Waifuists and Joshicels boiling, sizzling, fuming and REEEEEing Sareee is going to WWE OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA
Waifuists and Joshicels boiling, sizzling...
Reminder than Joshi are basically Idol
So is not strange,they try to leave the first chance they get
It mainly just makes me feel bad for her. She's not a good fit.
Who? We don't need more of these pointless slants.
>It mainly just makes me feel bad for her
Spoken like a true Joshicel LMAO
Debuting as the valet of "Mark Contract" no doubt.
Based Tsukka getting the W over this doomed traitor
I'm still surprised that WWE is seen as this magical wonderland where you will find everlasting happiness, exposure and money by japanese people.
It couldn't be further from the truth.
JoshiChads have known this for awhile though.
"Joshicels" are STARDOMfags and they don't even know who she is.
>another no-dimes charisma vacuum slant
What the fuck is Gaytch doing
Imagine thinking Sareee is anybodys waifu. She's what an actual joshi fan likes, she's not pedo Stardom shit. Real joshi fans watch them leave and watch the next step up.
another traitor whore selling out to a mark contract. i say good riddance. have fun eating pins to no talent shitter blonde bimbos.
It's the biggest business in their industry, it's like being an animator and getting a gig at a big anime studio.
That said I literally never heard of her and I watch stardom and ice ribbon
In other businesses you sign with a promise of what your role is going to be, in WWE people just sign and hope for the best despite a long, long list of talent they misused, a lot of which were far more marketable than Japanese wrestlers without English abilities. I had a hearty belly laugh when I saw Kushida showed up on 205 LIVE, like what did he think was going to happen?
Yet, you still learn less in the first few years than at a halfway decent office job, you have no healthcare, you're creatively stifled and won't be used much at all, if you're foreigner that doesn't speak perfect english.
is always USA "fans" who cry about ruined and shit.
You also make five times as much in the long run as you would in a gook bingo hall, which is all that matters to 99% of wrestlers.
>it's like being an animator and getting a gig at a big anime studio.
Not the best example to use
t. nu japanlet fan who set kyoani studio on fire because Haruhi goes over Who Japan in ratings
Isnt this really old news
Io, Kairi and Asuka have taken a paycut to sign with WWE.
from today
Triple H made an offer in July; Sareee accepted today.
Prove it.
Oh ok. I remember seeing that pic of her with triple h long ago in threads.
According to who?
Pic unrelated. Kaho will always be a prelim guy.
Kabuki Warriors were plan A.
Sareee is plan B.
There's always a plan B.
If you know anything about the industry you'd know what's wrong with that analogy
still crying LMAO
Why HHH keeps hiring all those japs that can barely speak English?
Sh started learning English seriously when WWE offered her a contract.
According to made up rumours with no source. There is absolutely nobody with an actual source in Japanese wrestling, let alone anyone who knows both how much they made, and how much NXT gave them. Notice how there are never ever any actual leaks or solid information, like in this case. But I guarantee afterwards they will make up all sorts of news like 'oh we knew she was going to the WWE, we know she took a pay cut!' Etc, and any other bs they need to fit their agenda.
Just ask them to name a source and that shuts them up pretty quickly. For some reason there are a lot of bullshitters in the joshi community.
Meltzer for Asuka and Kairi and Io herself said it she was making more money in Stardom but seeing Kairi at a Takeover in front of a big crowd convinced her to go.
5ch autists who go to every show and count the number of people in Io’s merch line, meltzer too but this is a better source. She and Kairi got 100% profits from the merch sold because they had leverage over rossy in the threat of them jumping to wwe. If 20 salarymen spend 50 usd a show on her 80 times a year that’s 80k in merch alone and that’s a conservative estimate. It doesn’t even include her worn masks which she sold after every show for over 500. She probably made over 150k her final year in stardom.
until some new younger idol Joshi steals their place.
You know what happens then
>5ch autists who go to every show and count the number of people in Io’s merch line
No one does that. And anecdotal evidence is hardly credible.
What's her WWE name going to be?
Going for Sarah Kawasaki
>The article says she talked with Nakamura and Kairi before accepting
>But they prefer to wrestle in front of 50 pervert otaku!
>You know what happens then
Continue working for as long as they want like Aja Kong, Yoshiko, Manami Toyota, Bull Nakano.
those are not the Joshi you see on STARDOM
She can't speak English and she doesn't have a fraction of the charisma, gimmickry, or looks of Asuka, Kairi, or Io. She'll have 0 appeal to Vince. This is just another "lock them up so nobody else can have them" signing. Maybe another move forward towards NXT Japan, though.
They aren't the joshi you see coming up at all because they're froma different era. If they can work they're going to have a place on the card for as long as they can go. Which is an absolutely retared point to begin with to say age is going to lose them thier place on the card when they're in WWE of all places.
She signed for money, do you really think she is planning to ME WM?
Read the article. She wants to show her skills to the world. It's not about money.
Another wrestler called Mark Contract?
>Mei's senpai signs with AEW; forcing Mei to step up her game
>Haruka's senpai signs with WWE; forcing Haruka to set up her game
Circle of life, ladies and gentlemen.
Well NXT contracts are only 60k for 5 years now so I guess she really doesn't care about money
She'll be a great fit in the Kabuki House Party.
Holy shit dude you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. There is so much bullshit in that little thing you wrote.
First, I go on Japanese wrestling forums, nobody does that, it is literally impossible in most venues because everyone lines up outside and only a certain number can enter at a time and then line up again for each individual wrestler, so you only get to be inside for a limited time and then cycled out as new people come in so you can't count how many people lined up for each wrestler.
Second Meltzer has no sources for Stardom, and Meltzer doesn't speak Japanese. When has he ever actually had a scoop for them? Never.
100 percent of profits is just so ridiculous and dumb, first, they would never do that, the regular merch percentage that is reported for any company is around 5-10 percent. They also can't 'hold leverage' in the middle of a contract, they can't change their terms and they can't leave the contract.
They almost never sell masks and barely sell shirts, what most people get is a cheki or two-shot.
Your math shows absolutely no understanding of how business works. If 20 people buy 50 dollars worth of stuff the wrestler doesn't get 1000 dollars. You substract the cost of making the shirt, shipping the merchandise, cost of sales staff, cost of initial design and later photography, copywriting, possible royalties to different parties involved, company cut, and THEN you cut out a percent for the wrestler.
And finally, the 150k number is pulled out of your ass and proven to be highly, highly doubtful.
AEW might have been a better platform for her to try and do this then. Who knows how long Paul will have her working NXT house shows to get her "TV ready" to job to the stars.
Lie. Matt RIddle's contract is 3 years and worth six figures.
Holy shit you are a mark.
>It couldn't be further from the truth.
Are you sure about that?
>hey also can't 'hold leverage' in the middle of a contract, they can't change their terms and they can't leave the contract.
Her contract expired, she signed a new one where she got to keep all her merch money which is why the Stardom store never sold any of her stuff. That absolutely is leverage and she made a shitton from it. People on 5ch have done that, they actually did it recently for Riho's debut in Stardom since it was such a huge line.
As weebs and M-drones like yourself keep saying, without proof
>People on 5ch have done that, they actually did it recently for Riho's debut in Stardom since it was such a huge line.
No they haven't. Stop posting easily provable lies.
This is all made up. There is no source, it is all easily disproven childish bullshit that you will double down on for no good reason. The merch was event exclusive like they always have done for certain things to push live attendance. If she signed a contract where they had to give '100 percent profit' how would she know if they were telling the truth about the profit margin? And why would she accept that they just stop selling merch online in that case?
As for line-ups, I just explained factually how that is bullshit. It was at Korakuen Hall and the merch was sold in another building afterwards that you have to walk to. People line up OUTSIDE and they let about 20-30 people in at a time, those people leave, then they let others in, so it is IMPOSSIBLE to count how many were in the line for a particular wrestler.
>And why would she accept that they just stop selling merch online in that case?
Its not a case of stopping or selling anything, Stardom isn't allowed to sell her stuff on their store because Io owns it. Essentially like a freelancer, that's how we know she keeps all the money.
> at Korakuen Hall and the merch was sold in another building afterwards that you have to walk to.
Not every promotion does this the same and some have changed recently. That's only at Korakuen though, Stardom runs mostly out of shin kiba where it would be pretty easy to count fans. Its not made up at all haven't you heard stuff about how Tam Nakano has the longest merch lines at every show now, how do you think people know that? From people at the shows counting her lines.
I've been to a Stardom show at Korakuen Hall, there wasn't a line outside, You literally just walked in with your ticket and they had merch tables right there before you went to sit down, you could have easily counted how many people were there.
>Its not made up at all haven't you heard stuff about how Tam Nakano has the longest merch lines at every show now, how do you think people know that? From people at the shows counting her lines.
You can measure the length of the merch line relative to others with counting each head.
No one has ever given figures on the number of people in a given merch line on 5ch, because they aren't counting by number of heads. They are measuring the length of the line relative to other lines.
That's before the show, with only some items. After the show they go to the building across the bridge and to the right. People line up there and that's where the majority of people go since they have exclusive items and you actually talk to the wrestlers there. If you go to the show you also notice nobody is standing there counting everybody. I go to shows all the time, never seen that.
Stardom runs those merch tables and wouldn't sell them there either if that was the case, it also seems like your story is changing as we go. Stardom made Io's shirt for her final show and advertised it there, and had their staff selling it. I know since I was there.
Stardom still sells afterwards in the other building, I know, I go to the shows. I also know you can't count at the building, and that there are also often not even lines before the show, there are very few people in the pre-show merch area.
The after show meet and greet/merch was around the corner in the same building.
I didn't go to that show so I didn't know, so I guess it is possible to count for that one show. Was it not packed to fuck in that little area? Where did people line up?
>Stardom made Io's shirt for her final show and advertised it there, and had their staff selling it. I know since I was there.
That doesn't disprove anything, they probably made all her shirts for her. Was that shirt available on their shop afterwards by any chance? Seems like a thing that would sell well so surely they would put it up, unless of course Io had a special contract where she owns all her merch like a freelancer but Stardom does all the dirty work for her producing the stuff
>If you go to the show you also notice nobody is standing there counting everybody. I go to shows all the time, never seen that.
Why are you so autistic and literal. Do you understand the concept of extrapolation? Of course nobody is going to every single show all across the country and carefully monitoring lines.
>She'll have 0 appeal to Vince
She is just a woman who hits hard and has great matches with other people. She has fire and silent killer charisma. But she is not super colorful and killer clownish like Asuka was. She is not high flyer who was touted as one of the best in the world like Io and she certainly isn't likeable underdog babyface you want to cheer for because you want her to succeed like Kairi.
How do you know how it compares to where they were, faggot? Or are you just measuring fake wins
It feels like the girl version of KENTA going to WWE. All her hype and great matches are from hard hits and headbutts and now she won't be able to do any of that anymore. How will she get over?
>It feels like the girl version of KENTA going to WWE
That's only true if she's kept getting injured every time she's due for a big push.
Everything you've posted is conjecture and speculation without any evidence to support it. There's no credibility to your arguments. No one with a clue is buying any of it.
Omemega btfo
What user means is that Sareee is very similar to KENTA in that she got over not because of how showy she was, but because she goes hard as fuck.
I hope they change her name, just to go with KENTA's path.
She shouldn't be talking to Nak or Kairi, she should be talking to KENTA about her possible future in WWE, because that is who she is.
jokes on you she already has surgery done on her shoulder from an injury a few years ago only a matter of time before she gets injured again in wwe
Yeah I don't understand this at all, if Asuka Kairi and Io can't get used there is 0 chance for this girl. Personally I think she's overrated but despite that she's bland looking and offers nothing unique really... virtually any other top teir joshi still out there would be a better fit but it doesn't even matter anyway. I mean WWE has the 3 best overall japanese girls in the world that could get over and they can't even figure that out.
Sareee is moving to the states and getting her a western man and there's nothing we can do about it.
>I'm still surprised that WWE is seen as this magical wonderland where you will find everlasting happiness, exposure and money by japanese people.
It couldn't be further from the truth.
Did they?
You hate to see it. Joshis aren't worth following in the Fed.
Sareee, Kairi, Asuka and all the other joshi dingbats that go to WWE will look like fools once big dimes riho becomes aew womens champion, a huge star and household name while they're in catering and opening up youtube channels do pay the bills.
True. She's super vanilla and doesn't have the persona that WWE is looking for. Doesn't speak a word of english either. Gonna be rough for her.
Riho's last match with AEW is literally getting squashed by Nyla Rose, she only signed a 5 match contract, and last night in Taiwan, she was teaming with Kenny for her 4th match.
She'll be a great trainer for the failed fitness models and other hacks that couldn't cut it in their own sport in the PC, though.
literally no one knows who Preshow Riho is
She signed a new contract recently retard. She talked about doing AEW for 3 weeks and then doing Stardom the rest of the month.
She confirmed that she signed a full time contract in Weekly Puroresu and will be working TV once or twice a month. You have no = clue what you're talking about.
Sadly Riho isn't winning since the winner of Bea/Britt is the n1 contender. They need the tranny as a monster champion.
>signing a 5 year mark contract at the ripe age of 23
That's a major yikes for me.
She's in for the money. That's clear as day.
Source? and stop being a bunch of faggots
Her Tokyo Sports interview.
>noooooo my slant eyed, stick figured gook is a better female rassler than a blonde western pig dog111!!!!11!
GENIUS, she can work for WWE for 5 years, make at least $500k, get married and have a baby, open a joshi promotion is Japan before she is 30.
Do joshis even have agencies or lawyers that look over contracts and negotiate them?
At age 23, I can only imagine she said "yes, please hhh-sama!" at the first contract offer.
Riho is a household name in China where her matches have been broadcast for a potential audience of 1.3 billion. Soon she will be wrestling on national television in the west. She's reaching the stardom of a world-class athlete.
and be out by 28 to do whatever she wants in japan
hi Chatri
Yeah, it looked like there is at least thousands of Rihomaniacs in the building, brother. Impact wished they had crowd this big and they are the 2nd biggest wrestling promotion in the US.
Damn Joshi pedos are literally insane they'll spend all day long and hours arguing online with faceless nobodies because their favorite yellow girl is going to the one place they hate to see it happen and feeling threatened that she is now exposed to more viewers outside of their sekrit fanclub and because WWE lives rent free inside their head LMAO
Saree isn't a stick figure. Kinda chubby lately actually. Everything else is correct.
>She's reaching the stardom of a world-class athlete.
I thought the website was a joke
No, some actual loser made a site dedicated to some nobody joshi. Pathetic.
this is literally more people than Impact's shows in Oklahoma combined.
>It is not certain whether it is an exclusive contract.
Literally more people there than any Sendai or Stardom at SHinkiba show.
Makoto is the draw
And they have been doing the best job reporting on what she does.
We are blessed by what they do.
>It mainly just makes me feel bad for her.
I'm sure she thinks about you too
Yeah and kushida just wrestled at msg and will be on weekly nxt shows on live television on a network called USA
Legit all he wanted was to wrestle in America and he's only going to keep moving up
Kushida is a charisma vacuun stuck in 205. Retard. MSG means shit nowadays. Specially if you dont sell it out like WWE does.
How many people were there? Because it doesn't look like it. Even if we are limiting it to Shinkiba shows, I know Stardom have had some that are 400+.
NXT and 205 are downgrades from New Japan (who also just ran MSG, and actually sold it out unlike WWE). He made a backwards career move instead of an upwards one.
NXT are going to be in prime time tv on the USA network while NJPW is airing on Saturday doing 200k on AXS TV or 3 am on Asahi TV Japan.
I mean if his objective was to wrestle in front of a 1/128 filled MSG (because from the very little people that went to SD, even fewer stay). I mean Okada wrestled in front of a Sold Out MSG this same year. I guess Kushida likes to be small time? I don't know.
>he's going to keep moving up
It's so cute that you think this.
In front of 400 fans. Retard.
Kushida, Io and Kairi hate it in America. They constantly mention it in their social media and fetish blogs.
Sareee talked to Shin, who can finally phone it in, cash in and surf at the same time and Kairi was forced to tell her that everything in WWE and America is great while almost dying and pulverizing all her money on fashion items forcing her to sell her gear to get through the days.
yes only 400 people watch USA
What exactly makes you think NXT is gonna do big numbers? Do I need to remind you it was cancelled the first time because numbers were shit?
here take it and leave
so? you are acting like he is wrestling in front of a few dozens of fans in Impact and getting paid $5k a year. He gets to be on american TV and getting paid six figures a year plus he doesn't have to drenched himself in baby oil and take off his thongs and shoved them in his mouth like someone in AEW. Get a clue you fucking mark.
This thread just goes to show all the incels joshi pedos don't even know how to read the language and just relying on puro twitter trannies to translate articles for you to make it as news and going ahead to use their often mistranslated opinion as news and it's how narratives often gets started. Nothing in the article actually says she is joining the WWE
No, I relied on a Japanese guy who translate stuff about wrestling to English.
It's going to do better in one night than NJPW did a month in AXS or Impact in their entire run on Pursuit and Twitch combined, because it's a good fucking show and WWE shows like miz and mrs and Stone Cold's show in the USA network averages 1 million viewers even though it's at 10 pm and 11 pm respectively.
Also, hello.
Good job out of you. Surely you have discovered how wrong you were, right?
Or are you a retard?
I miss Kaho.
She's been wrestling in Japan for some time already.
>literal who living in your head rent free
>It's gonna do good because I say so.
So no reason then. Don't cry when you see the real numbers.
I literally said it's because it's a good fucking show, but it's nice that you started to COPE before NXT even start airing though.
No shit. That's why I posted a webm of her in CMLL and said I missed her.
All right. I apologize user. I've been battling this moron and I started to read everything anyone posts with him in mind and I put you down to his level. Sorry. My bad.
I'm gonna tell you this now so you know before you start crying like a bitch when you see the numbers. Try not to have a breakdown. Here we go
Nobody fucking cares if you think it's a good show. No one is gonna watch because you think that. Not even your parents care. You saying it's good is completely meaningless.
lol you are the one seething, crying and triggered about someone's opinion over the internet, looks like I hit a nerve that melted you snowflakes.
Name me a better show than NXT who is voted the best weekly TV show 3 years running on the Observer and widely praised by everybody who watches.
>She's 23 years old
So 7 years in NXT, right?
>Name me a better show than NXT who is voted the best weekly TV show 3 years running on the Observer
>awards they won 4 to 6 years ago
Bro, you aren't 'battling' anyone, get the fuck off the internet and go outside. Jesus Christ.
to be fair this dude literally lost his mind "battling" anonymous dudes on the internet in a thread labeled "Waifuists and Joshicels boiling, sizzling, fuming" is perfectly on point with the topic.
Meltzer reported it in the Wrestling Observer and Sonny confirmed it, at least with Kairi and Io. Not sure about Kana but wrestling wasn't her main money-maker in Japan it was the businesses she owned. If she managed to get $1 for each of those masks she sold though...her salary wouldn't even matter.
How many fucking times to people have to tell you Meltzer reported it and Sonny confirmed the STARDOM girls. Seriously why are you fucking losers so obsessed with the idea that joshi wrestlers can make more money in Japan. Indy wrestling in Japan isn't "here's a hotdog and a diet coke" many girls can do it as their full-time jobs.
According to Meltzer, who thought Asuka/Kana was one of STARDOM's biggest star before going to WWE and thought Emi Sakura and Poly Anna was the same person?
According to a gaijin that do translations and subtitles for STARDOM? How would he know how much any of the girls make every year or every month and how the fuck would he know how much WWE is offering and how much the girls get when they signed with WWE? They are going to discuss contracts related stuff with some random gaijin working in the office?
You dumb fucks would believe anything! Probably thought AEW is booking the joshis better than AEW and Riho isn't going to get squashed by Nyla because AEW ain't putting their first women title on someone who can't speak Engrish.
>"T-that's not good enough! I n-need more than Meltzer and an actual Stardom employee to be convinced!"
It's like saying Brad Shepard reported that Sasha was crying on the floor of the locker room because one of "sources" saw her.
It's obvious Meltzer has zero sources on female wrestlers let alone someone from Japan and someone who is not in charge of payroll or close personal friend would know details of contract negotiations between WWE and Japanese talents are fucking absurd.
But will she ever be able to speak English and cut a promo?
So far, all of the others in WWE to this day can not.
nxt is on tv now, dweeb
They supposedly all did...
Oh yeah you're right. 7 years in the performance center and working the Florida circuit, then she can be called up to NXT.
Despite the product being down in popularity and in quality it's still seen as the top wrestling promotion on the planet. I'm not defending the current product cause it's pretty horrible but it's still the most known. To be a Japanese star and work for WWE is a huge asset cause it gets you more seen on a global stage instead of just in the limited Japanese promotion's fanbase. It's the exposure they want. That can mean a lot of money for them later on once they leave. Having WWE on your resume is a huge asset in the wrestling business.
Do you think Cody or Jericho would be where they are now if it wasn't for the exposure they got from WWE?
Meltzer literally reported this based on Sonny saying this shit
Sure retard. If that was the case she whould have signed with Stardom. She got worked by Shin and Cunter.
just look at Kenta, he basically spend his WWE run, in the injury list,eating catering and not learning English, went to NJPW and became a bigger deal than he would had he showed up fresh from NOAH.
This dude takes some of the best pictures in joshi. How does making a website giving interesting infos to japanese and western fans about his favorite wrestler makes him a loser?
LMAO puro twitter seething as always their FOTM joshi is now going to be more famous than ever and will no longer be cool to support them.
That is part of their seethe.
The problem for me is that her wrestling will be made into WWE's house style.
Take a look at Kana's matches before she was Asuka and you will see the difference.
But what is the biggest problem I think is that her particular charisma and intensity while she wrestles won't translate well in NXT and I am not even thinking about WWE main roster with the creative forces that don't understand what made wrestlers interesting before they signed.
I don't care where people wrestle, if their matches and stories they tell are interesting and fun.
WWE's record is not really good in that regard.
You know all of this shit wouldn't happen if Bushiroad had a female wrestling promotion.
It would be interesting to see them try, but joshi is too fragmented to start a promotion from scratch if you don't want to play the long game.
>tfw i've never watched whatever fed she's from so i don't care
>Being proud of watching ShiTJPW but not Sendai girls.
Yuckafags really are low iq
tjpw has everything I need in a joshi federation
>great matches
>great comedy
>fun characters
What more could I ask for?
>great matches
lol that promotion is full of shitters. Only Yamashita, Natsumi Maki, Mizuki and Yuka are the ones capable of having good matches. How someone like Pom Harajuku is allowed to be in the ring is almost criminal.
She has some matches in TJPW