>Actually, I much prefer work rate as opposed to " gimmicks " and characters
Actually, I much prefer work rate as opposed to " gimmicks " and characters
So did you pay for his health care, Yea Forums?
>thinks it's okay to make offensive jokes
>gets mad when people make fat jokes
What did he mean by this?
Hopefully he dies soon now that he's getting exposed for the fat autist he is
Why did this guy stop with the angry fat man gimmick?
Stop having shit taste in fake fighting
>Actually, I much prefer cooming to divas as opposed to "work rate", womens "wrestling", "gimmicks" and characters
Why not both
>Why not both?
This kills the narrative. It's possible to have great characters who can work.
Kenny, Bryan and AJ being stirling examples.
Nigger you stoopid
>Kenny who's only character is that he works great matches has a great character
>doesn't list any great workers
>can't spell stirling
Because the thread was about preference not idealism.
>Kenny or AJ
>great characters
>Bryan or AJ
>great workers
His latest run of deranged overconfident anime nerd is great
Bryan is based
So this is what a meltdown looks like.
>anything that happens in AEW
His last run in NJPW was OKAY. Wouldn't say great.
Daniel Bryan
Bryan Danielson
The American Dragon
He's ding-dong diddly based
Never heard of him. What's his height?
i wanna slurp wrestler semen
Again, NAA.
Reeeeee my opinion about fake fighting is more correct than your opinion about fake fighting
>Stop calling out my shit taste
>stop pointing out that my opinion is an opinion and not fact
That doesn't matter