

Obviously, but the opposite of a masochist is not an alpha, just a sane person or a sadist.

sloppy job, mossad

Imagine if these people saw the big bad booty daddy


>these are the people that complain to the sponsors
>WWE always cucks to the sponsors
face it dronies WWE will never be good again as a publically traded company

make the switch

>Tfw I use these because its easier to maneuver around the store than a big cart
Wtf im a cuck

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AEW cucks even without the sponsors as they really believe LGBTQP bullshit

oh no no no he's so unathletic he can't handle a full size cart


>Searching on twitter for people that are mad at a line of WWE commentary so you can make an Yea Forums thread about
Damn nigga get a hobby

That is a hobby, bitch

Or maybe just shut your wh*te fucking mouth for once



>if anybody offline ever used the word literally nobody would know what it meant
That's the point dipshit

>and if you explained to them what it meant you'd literally get laughed to an early suicide.
Im more inclined to believe they would have a seething meltdown

How new are you?

When has WWE ever apologized?

Wrestling IS this loser's hobby. Think before you speak, faggot

not exactly true, because society evolves

but you are never going to see a luchador apologize for doing something in character


roasties and neckbeards getting worked by the HEEL announcer, average IQ level of humans is dropping fast boys

Hoes mad

Based Mexicans keeping traditional values alive, unlike beta bitch white liberal Americans

is such a silly word that's only used by cucks and roasties and it's funny too because if anybody offline ever used the word literally nobody would know what it meant, if you asked 1000 women they wouldn't even know.

and if you explained to them what it meant you'd literally get laughed to an early suicide.

Oh no the virgin is upset. Don't go shooting up any schools now.

Way to prove OPs point about leftist fragility ya beta cuck

based progressive chad
you should adopt a name
and we can form a stable
and BTFO the right-wing incels together
what do you say?

i seem to have struck a nerve. you're a very insecure person

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go back

go to your room son

go to your room son

reddit is a progressive chad board
for people who have sex
you are an incel
on a nazi image board
back to incel!

>Oh no the virgin is upset. Don't go shooting up any schools now.
Only if he wants to break a record for k:d

>mario comics
ohnononono liberal chuds like you are basically magatards, you will get the gulag like the other right wing non-comrades

every time i see one of these people they all have pink hair i swear


>dO BeTtEr
I wanna rape this faggot to death.

I'm going to rip your guts out

>Being anti-/pol/

>all caps
based seething leftist beta cuck

Shut up nigger calfer spook

Don't worry guys, Bix is so angry he will be waking up at 1 PM(one hour earlier than he usually does) and skipping his usual breakfast of 5 untoasted poptarts to write up a furious takedown of the WWE.


I'm anti leftist tho??? And not a beta cuck???

When a chick had her vag stretched out too much it's starting to look like an Arby's beef and cheddar from the overuse.

what do we do about nigger fragility bros?

Attached: crying niggers.png (1415x779, 1017K)

>t.beta cuck

>not carrying all your groceries in your hands like a goddamn man
Cucks, all of you

hang them


>them seeing on life tv Mike, the prototype of the white male democrat audience, being devastated left and right and acting like a chickenshit hurts their vision.
based wwe

Incels came up with incel tho.

Cry about it on Yea Forums, the cesspool of the internet, as they live normal lives and you die a poor virtue signaling Alt-Right faggot?

kek this leftist beta cuck is triggered to death by based OP
>implying NEET twitter roasties that do nothing but cry about toxic culture have normal lives
Nigger one of them is literally obese and has pink hair.

i assume you are a based progressive redditor from your spacing andhe content of your post
however you used the "f-word"
that is a slur for homosexuals
i know you want to btfo the alt-right incels
but we have to do better