Mfw I just realized he's going to be jobbed out to seff...

mfw I just realized he's going to be jobbed out to seff, just so they can add 'fiend-slayer' to his dumb forced nicknames

Attached: Bray-Wyatt-1140843.jpg (590x350, 29K)

Mfw this is absolutely what's going to happen or they just repeat what they did with bork

Attached: 1516019848161.jpg (485x592, 35K)

if Bray wasn't over at all he'd beat seth but because he's the most popular character right now they are going to fuck him up to teach the fans a lesson that they can't enjoy the WWE

>just realized
I see you haven't been watching wwe for long

>watching wwmeme consistently for years


I dunno. They haven't mentioned that he's a kingslayer in quite some time. Then again, I haven't watched the past few weeks, so maybe I'm wrong.

>thinking I have to watch to know how bad they book

lmfao I'm sorry for your mom that the retarded sperm won the race

>Swerves you and has the Fiend go over Seff so they can call him the "Tarp-slayer"

Attached: 54555.png (675x437, 400K)


King slayer, beast Slayer, monster slayer (Braun)

You forgot Nazi slayer

Stop watching that shit. Only way to make them listen

Relax he’s going over


BASED if you ask me fuck this eternal fat shitter i hope no one ever hires him and he dies a miserable death

going after a title so soon was a mistake. He should just be in blood feuds for a while

They’re fucked either way. Since it’s inside a Cell and for the title, they’re going to have the Fiend bumping and selling and hurt in only his second match. Also since it’s in a Cell, they can’t just have Finn DQ him. Cells do not work that way.

What they need is to repeat the Shawn/Taker match where Shawn just bumped like a madman for 20 minutes

>not knowing WWE 9d chess ability to have a no contest for anything

They'll have him explode another TV like they did with Dean in the cell

You underestimate WWEs ability to ignore their own rules. Look at how often refs count to 10 during no DQ matches forcing the announcers to remind the audience at home that the ref is retarded and countouts wont end the match.

>Bray getting jobbed out and another gimmick ruined
This has clearly never happened before.

>Cells do not work that way
Last year Braun and Roman went to a no-contest when Brock came out and fucked them both up.