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I missed the whole motherfucking show. I knew I should've woke up earlier.

How was it lads

the fact that braun lost to seff is just cringe

>How was it lads

literal garbage

god i wish i was you

make the switch anons

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Bray's literally the only thing in WWE I give a flying fuck about right now.

I did thanks to Jericho, Y2J saves us

The best wrestling ppv I have seen in five months (and yes, I watch new japan and aew)

Filler PPV was filler. Tune in for Hell in a Cell for more filler until Royal Rumble

Really good ppv
Star making night for F&D, The Revival and Rowan.
Bayley's heel turn is a success
Wait is Becky a heel?
Seth made to look ultra weak. Jobbed out in the 1st match to a mid carder's finisher. Own finisher is buried 6 feet deep in the main event and doesn't finish the ppv standing tall. Disaster.
1 trouble in paradise

Here's hoping they don't go and fuck this thing up while it's still fresh and viable.

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What is the kayfabe explanation why some fat unproven faggot in a halloween mask gets the next title shot and not, like, the winner of the tournament they currently have going on?

Oh look. Another terrible WWE PPV. How shocking.

Ready to make the switch yet?

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The Hell in a Cell match with Seth vs The Fiend has potential to be Kino.

I'm ready to switch back to not watching wrestling again honestly. I really regret breaking my nearly 20 year hiatus from this shit.

if NJPW wasn't literally impossible to watch and follow and get to know the performers it MIGHT be worth checking out. But it's just not promoted enough and you can't attend events and theres nowhere to watch.

You need to take your Edrone glasses off

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It'll be kino if:

a) they don't let Seth win
b) they don't make The Fiend look like shit
c) they don't make Seth look totally weak but still make The Fiend look strong and like an unstoppable force

I expect them to fuck it up royally.

Seth will win. Bray is just the latest of monsters to get over only to be fed to Vince's hand picked shitters.

The only thing that would be Kino would be if they bring back a smaller cell and have Wyatt put Seth through the cell roof

d) Braun interrupts because le monster among men and DQ's (i know theres no dq but come on this is wwe) the fiend

Seth is going over

well with all the homages they are paying older wrestling moves and events lately, that situation isn't too far fetched to have somebody like Seth take a bump like that.

>carder wanting to get up'd by a young guy
come on lads

Seff is the ultimate e drone. He would bump like that but he’d wanna go over.

If Gable wins maybe he’ll get a title shot against Kofi? That’s probably what they’re setting up for considering tonight probably put Kofi dues with Randy to bed.