So can someone explain why he wants to win a sports championship...

So can someone explain why he wants to win a sports championship? If they can't he's objectively a bad wrestling character.

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That's his name
>a person who is excessively fond of or addicted to something

But why does a demon want a sports championship?

Why does a demon want to be a professional wrestler? He can do his spoopy shit anywhere

That's exactly my point. It's a dumb as fuck gimmick

If he’s still a pseudo cult leader, being the face of the company helps him spread his message.
He makes more sense than Undertaker.

I'm guessing once he wins he's gonna discard the championship like it means nothing to him.

He exists within the wwe universe, to suggest he exists in our realm of reality is to suggest he doesnt exist within Kayfabe. its behind the 4 walls, you cant expect a rational non-fiction explanation.

because a championship is every wrestlers goal if demon or whatever

It would make it easier for him to spread his message/influence

So he can hurt people and get away with it. Still no reasoning behind going after the title other than taking the thing that means the most to a materialistic human.

Why does Cody wear Star Trek cosplay to a wrestling match?

He doesn't want it.

He just wants revenge on Seth for the 2017 burial

If this were some serious TV show with real writers and not noobs terrified by a senile octogenarian, Bray Wyatt wouldn't need that gimnick change in the first place.

But with "The Fiend" thing on air, this is how should be: Wyatt is a demon and wants to hurt anyone in his path. He is not satisfied just hurting phisically his opponents, and wants to steal from them everything they fight for: the belt.

In addition, he is a bad guy and should want to hurt the good, loved and aclaimed baby face, but Seth Rollins is the worst babyface ever and that just wouldn't work.

I thought it was mostly about beating up Seth or Braun with the title just being something that's there

>Why doesnt wrestling make sense
Youre never gonna make it, kiddo

Bray wants the title because Bray is a wrestler. He's using his SUPERNATURAL strength as the FIEND to win it. Simple.

This shit is too soon to have him get the belt. Either outcome is the worst one.

it's a kid's show

Why did Taker want a belt? He came for souls. No one cares about this sporty bullshit unless you are a top carder. Bray is still Bray. Jobber to the Stars who gets pity title runs and that's it

The Fiend isn't a demon though. It's just Bray channelling his fear, rage and pain into a new persona.

Prior to the Funhouse reveal, Bray's twitter was full of Doctor/Psychiatrist reports describing Bray's current mental trauma and psychosis. The Funhouse only exists in Bray's mind. It's a safe space where all the different parts of Bray's personality can help him. The Fiend is nothing but the bad stuff that Bray feels and he's created this new identity to hide behind. The Fiend isn't a literal Demon, he's all of Bray's inner demons.

As to why he wants a title, the answer is simple; Bray is using The Fiend to get revenge on people who "wronged him" in his previous run. Braun abandoned him and Seth was part of the Shield and they had a solo feud. It's less a case of him wanting the belt, and more that he wants to punish Seth by taking something from him.

Taker wanted the belt and was a top guy user. They never said why. However he was always over even in his "freak show" era fighting big guys in hoss epics and not chasing the belt.
Scary guys don't need to chase the belt they need to terrorize the top guys

But until he cuts a fucking promo that makes sense and gets that over - preferably as Mr Rogers, it's basically just Evolution. A Mysteryyyyyyy

he never said he wanted too, he just wants to beat the champion and if the end of that is him getting the belt, that's just how it is.

Frezia never needed a reason to destroy the universe, he just wanted to.