This Weekend, a Frogposter hacked my're [s4s] account. He stole my personal info, and even worse, he deleted my precious Memefolder. My wife left as soon as she found out about this, and without memes my kids refuse to talk to me anymore Now this is not a plea for pity, i'm just stating a malady that has been sneaking around this Board for far too long: FROGPOSTERS. vile creatures so unimaginative they post pictures that went stale five years ago, Why are they still tolerated?? Do you want this board to become another /r9k/?? ? H*ck no, of course not!
That is why i demand: BAN ALL FROGPOSTER!! no mercy for Pepes or their derivatives, including apu (helper)!!
peoplel need to realize that apuposting is a gateway to frogposting /r9k/ figs that accidentally land on this board will see apu posted here, and they'll bring their rare pepe collection with them. Zero tolerance for frogposters!