I made a shitty video ^^

I made a shitty video ^^

I made a shitty video ^^


p.s: CTS is a brat

p.s: CTS is a brat

Your fortune: Outlook good

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cool. nice dubs

great shitty video catfish

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does the dark lord BRAP?

Your fortune: Good Luck


and he's a fucking NIGGER

I'm not the one who can smelle fried chicken from two blocks away.

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>doesn't use a windforce

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I can smell your testosterone from here

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>pressure wash
>paint red

i fucking leld

I did have a stronk musk after exercising todaye.

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You don't like the smelle of bacon?

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of course the smell reminds me of branding.

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I can't believe I'm going to have your name on my butte.

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[s4s] secrets: Catfish is FtM

Your fortune: Good Luck

I didn't watch it yet but I bet it's catfish filming himself pissing

i watched its diablo dying he wiped first try haha get spoilelered

>no commentary
Y tho

If anyone is interested in purchasing an antique deviled egg plate please let me know

Oh fuck it I should have known better than reading this thread before actually watching the new episode

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why does catfish hate men so much?

Your fortune: Bad Luck