Admit it, he's based.
Admit it, he's based
It's based that he was able to recover from his brutal sexual assault
>helps kill WCW in your path
HURRRR UNFUNNY MEMES ARE SO COOL! you underage are a blight on this board
Based for making black dudes happy. Other than that he is broke and anti dimes.
You're either reddit or wolfcuck, which is redundant since wolfcuck has had several a reddit accounts.
more low iq retorts. someone insulted me he's either this faggot I hate or reddit. can you losers do better than this low Iq unfunny shit? good lord above its like talking to a 12yr old with some of you faggots
Goddamn not even him but your fucking eternal asspain about it is great
A true and noble statement
Hey,hey chill out okay. It's not anyone's fault other than Nash's.
yes yes you got btfo so your response is u mad bro? seen this 10000000 times. try harder rookie that was 3rd grade tier stuff
Oh shit you are mad that's beautiful
really? u mad again? jesus I know some of you are stupid but that's really fucking stupid. is that really the best you got is to just keep going with yes he's mad til you convince yourself its true? lol what a fucking retarded queer
Deadie Cuckerrero was forcibly pozzed in the summer of 89.
What a dead raped bitch. I bet he loved getting emasculated and pumped with HIV. Rest in piss Deadie.
Boiling and, to be quite frank and honest with you, seething
yup just repeat it a few more times it'll become true. lol you're so uncreative and braindead. this is getting boring make it interesting stop repeating the same boring tired shit loser. your talk game is shit
You're the one that keeps replying, sweetie.
He didn't even support Trump in the last election.
Based Lawler.
He openly mocked Republicans in his shoots with kayfabe commentaries, dude is based af
No one bashed the Republicans harder than Trump, they were going to proceed with the Bush dynasty, seems almost comical now. Imagine how many McCain wars we'd be in right now had literally anyone else won?
>Admit it, he's blacked
The AI knows
Based Deadie living rent free in your minds