Get in here E-Chads!
Clash Gamethread #1
chads don't call themselves chads
t. virgin
What if their name is literally Chad?
Pls Roode win against these simps
Yeah they do
You guys aren't actually going to watch this, right?
Watch Battlebots instead
What else would i watch ya dweeb
I work overnights starting at 9pm and sundays are dead. If I wasn't literally paid to watch I wouldn't
Where do you work that plays WWE paper views?
if you're an adult male there are better ways to spend your time than watching this gay corny ass shit
Cmon man
Literal walking definition of a vanilla midget.
I skimmed thru the card. Total shit. Why do you keep watching this garbage? Hell, who even goes to these shows?
Whats more beta than sticking to the new that others imposed on you?
Thats why you arent called Chad, because you are a beta!
Whats the card
Style and Roode are the only reasons i'm tuning in, everything else seems so tiresome
Did we sell out?
yuck I think I'll watch football instead
I love wwe and am day one subscriber thats a shoot
I could’ve gone to Clash Of Champions live but I decided to see the panthers on Thursday. I should’ve bought clash tickets.
Hahaha football is so cringe. Wheres the art wheres the passion wheres the storylones
8 more hrs lads
There’s literally more behind the scenes drama with football. But I played from third grade to my first year in college so I have a lot of love for the game I guess. I still love wrestling but I never participated in the sport(s entertainment).
I stream it on pc. Work in tech dude, its comfy
This will happen:
>Seth will turn heel and align himself with Dolph, Rood, and the OC
>Seth will let them win the tag belts and, in turn, they will assist him in beating up Braun before their match.
sorry i'm a extremely big brained CLEVELNAD BROWNS FAN and won't be watching this
Am I wrong?
>Universal match due to end the PPV
>Fiend runs in and injures both guys, unable to compete, Hell in a Cell match is made between Braun and Seth to keep Fiend out
>Reigns and Rowan ends the PPV with the set destroyed, another attack by Bryan on Roman, revealed Bryan was the mastermind
This is Heymans first PPV with his angles playing out as he wants, it's going to make wrestling headlines.
The Cleveland Shits don't play till Monday. Man up and watch Chanpions Clash tonight!
Also, tell that bitch nigga Chubb, if he doesn't get me 2 TDs this week, I'm gonna beat YOUR ass.
nah only virgins who wish they were chads do its a sign of insecurity
I wanna see Bryan and Fiend end up in cahoots somehow, come full circle.
>The Cleveland Shits don't play till Monday. Man up and watch Chanpions Clash tonight!
oh, shit. sorry i'm a Cleveland fan i thought it was the game tonight
Oh ya?
I’ve had sex with 5 girls and only 3 of them were prostitutes
nah you haven't
Always do
I hope Randy will take the belt off that monkey ass kofi and that shoe shiner goes back to midcard meaninglessness where he belongs
let the botches flow
Will the KoR final also be on the show tonight? I mean it would be fitting
Botchamania is gonna be working overtime for this one
It got bumped I guess. Pisses me off. I don't watch weekly, so that means I'll miss Corbin vs Based Gable.
Thoughts on card?
>Bayley vs Charlotte Flair
Smackdown Women's Championship match
>Seth Rollins & Braun vs Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler
WWE RAW tag titles
>Seth Rollins vs Braun Stroman
Universal Championship
>Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton
WWE Championship
>Drew Gulak (c) vs. Humberto Carrillo vs. Lince Dorado
Cruiserweight Championship
>New Day vs The Revival
SD Tag Titles
>Nakamura vs The Miz
Intercontinental Total
>Becky vs Sasha Banks
RAW Women's title
>Roman Reigns vs Erik Rowan
no DQ match
>Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross vs Mandy and Sonya
Women's Tag Championship
>AJ Styles vs Cedric Alexander
USA Title
Not sure, but I can tell ya who's totally checked out and just there to do their moves and collect a paycheck:
When half the card doesn't really want to be there... why as fans, should we?
thx 4 the heads up user
fucking cringe they cut the KoR finals out of CoC cause Corbin vs Gable could steal the show
Looks based to me
Is Lacey not on the show? Are they allergic to dimes?
not me but based
wwe is ran by a nazi drumpf supporter
fuck them
Roode has always been the guy, user.
like what
honestly someone like her does not need to be on every show because she should be special
someone like becky doesn't either but that's for a different reason
Attention, Smackchads!
Fire and Desire
Big Dog
Big Bible AJ
Sethetty and Braunetty
Would a gimmick like "The Fall Guy" work in today's wwe?
>Hollywood stuntman turned prowrestling bounty hunter
What other 80s-90s tv characters would make great prowrestling gimmicks?
How do I not watch this?
Fuck you usa, we migrating
6 more hrs
>seth on the card
An "A-Team" faction would work.
The problem with factions today is that all the members are interchangeable and indistinguishable. Look at Undisputed Era. I can't tell any of them apart.
But, you make an "A-Team" of Shane (brains), EC3 (looks), Bobbo (muscle), and Mojo (wildcard) and it'd be fucking DIMES!
>no Corbin vs Gable
Why would I watch this?
That would require clever booking, WWE doesn't go for that
>Quantum Leap
Not sure how you'd pull it off. But the wrestler would definitely need a manager to sell it. I'm thinking ya need to dust of ECW's Bill Alfonso.
If you can find an old dude as Hannibal instead of Shane, this idea could be money dude. Lord knows EC3, Mojo, and Lashley need a faction.
Watch AAA
Get the network bum
>gives Vince his money
Yeah, checks out.
In poorfag's defense, it's more about the principle, than the cost. I would expect a fucking drone like you to see the distinction though.
Here you go bro...
As a thank you, whenever I post a Greg The Hammer Valentine pic, you reply:
>"Hammer > Flair"
People still watch WWE?
When do the matches start?
>call a loved one
Kind of based actually, i need to check up on my grandma.
Anyone know whatever happened to American Ninja Warrior?
>watching beaners botching constantly
for what purpose
Fellow E-chads are you reading??
When do the pre game matches start?
WWE don't even need to try tonight, bloodsports and victory road set the bar that low. And I say this as an OwlChad. Wrestling is so hot and cold rn. Breaks me
Dude you know damn well the new zoomer culture HATES anything that's entertaining
when ya ya stupid bitch
Be nice
We are all friends here
Fuck off pajeet
Okay nerd
You mean chad???
Half of these wrestlers should never be on my TV ever again.
5 minutes bros
There's the same amount of drama in every sport. But pro wrestling is an art form too so it's a bit more dynamic and harder to do than just running out onto a field for a few hours . Wrestlers work 24/7
>no white people
Just did
AJ is on the kickoff show wtf
>AJ on the kickoff show
AJ isn't on the kickoff show. Cedric is.
Aj is on the fucking kickoff show, they put bliss and mandy on the main card. Fuck me i sticking with battlebots
Roode? Ziggy? Stroman? Styles? Miz?
Big Biblers BTFO
>main card actually has more than 1 womeme match
why is every ppv song just someone singing "whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
>same Titantron Graphics
Is Becky vs Sasha the Austin vs Rock of the 2020s?
I like wrestling faggot I just like football too
So international fans feel that they can sing along. A lot of sports and foreign advertisements do it
Rick Ross should sue Sasha Banks for stealing the man the boss
Nothing wrong with that
It's probably nice to get your match out early and enjoy the show or go back to the hotel and sleep. I can't imagine how much work and stress the whole day must be for events
Give /ourguy/ Humberto your energy lads
why not?
I think he meant the preshow commentary
Because they are nowhere near the draws those two were.
I mean, Becky was the top star when WWE got 2 billion dollars in TV deals
> binge watched three seasons of GLOW with my wife yesterday who's now mildly interested in watching wrestling
> still too embarrassed to play clash of champions on my tv.
this is so bad, apparently i'm not missing much on raw and smackdown these days
>tfw you create the Gamethread
Show starts at 7 or 8
>binge watched three seasons of GLOW with my wife
>my wife
stop lying
I can't wait for the crowd to hijack another Jasethy match
That was because WWE has been around for over 60 years and has earned a reputation for drawing some money for networks and brands, not because of Becky.
Your mom suck cock
Will based Randall finally save us?
45 minutes
>tune in
>hear the new day screaming
make it stop Vince
this is literal torture to watch
>nigga was talking about hurting people
>Glad to hear you in such good spirits
Big E you take that title... Shine it up real nice...
i like to look at the poos commenting in the preshow WWE chat on YouTube
15 seconds David?
THREE AIN'T ENOUGH MAN I NEED about tree fiddy
will there be a face turn for DB soon now that Rowan turned on him?
>tfw when you spent all day making salsa verde chicken chili but you're just gonna reheat leftover chinese food for dinner
it's literally gonna be done in 5 minutes too.. but that Chinese food isn't gonna eat itself!
Is Eco Bryan gonna be killed?
Watch the Kickoff or finish watching Green Mile, Yea Forums?
Rowan just feels dead on arrival
How we doing boys. Been watching some handegg and having some of bubbly while fucking my ultra busty japanese wife on and off. So they took the KOTR off the ppv?
Preshow has AJ
>night "shift"
i bet you're a mall cop or a something
anyone know the order of the matches by chance? Where's Carter?
The cocktail cuckering has begun. I start the evening much like the pre-show.. with Blood and Sand.
Malls are closed at night though?
Not him, but I work in a fulfillment center and can watch whatever I want too as long as I get my shit done.
yeah i know the order
also Carter died
I just got off work and grabbed taco bell, did I miss anything?
Okay Carter, just leak the card
nice I just bought some weed, I decided this event is better high than drunk.
what are you a fucking woman, with your fancy cocktails and pictures? going to use a selfie stick to put yourself in the next pic too? if your whisky isn't bottom shelf and drank at room temperature from a plastic 1.75L bottle you aren't doing it right
>Brennan on commentary
Damn, is he that much of a shitter
That fag on the left wearing a JoJo tie
>manny was the michaels all along
literally who the fuck
Damn there's a A LOT of kids in the crowd tonight.
Humberto has a based theme
Humberto looks like he works in a hotel
drew gulak is so cringe pls have humberto win ffs
Mexicans are so cringe where is that guy Oney from the last ppv?
>AJ Styles on kickoff show
>Sonya Deville on the main card
WWE said "gay rights!"
Catboi deserves it, Lucha House Party has been putting on kino matches for so long.
The fat retards on this site don't know anything about athletisim so they shit on anybody that's not a giant black guy that they love so much.
Who is the jannetty?
What happened to Gulak?
I would've preferred Gran Metalik but Lince will do
Why they making my true white blooded American boy wrestle two stinky Mexicans?
>no reaction for that mexican lad
Being on the pre-show must be based as fuck, imagine getting paid and getting everything out of the way and getting your match out so you can actually get a good nights sleep for once.
Main Event must be shit, you wait all night just to have some bullshit phoned in last minute
>paws down
and I'm out
Kek paws down
Off to a great start to ruin all our fucking predictions.
Why do they call the Frankensteiner hurricanrana?
cringe you've guys been there for 5 + years and this guy who's like 19 is gonna come and take your jobs with ease
facts, honestly any of those dudes would be legit. But yeah Metalik needs a good push after Catboi get's his in.
Gran Metalik and Buddy Murphy had some of the best matches.
>paws down
I have become cringe
Stop cope posting during your match, Drew.
Who tf is that manlet spic?
just because your a child who has no idea what working hard is doesn't mean that you can take anything away from the show. You guys think WWE is like an anime or something.
So as not to trigger Scott Steiner busting into triple hs office and giving him a belly to belly through a table
You know if you weren't autistic, you could compartmentalize your interests and not make something gay as fuck like wrestling your dominant personality trait.
>preshow half over
>not even 200 posts
lol wwe is dead
Gotta eat big to get big, user.
The only match people wanted to see was Corbin/Gable
Jabroni know your role, suck cody's hot dog and shut your damn mouth.
>This is for the Cruiserweight title
No Wonder 205 Live is getting cancelled
which one of you is this
Brother this is based but fancy drinking is alright sometimes too you gotta be flexible whether you're puking in a Waffle House bathroom or a bathroom with a guy that washes your hands for five dollars.
It’s really not awesome
What's Humbertos gimmick? Is it that he's as green as a jalapeño?
thank God they made space for Bailey and Charles
Literal baby face
Are they not putting commercials on the preshow during the matches anymore? It's been pretty nice.
Fucking pajeets.
me lmao
Turned inside out
This is boring clap clap... clap clap clap
>jet jaguar
Dudes been wrestling since he was 16
so? I’ve been masturbating for just as long
lol ref has to tell him to put his shoulders down
>that finish
>botched ending
what a shitshow
really sloppy which sucks
humberto should be better than that
Based Lince pinning himself
REF vocally pointing out a botch during the finish
Hope they fire that shitter
You didn’t start masterbating until you were 16? I stared at 11
That was so bad holy shit
how the fuck do you people watch this?
it was like 0.75 speed
hurry up and let me watch the gay bitch
Gulak fucking sucks
That was on par with Becky's botch at WrestleMania
the hermberto kid looked like shit
CHADrrillo looks like dimes, he should be the champion instead of the balding jew
That might have been the worst Cruiserweight PPV match of all time holy fucking slop and boredom
LMAO ref "SHOULDERS DOWN SHOULDERS DOWN!" god what a shitshow
Why isn’t Drew’s finisher “the ghoul lock”?
Based veteran masturbator
It's even worse when they show a match from 2005 and people get mad when Cena loses
He said "shoulder's up" you fucking moron.
WOAT cruiserweight match. Motherfuckers were slower than the big guys
>Gable/Corbin was removed from the card for that
>heel beating up a heel
for what purpose?
It has Dewar's White Label in it but hey I got the 1.75 on sale for $29.99. I drank a $53 cognac last night out of a glass that cost half as much. Enjoy your BPA infused bitch tits, poor fag.
based saudis asked vince to limit the supernatural language last year
So when is AJs match?
The Phoned-In Chairshot Connection
>that edited boo on Sasha
Seriously Vince?
why the fuck do they ever put a mic in front of any of these bitches
fuck, this trash is almost as embarrassing as the matches will be
there is nothing wrong with liking wrestling.
Oh my mistake. I'm not able to watch for some time yet
It did take away from a surprise roll up, but ref did what was needed to since Gulak couldn't see Lince's shoulders
what does vince see in those two shitters
Be thankful you can watch it on RAW tomorrow night with no less than two commercial breaks
Atleast the horse is looking good
Bro I'm beggin' ya.
>what does vince see in those two shitters
>implying Vince is aware of anything in 205 live
Based josh reddick
so this means we are going to see king corbin on the main card?
hopefully he can main event over ash rollins
>please don't try this at home
>that smackdown ad
aj is on the fucking preshow
>aj styles on the preshow
I know I just misspelled it
got moved to raw tomorrow
yeah I'm reporting every one of your faggy posts incels
this groid is a charisma vacuum
Cedric is from the CLT?
>AJ on the pre-show
I blame Cedric "less charisma than Dean Malenko" Alexander
AJ Vs Cedrick is on the pre-show
interesting, idk why they didn't do New Day vs Revival for pre-show.
good in case you haven't been paying attention he has sucked shit and been phoning his in ring for at least the last 9-12 months
hope he loses
If you mean tomorrow night in the second hour then, yes, he is on the main card
Cedric is dragging him down.
Revival getting the rocket brother
>AJ doing preshows now
wew lads, he leaving for AEW when?
I'm going to laugh so bad if AJ loses to this flippa nigga.
yeah in their ass
there aren't many matches on the card, are wommynz getting 20+min matches?
>AJ on the pre show
holy shit this company deserves to die
and Cedric’s bbc is dragging Cedric down
>it’s real
if they were going to have AJ lose it'd be on the main show
Zoomer. Dean Malenko got one of the biggest pops in the history of wrestling on his return to WCW vs Jericho
the aewtist will always live in fear of the E-Chad
>Miz and Nakamura and the women’s tag made the main card
>AJ in the preshow
I’m actually seething.
Cedrick is a better wrestler than AJ to be fair.
>yfw Aj loses so he can have a heel tanty and build more heat
No one cares you fat incel nigger go back to squaredcircle
Is AJ smaller than Gargano?
>aj on the preshow.
twitter marvel fans would say wwe is racist
AJ already said he was gonna retire after his WWE contract is up in a few years.
10 mins match only for AJ
I know this is just an aesthetic thing but they really should have a mic with a cable running down, like classic boxing matches (or even old WWF). Also, the announcer needs to have that classic Boxing way of speaking.
LOL no
i lyk da W-WE
Racism is the biggest sign of poor education and lack of world experience.
I’m a shoot 5’8” and towered over AJ at a signing I went to
i know aj is really good but he's gonna have to keep up with this young guy in this one
aj might get out done
>ref held the belt upside down
Cedric never lands that move
Ironically, this
>Cedrick is a better wrestler than AJ
go back
Back to /pol/ retard. this isnt the place for that shit.
The E is a retirement home. He has only had two or three truly great matches since joining.
>all this reaction
>still put the match on the prew show instead of ic or tag team
i kinda lika cedric ngl
Cedric looks like he's wearing New Day gear
Vince is going to make the pride of the white race, The Miz, beat the Jap for the strap on the main roster.
Why would AJ send Gallows and Anderson to the back when he could just use them to get himself disqualified and keep the belt with no effort?
He's doing a tribute to Great Khali
>Posting this while AJ is in the midst of a truly great match
AJ is overrated just because he wrestled in fucking Japan doesn't mean shit. Japanese wrestlers suck and if they were actually good the WWE would care enough to hire them. But they don't and WWE does better in Japan than ANY japanese promotion.
This desu. You fags can call him reddit all you want but Cedric is based
Nigga is like 19 he has time
can you refrain from the racial slurs poltard?
Imagine being this stupid
Damn I wanted fire n desire to win.