Sid loses to Benoit


Attached: 47843hde.png (679x505, 533K)

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Match results were overturned to chrisetty still lost

WWE which owns WCW recognizes his title reign to this day.

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Doesn't matter cause he still ultimately lost the match and WCW acknowledged it was a mistake, tired of getting BTFO'd yet?


>arguing over the results of fake fights

This is why people still ask you if you know it's fake.

History is written by the victors. Sid Vicious tapped frantically to Chrs Benoit at Souled Out in the fall of 2000

But Chris killed his family and then himself and as a result got blacklisted from anything WWE related, therefore Sid is the victor in the end and can write whatever he wants.

Not blacklisted enough, his title reign is still honored by WWE even after twelve years.

Attached: 1568495844043.jpg (500x386, 58K)

Chris died however. It means Sid can never get the pin back, at least on this plane of existence.


WCW no longer exists, faggot. All that matters is what WWE recognizes

>He tapped to a midget
Oh no! Kek

You tapped to snuggles the laundry detergent bear, wolfcuck

Benoit vs Sid in a cell in a hell match will be Satanmania kino

weirdly enough, WCW doesn't count Benoit, Arquette or Russo as champions (going by their official list they used to have on their website) but WWE does

>Benoit vs Sid in a cell in a hell match will be Satanmania kino
Why would Sid go to Hell?

due to his abuse of Nash throughout the years

Attached: big daddy bitch.webm (480x270, 1.39M)

Kek what a bitch

Sid is a big pussy who needed a squeegee to defend himself against little Brian Pillman in real life too not a fake scripted pro wrestling match.


As oppossed to real life thought guy Kevin Nash who got elbowed in the face by his son because that's how much he respects him

Yeah and Nash got BITCHSLAPPED by Tatsumi Fujinami and didn't do a damn thing about it. He also backed down from Rick Rude

This is an absolute fail of a thread, very much like wolfcuck's life

this forced meme is dumb like the underage trying to milhouse it

Imagine Sid powerbombing every demon in Hell before abusing the Devil like that.