It’s time to stop being ashamed of our reddit habits, based Redditors! Sound off!
/reddit/ role call
Checking in nigga
Can't tell my u but I used to mod SQ back in 2014
Reddit is based
They've got to be lurkers right? Carter and I can't be the only non plebbitors right?
if you're all the same people, why are you so insufferable on reddit? and why is reddit so adverse to pointing out the shit about WWE that sucks?
Uh oh incel alert!
please just fuck off ya stalker creepshwo loser
Fuck off imitator
Let's unpack this
Is this Reddit angle a work or a shoot I've never even knew squared circle or this woo whatever it's called until coming here I've only been on this site 9 never touched reddit or heard about it till later on the only time I've ever used Reddit or Tumblr is for porn
>Auto Jannies
WTF?! Even tho they're robots, I bet they still get paid more than the jannies here.
Sup Travis Touchdown
Reddit is a dead website idk why you guys promote it so much
There's like 160 Yea Forumsies on reddit
I don't blame them. This place is shitposting, sarcasm central. At least over there you can actually have a conversation or discussion about a topic without reading retarded babble that's posted here constantly.
>Chad facial structure
I have never once posted on reddit and never will.
not me i don't post like a pissy little alt-right incel
>140lbs heroin addict looking dude
>wanting to discuss children's television play fighting for obese virgins and trannies seriously
You really really need to have sex
based Mashiro Chono poster
good job missing out on the zeitgeist of our generation bud
you're the kind of dude who grew up in the 60s and would brag about never taking marijuana or listening to the stones
he looks like his testosterone is lower than yours which is sad as fuck tbqh
>test shaming
fuck off alt-right incel
women are better than men in every single way
So white women are better than all black and muslim men? You might need a privilege check there bud
fuck off
Benoit yourself SrFago.
fuck you incel
Holy shit
you ding-dong diddly get 92.'d tomorrow.
??? What revelation did you come to you tourist
lol take your meds
bump from reddit supremacy
Time for you to go back brainlet
No you cant. When you say kofi is a bad champion you instantly get 20 downvotes.
Hey! I see my username :^)
I miss you Travis. The fags banned my account from there years back.
What happened here?
>post dissenting opinion
>faggot goes through your post history to look for the one time you called a woman a bitch
>reports you to the mod he just sucked off
>get banned from there and several other subreddits
Great discussion
>Cena finds out Osama is kill.webm
Based plebbit
limp-wrist cringe
I was up in Edinburgh for work a couple of weeks ago, and instead of being bored in my hotel room, I had a look on r/Edinburgh, and see that they were having a meet up in a pub nearby. The majority of the people there were surprisingly normal. There was one tranny that spent all night solving rubiks cubes with one hand, but aside from that they were all pretty sound. And I ended up ploughing some 6/10 French girl that turned up as well that was giving me the fuckeye all night. Thank you based reddit.
Can't tell if the first reply is a work or a shoot
fuck off right wing incels
reminder that Yea Forums is reddit
it's a work of course