Is he the Meltzer of Music?
>Autistic Savant
>Makes Marks seethe
>Buried the Beatles much like Meltz Buried Hogan
>is the last line of defence against Meme Reviewers like Fantano much like how Based Meltz is against Whatculture and Bix
Is he the Meltzer of Music?
The Beatles are good though
Literally who.
He has shit taste and I just remembered he has a weird section on his website which is just a long list and photos of his “friends” which is bizarre.
He also played R2D2.
good and terrible.
>meltzer spends hours a week watching shit wrestling he doesn't enjoy
>scaruffi spends hours a week listening to shit music he doesn't enjoy
I’m a Christgau chad so I don’t care about this fuckwit
Imagine being so insecure about your taste in music that you listen to some random faggot critiquing it. Just listen to whatever music sounds good to you.
>Just listen to whatever music sounds good to you.
>Listen to what this random guy online thinks is good music
>never step outside safe space, never broaden horizons and experience new kinds of music, never have your views challenged, just consume, enjoy, purchase the same things again and again and again
Never even implied that, but nice seethe.
ya sautéin?
Ya boil?
ya brûlée?
ya cryin' ?
ya forlorn?
ya sizzling?
ya disconsolate?
ya shakin' ?
ya mirthless?
ya vibratin' ?
No, Fantano is the Meltzer of music. Both have autistic teenagers who are "deeply into [music/wrestling]" followers who parrot their every word.
Scaruffi is a retard but compared to the other two he's pretty based.