CLASH Gamethread #III


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Other urls found in this thread:

I love WWE.

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>Rollins pinned clean

is this bizzarro wwe?

also Dolph's hair is glorious


sorry, im watching the eagles vs falcons

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Interesting twist, Roode and Ziggler won clean.

unironically m'boy

I’m black

I'm going to change the language settings for the announcers, which language should I go with?



birds are gay

Japanese so you can hear Funaki

hey treasure

Based mommy

*makes porn while having kids in your path*


how did your /NFL/ teams did so far today?

>inb4 fuck the rums

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That’s how she would jerk off your baby dick

Spanish if Hugo Savinovich was around

Was that a good match?

>highest power level wrestler of all tiem pinned by one (1) midcardious DDT
I don't like him but he's kicked out of too many F5's for that shit to make sense.

How does m’boy Bobby Roode still have such a dimes look at 40? He has the best body on the roster (no homo)


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Tag Team bros, why are our favorite titles only ever used as props for singles competitors?

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Too many tags for my taste

Cards looking better by the week or just better than the dolphins at least

>skittles? mmmmm dont wanna mess with that delicious confectionary

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My wife's black son thought it was a barnburner.


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I hope breeeeeees is fucking dead

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Are they still in NY? The crowd seems indifferent to Seff

which meaningless uniform color bird of prey icon do you hope wins user?

So Bobby Roode has the highest powerlevels now.

Terrible panthers are 0-2. Fuck scam Newton’s faggot vegan nigger ass. We need more real niggas like Steve Smith again.


>wear tiny tight dress
>have to sit in uncomfortable positions all night and constantly adjust so your crotch doesnt show
why do women do this

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Becky looks good af tonight


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Vince hates tag wrestling. If the two are a real team and one gets hurt the other one cant do anything. Its like you are paying two guys to sit home and eat doritos

Lol why

yuck becky messed up her hair tonight

Bet money that seth goes over braun.
No way their golden boy loses twice in a row on the same night


>match of the year

>becky getting booed

It's happening

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>Chicken wings

Becky looks vile

>steals EC3's Victory after Victory line

>tfw eating chip butties and watching resslin w my Yea Forums frends
yeah tonight is based

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Thursday was a bad day. God, I hope we beat the Tardinals.

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What is the point of Clash of Champions? Should all the titles be on the line at every ppv anyway?

Looks gross

do your parents know you’re a faggot?

You get over by showing your cunny

pizza looks 7/10 . Wings look 9/10. Pretty based.

Braun is going to win
The Fiend is going to come out and beat Seff because Braun is Wyatt family.

Her makeup looks like she just tanned with the glasses on.

>Bet money that seth goes over braun.
>No way their golden boy loses twice in a row on the same night
>implying Braun could've won even if they retained the tag belts

But they can set him up for another redemption arc m’boy. I hate seff but I could see it.

I made blondies and put a bunch of stuff in them and they're really good and I wish I had someone to share them with.

The diet of the "E-chad", everyone...

looks like shit but i'd eat it / 10

>that wing dipping sauce

Bleu cheese or go fuck ya motha.

becky had promo of the night right there
aew take notes

>Matt on the Watchalong
fug I missed some of it I hope he doesn't leave soon

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>Becky looks vile

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based Trump inspiring fashion and style

>Braun is going to win
>The Fiend is going to come out and beat Seff because Braun is Wyatt family.
kek no Braun isn't winning the belt

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post your home address user someone might live near you and want to stop by


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wait, wasn't braun supposed to face aj for the us title too?

The absolute state of the WWE right now that Becky is the best promo cutter

why is this match now? This is a pretty big match

it's not about winning the belt, it's about facing the fiend in a Hell in the Cell match. AFTER this PPV Bray is going to start his story arch

Gimme a match already REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

sasha's face is so disgusting

I live at the corner of jabronie drive and roody poo lane directly at the SMACKDOWN HOTEL

Charles is coming for #10
Charles is WWE’s answer to AEW’s Nyla Rose. It’s tranny month

Absolutely disgusting, but I'd still eat it drunk.

If Bayley doesn't come out in shorts l....

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Joe is still their best he just has nothing to do

>Bayley basically stealing Charlottes title with MitB cash in
>Not even bringing it up during feud

>4 years since the Horsetties debuted
>still the only Divas that get to main event

>ywn bleach horsa botch
why live bros


>Hardy man spreading up half the damn couch


>Charlotte coming out
>Camera cuts to a guy that's clearly yawning


Steph confirmed in gorilla

Get ready to see how fucking bad Bayley is about to be

Based gif

So when you say Braun is going to win you aren't saying he's winning the belt?

Camel toe

time for BBB.
Based Bayley Booty

1060 W Addison St, Chicago, IL 60613

Come at me

charles legit looks like a dude now

>that guy giving a thumbs down behind Charles


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Neither one of these girls can work a match we'll without being carried. This will be a botchfest more than usual

Jeez no cheers for bayletty at all, no mixed reaction


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Don't they know losing and winning the title in such a short time makes it look worse?

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It’s more like she has the best turd cutter

Bros how based is it that Bobby and Dolph won?

I'm guessing over three botches in this match.

I want to cum inside Charlotte

That's Wrigley Field you coward. Post your real address.

no he is but him with the belt isn't really as important, it's not like he's going to be a legit champion. He's a place holder to push Bray's story into the story.

UNLESS Steph Rollins WINS and the fiend comes out and him and Braun stomp out Rollins

Is this the true power of Prince Tensai?

Since when is Bayley heel? How long have i been missing WWE programs?

The bald guy looks so bored.

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It's a kids show

Marvel is destroying America and you faggots only worry about which wwe diva has the smelliest farts

>he missed the reference
based zoomer

>Charlotte will never hold you down on the floor and pound your throat with her thick horse cock

Charlotte has to go back her face is ruined

you guys better get your Webm's ready for all the botches.

You spelled coom wrong

>graves has to try and put bailey over since she's heel now

kek. best wrestling in the world.

bald lad had enough

I would bet you thousands right now that seth isn't losing the belt tonight. Much of what you say is a big possibly but it'll be a fuck finish with them laying Seth out

But why? are we gonna keep staring at her mole for 24 hours like fucking retards.

About 3 weeks

why is the arena so dark?

I was born in 1987. Does that make me a zoomer?

Tensai ichiban

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I want Charlotte to keep getting bigger implants until they’re comically huge

>marvel ceo Isaac Perlmutter is part of the us government and major donor to trump
holy based

I just don't think they are going to bury Bray and I don't think they are going to let the Fiend and Seth have a match in a HiaC.

hide the empty seats

Braun always fucks up spots because he's a retard

What happened so far?

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That camera angle of Bayleys ass.

>miss the one match I wanted to see
Fucking work. Real talk and no memes aside, how was Roode that match? He's been one of my favorites for years

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>implying 90% of us arent just watching this to see ass

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Somebody got a webm of charlottes fingers deep in bayley’s crack?


Because they're looking for attention.

Are they Stephanie Mcmahon tier already or are they a couple cups short?

I wish i was that barricade so Bayley can hit me with her big booty.

Charles looks like Sean Penn or Wayne Gretzky.

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Saw that

>you will never share a locker room with Bayley and get the chance to spell her underwear


>he doesn’t know

Do you guys think any wrestlers are aware of this site or /wooo/?

>This botched count
Hell just end this now.

Not quite but they’re getting there

Charlotte dug deep during that bodyslam.

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Save for carder and wyatt, guess so

>Seth goes to pin Braun
>lights go out and the fiend lays out Seth
>Braun looks to defend Seth but turns on him instead
>Braun and Bray stand tall as Bray is Seth's next challenger
how does that bury Bray exactly?

wow it's fuckin nothin

He pinned Rollins clean and did good, Braun was still the whole fn show



What the FUCK ending was that???

what a shitter Bayley is

Charles fucking buried alive

>champion running


>the state of that finish

>The Charlotte Screwjob

I think the entrances were longer than the match.

lol this foot looking bitch just run away

Imagine the smell


Saving that one brother

No I mean they aren't going to bury Bray in the HiaC match against Seth, him beating Braun makes more sense imo.

So Bayley is gonna be the chickenshit heel?

>The Charlotte Nosejob


muh dick


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yeah but it'll be based

trump is a jew puppet, makes sense

That’s the first time a minority has gone over all night bros



I hate autistic niggers. Fuck those commercials

not sure i'll have time to watch wrestling after getting this hoodie since i'll be having sex constantly once bitches see me in it

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lmao this bitch RAN

why can't blissy take a pic like this?

imagine the smell of that finger

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>SD recap on a PPV

Heel bayley is based

>thinks every woman is a tranny
stop watching gay porn you closet queer

Her dad is suing them.

Charlotte screwed Charlotte

50/50 booking makes sure that they can bury Charlotte for Ric suing them, and later bring her back to her former "glory" when they feel like it


God what a shitshow

a mutt went over a tranny, i dont know how a minority went over there

ya sure just apply some duct tape on the bottom and write "your pants" and you'll be swimming in pussy.

Well that's great at least. Even if Seth is a chump glad my boy got to pin him

Revival hoodies with the bulldogs and viper are fucking based


>new gay
When every match is a toilet break, whats even the point?

yeah, trump worked real americans into thinking he would erradicate marvel and the kardashians, the truth is he support trannies like every twitter libtard cuck from new york

>Charlotte loses i her home town
No sells it and still does the ref rope open meme

Why stay around like a mark for yourself

Aside from Roode winning this whole thing has been a shitshow so far.

The nig gay

quick find the plants

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>all of those fat slobs from NC

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oh piss off, you guys bitch and bitch and add nothing but negative shit to the conversation. Just enjoy the show with us and don't be such a sourpuss.

Fuck the New Gay and Coffee Kangzton

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Vince makes everyone job at home

Revival is from NC? Based

New Day is about to win, keeps getting shit.

I fucking hate the new gay with a passion

Butterscotch yo.

They are all onions transplants to NOVA

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Based stupidposter

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Yoo anybody have the results of the poll yet? Where's the prediction user.

Did i miss the good lucha thing match or is that later?

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>those Orton/Revival hoodies

Kinda BASED.

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>the conversation

go back faggot

>new gay

look at this dude

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I can’t wait for Charlotte’s Smackdown promo calling out Bayley’s chickenshit win.

you sound gay as fuck. go cry somewhere else

IIconics won in Austrailia

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Wrestling just isn't the same since KanaChanTV

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NC is the most based state in the nation eat shit faggot

I hope these niggers get lynched inside the ring

>lights go off whenever they announce the champion/opponent
Why they don't do this on other WWE ppv events?


>skittles infused chicken wings
this watchalong is too much for me

They are shoot from NZ

>ppv starts at 7
>tune it at 7:45
>it's already on the 5th match
>missed AJ Styles

what the fuck



>Brad Shepard


Why is she sitting in a gigantic infant's carseat?

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He must retire.

some dab on this fool

they are the typical BLACKED looking type of men, so it doesn't count.
If wwe makes a BLACKED stable with bobbo, the black guy from nexus and the alpha male marcus cro von that would draw a massive amount to wh*te people's dimes

Sasha and Bex is gonna be a 5* 1 hour epic


Did Revival sign the contract?

they dont sound NZ

what does one have to do with another?

where are the predictions

pre-show man and Gulak won
AJ vs Cedrick was pre-show too

just because you joined this website in 2016 and you think it's "cool" or "fun" to act like a fucking retarded faggot and shitpost and add nothing but forced memes 24/7 doesn't mean it's cool to do that.

You faggots bitch all the time and promote reddit every day on here for the past fucking years because that website is dead and losing a lot of traffic because it's spark wore out. Stop promoting plebbit every day, you should go back since it lives in your head rent free

>Same sex marriage is legal in NC
pick one

they are actors
No and even if they did Vince is gonna make the ND and Kofi retain the belt though black history month.

E is gonna win the IC title and then turn heel on Kofi

Not enough pointless 20 minute matches on the undercard for ya?

Please let this happen. Everyone will have to see what shitters they both are. With some luck, one of them will kill oneself in the match

>NC is the most based state in the nation

>jobs to hurricanes yearly

Sure thing you fucking idiot.

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I'm really happy for Bobby, guy deserves to be the it factor and main event shit again


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No hometown pop? Dimeless they are


Ask all the other infants who sit playing vidya games in them things.

Legal everywhere since 15


>Le Big E heel turn meme

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Would the Revival be draws if they were both 4 inches taller?

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all matches shouldnt be 20 minute back and forths

but we are in mexican heritage month
bulbasaur month was when black panther won an oscar

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Theyll need to do it to block out the tarps in the future

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>Doing a thread early again

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This match boring

>This is why they pay you the big bucks
>Well I mean they pay me, let's save that for another day
Based Vic BTFO his shit pay

>unnecessary reaction from the referee
Umm, AEWkeks?

not in my country. we don’t even allow fag shit on tv or books

too early, attentionwhore

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People thing (You)s matter. Also no reason to do new thread before this hits 500-600 replies. Not enough traffic for this thread to get dropped off from page 10 even with 1000 replies

I made this thread too shit head

Toxins need to fucking fire Romeo Crennel. I'd say fire Bill'O but we know that won't happen. But Romeo needs to fucking go. Fucking fat fossil piece of shit.

>he doesn't filter tripfaggots

>Also no reason to do new thread before this hits 500-600 replies.
It hits the bump limit at 310 then drops meaning no visibility to anyone that wasnt already using it newfriend.

The revival are good as fuck.

(you)s and the wwe universe are the only reason i havent killed myself

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What the point of doing moves like shatter machine outside the ring when it kayfabe isn't a move that would make it anymore damaging outside to anyone but the user? The do the same shit with Drew and the claymore


this board is dead so that doesn't matter ya simp

>Not using catalog
>Being this new that thinking bumbing stops at 310

Back to bleddit. Also only threads that have any posting now are brap thread and this so i wouldnt be too worried to find your precious "game thread"


>blocks hangman's reaction with her own pathetically exaggerated bullshit
what a fucking piece of shit

someone should make a thread just for the watchalong, I'm not even watching the PPV now cause they're more entertaining

I called Bobby and I called this lynching with the power of my Gamethreads

Huh, it made sense the injury for once.


I come back to see NEW tag team champions. I hope this going to be an all heel sweep.

The move hurts and they wanted to keep Big E outside of the ring so they could double team Xavier.

Who are you quoting?


Are all the heels booked to win tonight or what?

They are seriously burying nigger day now


well that was weird as fuck

Indeed. I dont even have any reason to be watching this, literally 0 matches that interest me even a bit

how come teams dont get music anymore? one person just walks out on the stage to their music then stops and the other persons music plays

braun and seth, ziggler and roode, sonya and mandy and alexa and nikki have all done this tonight

Russo level booking on tagdivision, they just throw people together and hope something gets over. No long term plan or anything

Alexa's behind the neck belt pose is up there with Okada's rainmaker pose.

What the fuck was that slap spot? Bliss just stops Mandys fist with ease despite being twice as small

Also what the fuck


Results so far and endings?

Both mens tag belts changed hands, AJ retained and Gulak retained. Bayley Retained and now Nikki and Alexa retained

Nothing too good yet

Wtf thats mad matches before 8
Aj beat..?
Dolph and roode are champs
Revival are champs

New day going to raw?

Aj was against Cedric Alexander. And yea, Dolph and Roode have belts and Revival too. Revival buried new day in post match promo