Hey everyone

Hey everyone
Big Cass here

Man life is so hard being me being 7ft tall and getting everything in life handed too me. Man my life is so hard when I went to WWE and had world title matches

Man I'm so depressed pity me it's hard on this world being 7ft tall and a big dick
I can't even lift because I'm so depressed.

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Yea Forums is here for you Cass

>he got cucked by this

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>big dick

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>straight white man can't feel bad
not happy enough with brainwashing america, these marvel fans are going to jew the entire world

politicuck cringe

You have no idea what depression is, do you?

“You think your hard?”

Ya seethe?

>mUh dIspErssion muh FeeLs
spotted the kiked coomer cringe simp sperg

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You sound like you’re 5’4 and weirdly obsessed with this guys height.
Besides, his life really is absolute dogshit at this point so yes, he does have a lot to cry about when he looks back and realizes that he went from challenging Daniel Bryan on a PPV to having a seizure on a dirty bingo hall floor and then trying to kill Joey Janela for shitting in your bag

>Joey Janela for shitting in your bag
Stealing a sweater during a very warm night*

He's 7ft tall
The entire world literaly revolves around him who gives a shit
I have a micro dick and I'm a sex offender and 5ft9 and I'm still not being a bitch about it


>she'd rather fuck a manlet creep with a rapist-face than a 7ft foot fetishist

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Ya dilate?


gain melanin

Also I am on NEETbux so I am a liberal

tfw corey raped mella in front of cass and that's why hes so depressed

If you’re white and on NEETbux you’re statistically in a flyover shithole coal mining heroin addicted garbage heap that voted for Trump


what's your favorite zuperztar bulge? I vote Zezaro

Zandrade duh

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>You have no idea what depression is, do you?
it's being sad about stuff but using the 'i'm depressed' excuse in lieu of actually changing anything in your life
be sure to take your SSRIs like a good goy now

I would unironically love to watch this

conservicucks btfo

also remember to coom 6 times daily

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Pfffft okay that's kinda funny.

Stop going to /pol/

Damn what a Scientologist

op is a seething manlet with a micropeen

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He's not depressed, he is 7 foot and takes roids. His heartrate must be 300 bpm, he is probably completely fucked and can't control his energy.

so what you're saying is he's going to kill himself by the end of the year

Who shopped Cass on to Rikishi?

He's a shitty wrestler but I sort of feel sorry for him. A few years ago he had a ridiculously hot girlfriend, was wrestling for world championships in the WWE, and making tons of money.

Now he's having mental breakdowns and threatening to kill himself in front of like 30 people

Hey Cass tweet Cody and ask him about his disabled division.

>I have a micro dick and I'm a sex offender
Who did you offend?

Based carnie Corny

Damn, look at the legs on his boyfriend!

14 year olds aren't supposed to post on Yea Forums, you know.

>equating penis size to good and bad

found the libcuck

based big cass thank you for saving the business

1. Cass
Sent to the psych ward

2. Corey
Made him forget his marriage vows

3. R-truth
Seemingly reversed his insanity and is now a multiple time champion

Shiiiiet, my girl Carmella got that pussy that make a man go kray-kray, nahmsayin?

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