Gargano BTFO

Gargano BTFO

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Based literal who

unrelated but why does this faggot still works for New Japan if he hates current New Japan so much?

>Literal Who

Barrnett's actually drawn some dimes in life. Which is more than you can say for that midget Gargano.

>Huge Weeb
>Decent payday
>Get to hang with some of the old school japs that are still kickin around
Take your pick

He doesn't. He worked for AXS and he got dropped last year.

>tries to shoot on Jay White in the middle of a match just because he got worked
What a fucking mark

It was a work from a shoot

In pro wrestling? Or real fighting? Because I only watch fake fighting.

Post webm

Attached: rowan kills a fan.webm (1188x668, 2.84M)


Imagine having your headspace do thoroughly available for rent that you brag about refusing to do basic pro wrestling shit in a pro wrestling match. Is he gonna brag about not stomping the mat when he punches and refusing to sell Irish whips next? What a geek.

*slaps thigh*

Whoever this play wrestler is exposed the business more than any thigh that got slapped ever could

Edrones going full cope in here

Attached: bloodsport.png (1042x582, 852K)

>two fake tough guys bowing to eachother surrounded by marvel nerds
holy shit

Attached: ab4fe8d09088.gif (344x192, 2.86M)

>fake tough guy

Overplayed your hand

>he doesn't know

Attached: Barnett.webm (1078x604, 2.51M)

coping this hard because pancrase was a work kek

Hello, Minoru!

That kick looked ass tbf there are guys in NJPW who do much better ones

Its like a faggot kettle calling another faggot kettle black

you are a truly dumb mark if you think he ever "won" a real fight

They should sign this plant full time, throw a little red in the beard, and have him be Rowan's Dink that he throws at people for his finisher.


Nah mate, Rowan legit wen into business for
himself on a mark
