Do wrestlers stuff their tights?

This guy looks like he has a bunch of balled up tissue paper in his tights. That doesn’t look like a real bulge.

Attached: 731FB46D-0A40-4758-8CC8-CB5E46478A6B.jpg (750x757, 88K)

Probably. Remember when Samoa Joe pushed him against the wall like a little bitch?

Remember when Kevin Nash made Samoa Joe cry like an even bigger bitch?

Attached: Dweeb.webm (1068x598, 2.96M)

based character work, I feel like a lot of guys skip out on doing the little stuff now

Yeah but does he stuff his drawers?

Remember when The Rock made Kevin Nash cry like a Big Daddy Bitch?

Someone unironically asked this to Cornette on his podcast long ago. I think he said no for past wrestlers.

Remember when Nash threatened Rock. backstage and Rock ran and tattled to Patterson like a bitch

I think this guy does


Most guys where thongs or tights underneath their attire to prevent ball pops or dick disasters during moves.

With that said, there are cheap crotch hammocks used by movies to keep your dick hidden. Why stuff a sock or something that looks terrible when you can hammock yourself?


Just look at the pic related in my original post

He has a sock down his pants.

what didn't he say rick rude would put a dildo in his tights

Maybe he put it in his ass

I'm an AEWchad, but this guy lost all credibility when he joined Cody in a Star Trek outfit.

Miz-lite... you're FIRED

Poetic justice given how often Nash apparently politicked with owners and bookers.

We'll just have to accept your expert opinion on what a real bulge looks like.

"AEW chad"

lel, the faggot thinks he's a chad

#MJEFF gettin his shit in

Honestly most people I've ever met named Chad were the biggest faggots ever. So he's probably ok still using it.

>stuffing his tights