If I was in charge of WWE 2K20, I would simply make the graphics better instead of worse.
If I was in charge of WWE 2K20, I would simply make the graphics better instead of worse
That would imply you give a fuck about how the game looks or plays. This automatically disqualifies you from working for any 2k game.
What were they doing all this time if the game is exactly the same but with worse graphics? is it there at least one new mechanic in matches?
2K can't even optimise the game with the current graphics, any match with over 4 people has slowdown and the Switch version of 2K18 was in slow motion.
no you wouldn't because your budget would be razor thin and already blown in 2015 for the next 5 years
they do shitty mocapped animations all year then release them in the story mode
If the graphics got better every year, then nobody would ever buy it, you'd be smart to just wait for next year's edition!
You have to make the graphics worse every year to get people to buy it now and not wait for next year's inferior version.
the 2k18 switch version was also running on a fucking switch, a $200 tablet with less power than an iphone 5
>the switch version
well it's your fault for playing a console that had outdated hardware the moment it was released.
kek what do you expect
i'd like to see you do better you basement dwelling perma-virgin. making a game look better actually takes effort and hard work, something your incel ass knows nothing about. 2K doesw their best every year and you would have to be blind to think there isn't at least some improvement every year. also, they focus on adding new game mechanics and extra content so who cares if the graphics improve a little less compared to everyone else
Le redpilled monsieur
Lol fuck no
The only things I've seen advertised are female mycareer (don't have a problem with if there's actually a different story), 4 horsie showcase (who gives a fuck) and "streamlined controls" (no idea what the fuck this means, it's not like the game is that complicates).
based impact
I would think so but so far they've only released a couple entrance videos because the hardcore fans of these games unironically care more about entrance ramp lighting and wearing the right color trunks than they do about gameplay
the ps2 models actually looked so good for when they came out. At least the faces of the bigger names, I'm sure there was some jank with the attires
The Switch being shit doesn't excuse 2K for releasing a game that can't play on the console.
them releasing it doesn't excuse you for being a retard and buying a game that doesn't work
Hell just give based gameplay and you could get away with N64 tier graphics
I got a WWE 2K game to run pretty well on a super crummy laptop by setting the crowd size to 0.
Console versions don't have a crowd size slider but I bet there was a fight behind the scenes about including No Dimes Mode
Nintendrone cope.
It's baffling to me that the graphics haven't gotten much better since Smackdown vs RAW which was like 12 years ago
the impact game is just static models like action figures it actually looks like shit
Because theyre literally using the same engine from the ps2 era (and I think even ps1 era), with better physics, lighting etc. frankensteined in
Is this the new game? What the fuck is Becky doing with her old tron?
video game graphics across the board have not improved at all since about 2013. bioshock infinite broke the industry.
they do this every year, corbin with hair dean not looking like bane, etc
Imagine if these games got a regular 2-3 year development cycle. Maybe shit could start improving.
If I were in charge, I'd stylise the graphics instead of chasing the realism dragon down the uncanny valley rabbit hole
I think if your game runs at 900p on a ps4 and 720p on an Xbox, and STILL drops frames like no ones business, then it's time to dial things back a touch
>If I just say wishful thinking online it will happen
I've never played a 2K game but can someone clear something up?
>Games include a my career mode where you go through performance center/ NXT and learn to cut promos
>Games are framed as simulations
>Games also have elements of player control, implying you make your own choices in angles rather than playing out the story
So the games simulate the scripted nature of WWE, but also play out in kayfabe at points?
I believe there isn't any actual decisions in the 2k games unlike the older ones, and yeah keyfabe is still alive in the games, they haven't go all in on the "this is just pretend fighting" line
There’s a “match rating” thing but I think it just docks you for spamming moves
I would make the whole game worse
It all exists in the pseudo kayfabe that WWE pushes now where you are both a performer, who is trying to put on the best match with your performing partner and also a fighter who is trying to beat your opponent.
Looks better than the actual Becky
How the fuck is the wwe '12 version even possible?
I have most of the textures saved and I have no idea lmao
they just made him blacker in the next one. Amazing