[s4s] isn't nice board

all anyone does here is keep careful track of their multiple simultaneous personal grudges and sugarcoat them with very polite language

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your mom is nice board

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Cow tools



thats the only way 2 do it tbqh bro fam

way better than starting cringe flame war with them and way better than pretending to like them since thats disrespectfl and dishonest

rly this sort of thing happens on any internet forum that is small enough for all of its usual members to recognize each other

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Cow tools

No its not

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the only way to do what? to engage with a website where you hate everyone there and everyone there hates everyone else there?
because if that's what you mean, i absolutely agree, this is the best way to do it. but the thing is, OR, you know, we could just get along.
granted, i understand that you can't just choose to get along with people you already hate, but if those people would also choose to just get along in the first place, you would never have an opportunity to hate them.
that's what a true nice board would be.

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even yuji sakai is a totally washed-up nostalgia act now sigh . . . .

i personally only comehere to be surounded by things i hate idk why it must be a habit sort of thing

> we could just get along.
HAHAHAHAHAA dude. no group of 20+ people in all of history has ever had it where everyone got along completely fine. like its inevitable that people form cliques and friends and theres always that >PERSON that you cant stand. like cmon on s4s a good deal of the namefigs are unironic pedos you really think the nonpedos want to be all friendly and shiggydiggy with them? cmon bruh

like to be blunt stop dreaming and grow up thats a fantasy land sort of thing. getting people to sugarcoat their distaste with others with memes and jokes is the most you could ever ask for and u r dum idot for thinking it can get any beter than thes

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On the surface, it seems like this is the nicest board. But actually, while this may be the least rude board, it's also the least nice. Other boards may be so rough around the edges that they're downright crass -- so insensitive they're outright nasty -- etc -- but at least they're human. If, in spite of everything, you show them a little respect, they'll begrudgingly show you "respect" in return. This place has turned that "respect," which was already lackluster, into a complete joke. People post cute anime at each other, hug each other, wish each other well, all until anyone says anything slightly less than ebin. And then -- even if what you said wasn't even anything short of nice, even if it was purely nice as can be but still just not "cool" enough -- suddenly, everyone just points and laughs, everyone preserves the info for posterity, and whenever they recognize you again even just by your typing style, they take the opportunity to point and laugh again. It's sickening.

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>HAHAHAHAHAA dude. no group of 20+ people in all of history has ever had it where everyone got along completely fine. like its inevitable that people form cliques and friends and theres always that >PERSON that you cant stand. like cmon on s4s a good deal of the namefigs are unironic pedos you really think the nonpedos want to be all friendly and shiggydiggy with them? cmon bruh
It has nothing to do with pedos, A) i agree that's a valid reason to hate someone but B) even that being the case, around here it's nothing but a talking point. It's just hate for the sake of hate, and it's not "always that person that you can't stand," it's everyone against everyone, at all times, for any reason anyone can grasp at, with no bonds or genuine kindness in-between. That's not "inevitable." It doesn't have to be like that. No one has to be that spiteful.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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i dond thing sso.... dis is nice board! ids alot easier tto forgib ann forget ann try tto hlelp eachudder insted ob b r*de! beign nice hlelp'd me out ob da hole i wuz in sometiem aggo... life is alot easier ann butter nowe! nice is wut saeb'd my life

ids nod harde tto b nice... beliebing in ur frens is coole!

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my account has been kidnapped by a dumb frogposter >:(

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u shud call 911

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this is why u shouldnt trust niceposters

they try to pretend they dont have opinions +that they dont have a rude bone in their entire body but that is always wrong. + dishonest

it does have to be lik this and its always been like this for all time. its HUBRIS to think you can have something bettr. like you can be sad about it or strive for that dream, but like ur gonna have to make ur peace with that reality sooner or later

i am being nice idiot lololol

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i did but it appears they don't really care about the namefig business

I don't disagree with you in general, but you're in the wrong place. Unironically go back to and frankly I'll follow you there on your way out. For all its flaws, at least people there are actually genuinely civil to each other, instead of the fake niceness permeating this place, that you yourself unintentionally exacerbate by trying to enforce real niceness in a community that can't comprehend it.

>its HUBRIS to think you can have something bettr
but i've seen better things. i've had genuine bonds with communities i've met online. you know how i know they were genuine? because i've tuned in to phone conversations with them where i could hear their tone of voice, and we supported each other, and i've literally heard them make each other cry tears of joy and relief before by trying to be there when they needed each other, and i was there to hear them cry, i know it was real -- and i've been the instigator. and also, we've exchanged photos, and played vidya late at night, and texted people who were missing for a long time to make sure they were ok.

do you know where a community like that was able to exist on the internet? a mental illness forum.

this place is worse than a mental illness forum. how does that make you feel.

le mentlely lel boarde

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whatever nerd

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dats nod nice dough. bcuz life rly is nice ann happye. peoplel cam get alogn wid eachudder
nod beliebing is somethink dat maeks life alot harder den id actulely is! ann tlellign peoplel tto nod beliebe in nice is rly mean tto...
rite, dat maeks cents... u shud call da FBI den!!! FBI!!!! F!!!! BI!!!!!!11
i neber caem ffrom reddit dough.... also dere is genuinlely nice peoplel here! jus cuz some peoplel here r r*de dat doesnd mean u shud led dem bother u or drag u dowm... dat doesnd mean, uno.... dere nod peoplels... ann...! uno~ UNO! i dond nno wut u mean by fake niceness.... i'v talk'd tto peoplel here... dey rly r nice... i suppose... some peoplel dond rly mean some thinks or jus lie.... some ob da peoplel here cam b rly terriblel... but dats nno excuse tto stop tryign.... i lib tto support my frens here.... i wanna get butter. i wanna ddo butter! i wanna hlelp my frens ddo butter tto...
da saem thinks happen'd on [s4s] dough.... i wuz dere tto... ann da saem thinks stlell happeny, jus in pribates.... im sorrye deres sso muche r*de latelely fren... but i rly dond thing.... u shud b put dowm by dem.... eben if ebery1 aroudn u is try-y tto b horriblel... ann wann u tto b sade or miserablel... i thing id hlelps alot tto nod buy intto id ann insist on nice insted... if id doesnd maek cents u dond hab tto buy intto id. ann im rly glade ur nod doign dat... u cam hlelp peoplel insted.... u cam grow ann inspier niceness insted.... real niceness! ids nod impossiblel.... i thing [s4s] is rly speclel ann im rly try-y.... tto contribute moar tto id by improbing myslelf... dond b discourage fren! life is happy ann nice...

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To be tbh, the only genuinely nice people i've ever seen here were you, yuiposter, 7575, some anons sometimes (rarely), and catfish (but he's more of the crass / mean on the outside + sweet chewy center type, like i was saying a lot of the rest of Yea Forums is). hadzuki & um ummmm uhh um was git their name????also seem nice but i haven't heard enough from them to know. Yuji Sakai is also genuinely nice but only for lack of ever being mean OR nice, and that's just because Yuji Sakai isn't even a person, just a name people put on to meme.

im betting this forum was even smaller than [s4s] and also heavily moderated so that trolls and rude posts weren't allowed anywhere near it

Yea Forums is a completely different beast where base human nature rules rather than everyone being forced into being polite. is human nature to feel anger towards people + there is nothign wrong with that so its no wonder you are seeing this here and not on ur other forum

>how does that make you feel.
not bad at all lmao. theres no shame here so stop trying to make me feel any

also s4s is a mentally ill forum aswell

i am giving user a completely civil and reasonable discussion of his opinions. nobody could be nicer in this situation and u r gay fag for asking more of me. like honestyl dude youre basically saying im rude for having a disagreeing opinion go away fartface

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id doesnd rly matter how many peoplel r genuinlely nice i thing.... weather ids da hole board or jus 1 or 2 frens.... i thing dats encouragy enuff...

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*mentlely lel
life is happy ann nice!

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oh look antoehr person who only thinks people who largely agree with their wordlview are nice

nice posters r so judgemental and finicky of who gets to be told they r nice

like its kinda rude of them

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>is human nature to feel anger towards people + there is nothign wrong with that so its no wonder you are seeing this here and not on ur other forum
It's not human nature to feel literally nothing but anger toward anyone else on the board, total apathy toward everyone you don't feel anger toward, and nothing positive under any circumstances except for lust, vindication, and schadenfreude. That's a disease. This board is diseased. More diseased than the mental illness forum I came here from.
Yes you're right, no matter how many it is, if you have genuine frens here then more power to you and i can absolutely respect that being enough for you. But it's not enough for me, because I'm sick. I am not in adequate psychological condition to be putting up with a place where one or two people are rays of sunshine, and everyone else tries to drag everyone down at every opportunity, without a single discernible reason, yet no shortage of empty excuses to take the place of one. So that's why i'll be leaving.

It's not a worldview thing, just a matter of the fact that I've never seen any of these people behave in an unkind manner toward others. Of course I can't know for sure that they're genuinely nice, no one can truly know that except their own selves, but it's close enough for me to temporarily concede they may be genuine for the purpose of argument.

holy shit dude, im probably one of the most judgemental people on this board and even i have a higher opinion of most people on this board than u

and u call me the rude one leol

pls stop looky ffor excuses tto b r*de....
dubs! wooh!
pls dond leabe fren............. but i dond wan u hurty.... fren pls dond ggo!!! ahhhh im sorrye....... hmmmmmm............... guhhhhhhhhhh .....................................................................................................................................................................................eyuhhhhhh................ pls check in sometiems ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [s4s] mite nod b at ids hottest rite nowe but i promise id wlell b...

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this is bologna board

hote Yea Forums...

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

keep calm and go meep falm

you're debating a troll for your fyi. no sane person thinks that open hatred is somehow good, like the imposter suggesting. still be careful with the niceposters here

most people on Yea Forums r like catfish but u dismiss everyone without a second thought anyways hmm makes me think

u should know perfectly well by now that im telling him my real opinion , even if it is rude. im not going out of my way to be cruel

like im not going to censor my opinions just because u get butthurt and judgemental over them

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>and u call me the rude one leol
but i didn't though.
in fact, given the interactions i've had with you, come to think of it, i haven't lost respect for you in the same way i've lost respect for so many people here.
i may not agree with you, and i may be pretty judgemental at this point, but you are certainly not being rude right now, nor do you seem so rude in general. frankly i appreciate your willingness to engage me in discourse without losing your cool.
ok, this kind of behavior, i'm not inclined to think of as genuine, but i think you're being less-than-genuine for genuinely nice motives, which is not that different from being genuinely nice i guess. i'm not trying to confront you about it or say you're wrong to act this way, i'm just stating my observations for the record so tomposter doesn't accuse me of giving you special treatment.
in fact -- though i think it's often on a different level -- no one here is wrong, per se, to act the way they do. just because i'm personally in no condition to put up with it, and don't feel it's the best way things could be, certainly doesn't mean it's wrong. the way so many people here behave, that's just one of many ways people often behave when they're hurting, and it's not my intention to judge people for how they behave when they're hurting.
anyway, yeah, i'll probably be back once in awhile. if only because i can't seem to stay away from the memes.

A frogposter took over my account
Pls help

how do you think im actualyl advocating for everyone to call each other a fuckass n-word all the time

did u actually read my posts

ive been saying this entire time that when u inevitably run into someone u dislike its far better to approach ur feelings in a more lighthearted jokey manner than cringe flame war

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>most people on Yea Forums r like catfish but u dismiss everyone without a second thought anyways hmm makes me think
no, you misunderstand. i'm dismissing most people on this board specifically -- on [s4s]. and it's not without a second thought, it's after spending just about a full year here deluding myself it was a nice place.

well hey thanks bro that actually means a lot. i do try to walk the line betwen being real and being a complete fuckass so i do like the validation there

and yes this is a genuinely interesting thing to talk about even though i dont like anyone elses opinions on it othre than mine hahahahahaahahahahahaha reeeee hahahahaaahaaha

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NOD LIEK DAT!!!!! >_<
dubs! wooh!
but ur beign r*de ffor real ann nod joeky or nice.... dats da kinda think dat maed me depressys... fren u dond hab tto b depressys or thing hurty is rite.... u cam b nice insted ann beliebe in da peoplel aroudn u insted ob try-y tto hurt or beliebing in mean thinks....
um.... (breaths)..... fren ddo we nno eachudder by the btw?

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well ig uess thats fair then

because your interpretation of "lighthearted jokey manner" could be "call each other a fuckass n-word". also what you do now is my interpretation of "cringe flame war"
but you're right I didn't read all you posts, those in my memory are enough

who was it who said "opinions are like assholes, everyoneh as one and they all stink" lole
yeah i used to post under a few different namefigs. every time, what would happen was, i'd use a namefig for awhile, try my best to be a niceposter, wind up doing some stupid cringy stuff and upset someone, stop posting under that namefig because no one on this board ever forgets, and then later out of whimsy i'd pick up a new namefig and it would start over. now i've stopped for good because it's just not worth it. i've already proven i can't behave myself around people, and if continuing to try means continuing to embarrass myself, i'd rather just not.

umm.......... id doesnd rly matter.
if some1 here's obsessy ober u dats on dem, nod u. dat s*cks dat ur thingy liek dat... dats nod wut [s4s] is about.... sheeeesh.... da qualelty ob [s4s] wlell improbe

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taek a bit ob a brake fren, dond worrye about id! life is happy ann nice. sippy lot ob water ann eat nice food ann exercise ann work 2wards ur long term goals dond worrye about id! [s4s] wlell get butter b4 uno id!

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wtf dont be depressed because of me
u cant let some rude dumbass on the internet make u sad
like idk dont take my posts so seriously because most of them r me trying to be retarded

question, do u sometimes use the namefig {.iv..}
or used to use it

and yeah tehre was one actual flame war-ish thing i got into with doremiposter like a week back or something but besides that i stay out of it

quad-damage nade up ur bum

nno... i mean awhiel aggo i wuz depressys. b4 i browse'd [s4s]! eberyday i wud browse Yea Forums ann b bitter ann horriblel tto peoplel bcuz i dint nno how tto b nice ann neber bother'd tto open my heart ann wuz a soullelss husk ob a peoplels ann dat got me rly depress'd ann maed me lolemost taek my own lief b4 i cry'd intto my mama's armse.... ann den i watch'd doremi ann after dat i foudn [s4s] ann nice-post'd ann eberythink naturlely got butter!
(reddit space)
when i wuz r*de ann insist'd on be-y r*de 2 ebery1 i wuz rly miserablel... dond b liek how i wuz, fren! try watchy doremi insted!

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>question, do u sometimes use the namefig {.iv..}
OP here, just wanted to clarify i am not the person you're asking this question. the person primarily engaging you in this debate and the person who told me i was "debating a troll" (presumably also the person you're asking this question) are different people
i know no one asked but i just wanted to clear up any possible confusion
>dats on dem, nod u.
i can't agree with this. it was largely on me. but the rest of what you said, i do appreciate.

friendly reminder that 80% of all internet users just lurk and don't post so there are probably a few hundred people just sitting and reading whatever this conversation is for literally no reason lmaooo

i mean... u dond hab tto b bother'd by dem is wut i meme fren... r u buttefren??? i love u fren...
yea! alot ob p poplar peoplel ddo id tto! ids supriseys!

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look dude im glad doremi made u happier but im not taking it on other people because i have a sad life. my life is fine its more that my opinions tend to be abrasive and there is nothin wrong w/ that. its realy nothin special for a guy to have cynical opinions tho im not sure id exactly describe my opinions as cynical

nah u good fam i wasnt thinking u were that guy

i only brought up that guy because he's always weirdly defensive with any sort of rudenesss towards doremiposter

which is cute i guess but still like cmon broh

*taking it out on other people

you're repeatedly crusading against namefigs and niceposting. What will turn this board into another Yea Forums, if you're successful. Tolerating each other is fake niceness according to you, and therefore rude. So what everyone should do is attacking what they don't like until it stops, what is actually nice (lole).
Niceposting is part of this board, get over it and no I don't use namefigs.
doremi has nothing to do with it

>r u buttefren???
lole idk who that is
might as well put it out there since i'm leaving anyway so there won't be an opportunity for anyone who gets on my case about it to get me down: i'm homo vore drawfig
n-e-way ilu2 and i hope u can stay happy here and to be tbh i hope everyone else who chooses to stay here can also be happy with it even if they are the kind of people who i was literally just complaining about because like i said i don't think it's wrong that they behave that way i just can't tolerate it anymore and that's my own issue not theirs

bum smeller either succeeded life hard enough that he doesn't care about the inter-net anymore or he failed life so hard that he DIED

>you're repeatedly crusading against namefigs
i mean yeah as a joke

like wtf im a namefig myself shouldnt it be obvious im being retarded as a joke

i really think u r seriously misunderstanding the bulk of my posts. like dont take them so seriously

>So what everyone should do is attacking what they don't like until it stops, what is actually nice (lole).
uhh????????????????? when have u seen me attack something i dont like until it stops

99% of the time i ignore it -___- idk what ur goin on about tbqh

did you think I was serious? LOLE!! LOLE!! LOLE!!
epic trolled LOLE!! LOLE!! LOLE!!!!!!!!!
>when have u seen me attack something i dont like until it stops
namefigs, doremi, niceposting (all of it in this thread)

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mayb u shud..... try watchy doremi anway. ids coole.
o i c. i love u fren!!! goo jaw nod letty haet intto ur heart dose r bury nice wishes... thinks wlell b butter i promise. i promise!!!!1 life is happy ann nice pls taek caer ob urslelf fren!!!!!

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wtf is wrong with u

1. most of my non-meta posts are me trying to be retarded so i thought maybe u got the wrong idea fro m that. now it seems u r the type of guy who litereally cant handle people disagreeing with them

2.how in the high fuck am i crusading against namefigs? ive never had a problem with namefigs and that should be abundantly obviously as i am one myself. honestly wtf dude

3. if u see my posts in this itt thread as attacks then u r a super butthurt baby. actually mean comment there but its true. people have disagreements, deal with it. im not actively trying to stop ppl from doing all that fake-nice posting where they have a weird fake conversation about how their day was and how much they love each other. since like i do that sometimes as well + its not really that offensive. as far as niceposting goes, iall ive been saying so far is that people should have zero illusions about it


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hoo dis

yuji sakai

literally God

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i think tomposter is a NIGGER ok thanks

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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A frogposter stole my're identity

wtf tomposter got #poopedon

dubs! wooh!
wlell i highlely reccomend id. ids da nicest amine eber... rly beautiflel stuffe.

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Of course I could mistake you for someone else, but I don't think I am. and it sounds like backpedaling right now.
If all you do is sh*t and giggles and not trying to chase people away, then I have no quarrel with you.

bros this isnt happening bros

thats it its over i cant believ ethis after all ive done for u which is nothing BROS HEL P ME BROS REEEEEEEEEEEE I FAILED LIFE I FAILED I FAILED FAILURE COMPLETE

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dond bully me or my frens pls

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you've simply got no choice, you'll have to resign immediately

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so im the one who's backpedaling because i corrected u when u built up some insane image of me in ur head. idot.

and like for chasing ppl away, i definitely want the lewdposters to leave tbh but i dont actuallylift a finger to try andget them to leave. + lets be real trying to getthem to leave would make them want to stay even moar since they r some spiteful fuckers

also btw u r hypocrite since u want the rude Yea Forumsposters to leave so technicall u r the one here trying to chase ppl away ha gottem

dont defend me against bullying
like appreciate the sentiment but no

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forgot quotation marks around "bulliyng" now i look like buthurd redard fug damn heck shit N WORD N WORD N WORD

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Haha you’re really calling it bullying lol? What are you? Some kind of butthurt retard soyboy? lole, looks like you ACTUALLY failed life lole.

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I FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


POPS PLEASE RIGHT ME OUT FO THE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!

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I don't often see the "niceposting is rude" argument, that's why I don't think that my image of you is insane and is in no need of your dishonest corrections. If you're the person I think you are, of course.
I also don't want anyone to leave. I want people to stop turning this board into Yea Forums.

idd nod harde tto b nice... u dond hab tto pretendy tto b r*de... u cud b nice ann sillye insted

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第17話「ハナちゃんのハイハイ健診」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi (640x480, 125K)

I was replaced by a frogposter

alright i'll be honest for the first time in this entire thread. im secretly running a discord dedicated to turning s4s into Yea Forums

want to join? we have cookies

Attached: 1557159163594.png (477x392, 186K)

do not steal my quaddamage up bum pineapple up ur ass


Attached: 1552517126463.png (400x343, 219K)

Why do you keep replying if what I'm saying isn't related to you?


are you trolling me

Attached: 1494844346955.jpg (320x265, 24K)

I would never do such a thing.

oh my god oh my god oh my god wtf wtf

Attached: 1557787127534.jpg (240x250, 6K)

le ballon..

Attached: ballon.png (532x935, 80K)

later I found le table

>ghost of fard balons past

Attached: awgwaegawefawefag.jpg (789x823, 96K)

dubs! wooh!
bury coole ballon fren. up tto da boat

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第35話「運動会でてっぺんをめざせ!」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 178K)

who r u quotey?

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.27.[640x480].[806484EA].v2.mkv_snapshot_05.38_[2017.07.31_10.30.58].jpg (640x480, 201K)

>who r u quotey

Attached: 1516419082826.png (379x389, 185K)

is tomposter having a stroke whats going on here

not me i'm not in any discords and i cant keep track of the namefigs i just post animes and check matching last numbers

Give back my login data frogposter! :(

I'm gonna sell your accout on the blackweb

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o dat wuz u beign a bully earler
dond bully my fren pls, watch doremi insted.

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.34.[640x480].[1C2C29B8].v2.1.mkv_snapshot_21.29_[2017.08.07_12.04.49].jpg (640x480, 198K)

Oh no no no no nooo

no shut up saeed

bong ra murder you tonite

dubs wooh!
dubs wooh!
rare dubs wooh!
dubs wooh!

Attached: talent.gif (398x300, 518K)

not reading all this shit

ooga booga