Pure workrate never drew a di-

>Pure workrate never drew a di-

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What saddens me most about Brets steroid abuse is that, that is all he could achieve

Bretetty never drew a dime, correct.

He used roids? I'm bigger than that and I'm natty wtf?

A dime. Bret is an anti-draw online outdone at it by HBGay

Bret was unironically a draw in the international market, he may not have drawn as much as hulkster but he kept the lights on and that's more than shawn can say

meant to say "only" not "online"

reminder that workrate is a made up word only smarks use

>but he kept the lights on
kept the lights on WCW, did he? Stop kidding yourself. At least Shawn never bankrupted a company.

This is factually inaccurate.

What the fuck are you talking about? Workrate was a workers term that got co-opted by smarks.

I'm about the same natty and leaner. Been bigger but didn't feel healthy. My mind was truly blown when he came out as a juicer. Must have been eating nothing of nutritional value

Bret only used steroids until 1992. He was clean his entire main event run. The wellness policy was a shoot back then.

Ah yes, Bret bankrupted WCW - thanks for the info (kek)


He said in one of his book that he used steroids "off and on" throughout his career.

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>mention bret hart
>muh international market
every time, no wonder people call you e-drones

>thanks for the info
you're welcome, mark.

They pushed Bret, they pushed Del Rio, they pushed Benoit, they pushed Lesnar. Why the fuck won't they push Cesaro

Cesaro is awkward and cannot cut a passing English promo and I'm a cesaro mark


Loonys or whatever gay shit Canada uses for currency doesn't count

"You're not in my league, and you know what? Go fuck yourself as well"-Hulk Hogan, a guy who's actually drawn dimes in his career.

Del Rio wasn't bad on the mic

Summerslam 92. Sold out Wembley Stadium.

Now that's some delusion. Bulldog drew the house. Bretetty was the guy who worked with The Guy, as per usual.

This isn't even a plausible troll take.

Seething Shitman mark detected. Nobody gave a fuck about him in the UK. Davey Boy was the draw.

Pure workrate single handedly started New Japan's second impact.

Attached: kazuchika-okada-vs-kenny-omega-njpw-wk11.jpg (1280x720, 369K)

>pure workrate
He is an absolute fucking sperg doing tons of meme hand signals and gestures, what are you even on about?

He never drew

Didnt he only use roids to get over injuries faster?

Bret drew because he legitimately had a cool look. There's a reason why he was one of the few wrestlers to appear in the fucking Simpsons because of how popular he was