What's it like being a boomer wrestling fan my fellow boom boom frens

What's it like being a boomer wrestling fan my fellow boom boom frens

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Being a boomer fan in today's era is pure misery. Only because we know what the Golden Age was like, the Monday Night Wars, 9.0 ratings, etc. and today all you have are trannies and manlets.

Being a boomer fan in today’s era is pure kino. I lived through the shitty Golden Age and overrated Attitude Era. Today we have incredible feats of athleticism and the best wrestling I’ve ever seen in New Japan.

Back in the good ole days when we watched PPV's for 14 terrible matches between nobodies just to see the top babyface squash the new monster heel, those were the days. Or the television shows in which the stars beat up jobbers and promoted ppvs. Zoomers wish they could've experience such classics like Greg Valentine versus Rugged Ronnie Garvin, those were the days.

But it was fantastic because they were pumped with steroids and couldn't hit a single move so we just watched 2 statues punch punch and kick for 12 minutes.

it’s cringe, like everything that involves boomercucks

None of that mattered because the commentary was top notch.

wow. zoomers are literally seething they missed out on the perfect era. I mean look at that deflection, we're talking Stone vs The Rock and they bring up The Hammer vs Rugged Ronnie (which honestly was a based feud, Hammer injured his shin, so he wore a brace, and he'd turn it to his calf before slapping on the Figure Four and winning every match, but when he tried it on Ronnie, Garvin wore his own shin pad which blocked Valentine's cheating), as I said, based, this was back when match psychology and telling a story were a thing.

Literally no one has ever, ever called Austin "Stone"
Stop larping you weird little fuck

>This nigger gets it

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not even worthy of my (you) you larping dork
back to squaredcircle ya peasant

you need to be over the age of 18 to post on this board

care to extrapolate?

>caring about match quality

I'd rather have matches that aren't painful to sit through due to how slow and boring they are, seeing as how they take up about 80% of PPV's.


It's not just being a boomer pro wrestling fan, but a boomer MMA fan as well

I mostly watch old NJPW, Pride and Pancrase videos with my roommates

based boomer

>tfw i will never find a boomer bf who wants to wrestle me

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Misery because the type of wrestling I loved is dead and gone.

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Take the coomer pill and start watching porn. You'll be the happiest man alive.

what exactly is that style you're looking for?

Feels kind of bad. I'm watching all the people I loved die or turn into weak shells of themselves
And the wrestling sucks too

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the true legends Greg "the Hammer" Valentine and "Rugged" Ronnie Garvin are still alive and well user.

The good kind with stars and people with personality.

I'm glad my boy Jim Hacksaw Duggan is still alive, at least