She ate all that in one sitting, didn't she?

She ate all that in one sitting, didn't she?

Attached: 20190914_155807.jpg (1080x1736, 1.07M)

Awesome I can tell those ribeyes are grass fed by the coloring.

is she trying to become the new Nia Jax?

Steak, sausage, and chicken wings won’t make you fat you idiot. Protein + fat = lean and good skin.

fug that looks good

Those steaks look glorious

Pure protein farts



Attached: ECxQkI6X4AAfU0r.jpg (1125x1354, 182K)

she is going to balloon once her metabolism slows even a little

look like wrinkly shitty cheap fatty cuts

t. incel

Steaks look perfect.

How does fucking Liv know how to pick out marbleized grass fed premium meat? Dumb bitch was probably like, give me 2 of the the most expensive shits ya got. And lord knows she didn't cook them, bitch probably stuck them in the microwave, what a waste of perfect steaks, I woulda grilled them for her, gave her some wine, and then licked her in spots that would make Enzo cry.

ya seethe soiboi?

imagine the smell

She probably just gets one of the tens of guys who wants to smell her farts to cook them. Shes attractive, dumbass, she doesnt have to do anything herself in this country.

>Steaks look perfect.

Attached: soy.png (1230x682, 789K)

jeez the sad amount of desperate simp in your sad obviously virginal life.

hurr i'd lick her and cook for her and love her and treat her good says every beta simp virgin ever about a girl he'll never fuck

But aren’t those types the ones who eat bug protein?

>Steaks look perfect.
>How does fucking Liv know how to pick out marbleized grass fed premium meat?

Attached: you.png (1230x682, 1020K)

everyone that I don't like is one of those types

"grass fed"
steak is based but
these are all red flags you're dealing with a numale

Please get the fuck out of my christian board. Namefags like you are pathetic and not allowed to be here. Thanks.

Is that from that site that Jeriboomer shills in his podcast?

What happened to FuzzyWuzzyMooMoo? Why was he so flash in the pan?

some dude probably picked out the food

all Liv eats is junk food and black dick (but ur right, those steaks look perfect, worth losing a title belt to eat)


FuzzyWuzzyMooMoo is too long, vince should've shortened his name before calling him up.

He's the same person. No business exposing.

>liv will never eat your sausage


You're using your gimmick wrong

i am fuzzywuzzymoomoo i changed
my name because there is a guy on reddit with that name
and he was getting absue from asshole here
who think we're the same person

>And lord knows she didn't cook them, bitch probably stuck them in the microwave

Attached: 90914170130.jpg (1074x1490, 883K)

>worked by the filter

SrFago is ding-dong diddly s󠀀oy󠀀boy

Fucking vegan cuck doesn't eat meat, but he sure likes the bone if ya know what I mean!

Attached: sad-crying-gay-homo-faggot-wojak-1.jpg (618x371, 66K)

SrGrafo looks like this?

Attached: 32586A2B-E4AF-4495-9565-F60B718CA3E7.jpg (1242x2057, 720K)

ya sautéin?

how about you
stip being a creepy lil fucking bitch and
get off the oggdamn internet

No, that's just the gay dude he's stalking. Fucking sick-o pretends to be him online. He's fucked in the head 4 real.

he cute

is that Claude from gta 3?

>No, that's just the gay dude he's stalking. Fucking sick-o pretends to be him online. He's fucked in the head 4 real.

Attached: 1567020999211.png (454x520, 11K)

So is it you or not?

SrGrafo... Looks more like a FlappoSpammo

feels good to
be so popular

but never ignored



>ITT bubblin tripfags

Why is it so easy to work tripfags, bros?
All you have to do is post expensive meat and they go full blown s󠀀oy󠀀boy.

Attached: marbledtoperfection.jpg (504x504, 76K)

heh you don't know what a trip is
how embarrassing

Or they could just be old. They tend to get that coloring if they’re starting to turn

>petroleum grill

Why God


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