Would a gimmick about the struggles of being a white man in society get over?

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I think a gimmick where 50 dudes centipede stomp your phoneposting faggot ass would get over.

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We really need more batman villian tier gimmicks in wwe, the fiend is a start

Joaquin is Jewish

Jews are white

>Be white male
>Literally the most privileged people in human existence
>Find way to create victimhood for yourself based on your race because you suck as an individual

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t. poorfag

no, because wwe loves black men

There's no such thing as the struggles of being a white man
If you can't succeed as a straight white male then you are a straight up failure and there was never any hope for you

Wasn't Triple H that?

>there is no white struggle
Every shitskin, every (((white))) and many whites themselves wants to see whites go extinct, especially in the west.

Kinda of put that on yourself when you make everything about race and then shoot up everything in sight when things get even slightly uncomfortable for ya, huh whitey

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Whitoid absolutely boiling. I’m a hopeless case that’s riddled with anxiety and depression and it has nothing to do with me being white.

Ashkenazis are Khazar/Turks

God it would be a real shame to return the favor to whites for making so many ethnic groups go extinct or nearly extinct

Pseudoscience bullshit, also Caucasian regardless


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Internet less bro. Shitskins will always play the victim for gibs, however their alleged plight falls on deaf ears. Yes politicians will pander to them for votes, but normies will vote against. People are inherently selfish, best think you can do is work hard, work harder on yourself, and never take anything for granted.

It would take away your welfare and technological advances. You might want to rethink it and not ask for a global Africa situation

>Be the Michaels of races
>Give all the Janetties the rub
>They show no gratitude, try to big league us
>Cry when a super kick gets thrown their way every now and then to remind them of their spot on the card

>Be the Michaels of races
So a overrated egotistical asshole that had to suck cock to get his spot and never drew a single dime? pretty accurate since "whites" have only been relevant for the past 500 years and have to larp Egyptians, Roman and Greeks as white to have any relevance before hand

Senpai, not going extinct is quite the achievement desu. The world wasn't always as comfy

>Pseudoscience bullshit

Do they look Middle Eastern to you? Literally confirm it themselves

Also 'white' is not exclusive to Caucasian. Real 'whites' are indigenous to northern Europe

No, carrying the torch in the big leagues because your ceiling was mid card champions of the territorial days. You had nice little acts going but you just can't get over on the world stage.

White is a construct, only exists socially just as any race by color. Caucasian is the scientific definition of the "white" race. Levantines are as Caucasoid and any Euroshit

>you just can't get over on the world stage.
So who can? Asians? Blacks and spics are obviously eternal jobbers.

Khazars were kicked out by the Russian monarchy for their degenerate ways, converted to Judaism through Babylonian Talmudism, and migrated (mostly) to Eastern Europe little over a thousand years ago. This is fact you dumb goy

So actual black people aren't black? It's just a construct?

White people are the only main eventers.


Kek what a fucking dumbass

Therye negroids with varying shades of skin tones just like most Caucasians are not literally white, most are more olive in complexion

Go to bed nordicist retard incel

computers cost more than phones though

Right so they are different races

You as some average white no body have nothing to do with any of that, literally zero achievement or input. I have nothing against high achieving whites sticking around but thats like 1% of the white population. White trash like you got to go, youre nothing but trouble

>no rebuttal

Typical. KEK

Yes but it isnt based on level of melanin, genius

I refuse to argue with mental midgets that get their "facts" off /pol/

why don't ya fuck off back to /woo/ then

White men earned their privilege though. We created society. Notice how it's all gone to shit since we started trying to share it around with cunts, niggers, faggots etc?

Look at shit holes like Africa and the middle east if you want to know what other races can come up with when left to their own devices. Why should we treat shit skins and mudslimes equally when they have shown themselves not to be?

Civilization as we know it was created in the Mediterranean while whitey was swinging from trees and sacrificing children to Odin, youre just as much a beneficiary from something you didnt create as any nonwhite. If anything whites fucked it up for the sake of comfort with cars, cellphones and other shit that has done nothing but pollute and destroy the atmosphere putting us on a trajectory to extinction as a specie

>Civilization as we know it was created in the Mediterranean while whitey was swinging from trees and sacrificing children to Odin,
Correct, keyword "was".

>youre just as much a beneficiary from something you didn't create as any nonwhite.
Incorrect, during the past 1000 years almost every technological advancement has come from the English, German or French. Non-whites (niggers, spics, arabs, etc.) haven't contributed shit to the world except overpopulation, starvation, crime rates, lower living standards and aids.

>If anything whites fucked it up for the sake of comfort with cars, cellphones and other shit that has done nothing but pollute and destroy the atmosphere putting us on a trajectory to extinction as a specie
Global warming is a hoax, you fucking tard.

>White is a construct, only exists socially just as any race by color.
Imagine being this fucking retarded.

Dogs and wolves are genetically closer than whites and niggers.

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1000 years? try closer to 500 and every white nigger from Irish to Slavshit tries to larp accomplishments from those few European ethnic groups that have achieved

>we created
You didn't create anything incel subhuman.

>You as some average white no body have nothing to do with any of that, literally zero achievement or input.
The average white man pays a higher tax rate then they consume in welfare and is the whole reason why the system can remain afloat.

>I have nothing against high achieving whites sticking around but thats like 1% of the white population. White trash like you got to go, youre nothing but trouble
Low end white trash blue collar workers unironically offer more value to society then %78 percent of niggers and %46 of spics.

Lurk more, you reddit browsing newfag.

>We created society.
>Still lives with parents

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>1000 years? try closer to 500 and every white nigger from Irish to Slavshit tries to larp accomplishments from those few European ethnic groups that have achieved
Nope, 1000 years, the Islamic golden age never happened and the dark ages lead to some of the most important technological advancements in history.

>every white nigger from Irish to Slavshit tries to larp accomplishments from those few European ethnic groups that have achieved
Irish niggers and slavishits have contributed way more to society than shitskins like yourself ever had.

Imagine biting the hand that feeds.

>Low end white trash blue collar workers unironically offer more value to society then %78 percent of niggers and %46 of spics
White trash cant score touchdowns or give me cheap labor, sorry bucko

Holy revisionist history retard

Go back

>It happened I swear.

>White trash cant score touchdowns or give me cheap labor, sorry bucko
You have to go back, pedro.

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>reddit spacing
>cuck posting
wew lad

>Be average white Amerilard
>Account for 40% welfare receipts
>75% of pedos
>60% of all violent crime
>85% of domestic terrorist
>81% of all racially and religiously motivated crimes
>60% of rapists
>Be only 56% of population, 27% when white females removed
And white crime is under reported and under charged

literally fake news

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t. butthurt white guy

>He has to post fake stats.
[citation needed]

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>Its only ok when we do it with fake infographs

they like to use wetbacks to pad the numbers.. sad!

...Except ours aren't fake.
>TFW God hates niggers.

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