proper abused lexi
Proper abused lexi
Lexi looks like Jared Leto Joker in that pic
>state of those forehead veins
white women
Holy fucking GLAZED. What did she have to do under the table to keep that title?
mandyfags forever boiling
That picture of bliss is legitimately horrifying
she took on the wall face first
Imagine that makeup all smeared after a facial abuse session
What did Mandy look like?
Perfect for Hookup Hotshot.
I'm diamonds
that's the wall and from the looks of it, it was a squash
Why are Nikki's arms so fucking fat?
I'll admit, she looks fucking HOT here.
literally looking like Ruby Riot
Bliss is the only diva I can actually fap to. Others get me hard but something about bliss takes it to the next level. I think its the facial expressions
I love her big fake tits and whore make-up. So fucking hot.
More like FacialAbuse
(((White))) women
Nah bro HookupHotshot
fucking disgusting. Go watch scat if you want to see women sucking on turd logs
Never got the hype for this woman shes just so plain looking with fake tits and a ok ass and yes i feel the same about Bliss but at least she has a unique rat like quality to her
Bliss is also great on the mic
Do they always do puke stuff. Just saw the scene with Amber Alena and it freaked me out.
Yeah that and Swallowed go for gagging and puking in addition to the standard pump and dump
You sound really vanilla for getting freaked out by it
It's not always puking but it's almost always sloppy blowjobs and a shit load of gagging.
Lexi wouldn’t puke, she doesn’t want to relapse
She wasn't bulimic, that was Torrie Wilson.
id still fuck her so fucking hard
somehow reminds me of Jeff drugged during TNA
Absolutely can't stay the fag who runs that site. He is a terrible worker, low stamina, no solid transitions, terrible work-rate all around. It's a great gimmick but they need to give it to someone who isn't a total shitter. Get me one of Rocco's students in the same damn fed and it'll actually draw some dimes.
the girlsdoporn guy is literally the worst draw in the history of the business. imagine having a dimes gimmick like impressionable teenagers get tricked into fucking on camera and wasting it
Can't actually argue with you there but I sitll think HookupHotshot makes me seethe even more than he does.
Both of those faggots are dicklets
it’s the black lips
I've got a solid 5 inches and my beautiful, fat wife is perfectly satisfied settling for my size. So fuck off my dick is just fine the way it is.
I was talking about the dudes from HookupHotspot and Girlsdoporn. If your wife is cool with your dick then awesome you're not in the porn industry though.
Not the first black thing around her lips.
What's the other black thing that's been around her lips?
Yeah, no. Dude has big donger. I watch a lot of the GDP BTS and girls are always worshiping it. Most of these average chicks have never had a 10 incher and it changes their outlook on what real sex should feel like.
>t. alpha with a huge cock
>ratto marks are also porn addicted cumbrain incels
because of course they are
he a low rent zoomer max hardcore
she looks like warmed over shit
Okay reddit