Coud sum1 pwease teach me how to kiss?

coud sum1 pwease teach me how to kiss?

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don't open your eyes while doing it. it is very awkward


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just do the lip touch thing

OwO why not?

Thank u user, I also think that is a cutie

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it would be extremely painful

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u put 1 foot in front ob da u~dder

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page 10 dubs

you put your lips on theirs and shove your tongue into their mouth

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that's only for teens, when adults make up its mostly lips and playful licking/biting





can someone refer me to a professional? I need a good teacher, preferably for daily lessons

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There are such people as sex therapists.
Might be costly, but could be worth your while.

I bet being kissed is so amazing

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Yeah, I miss it.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Suicide works

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They say a dementors kiss is unbearable