Why won’t they answer my application bros? I’m an actor and amateur bodybuilder

Why won’t they answer my application bros? I’m an actor and amateur bodybuilder.
>led role in Julius Caesar, led male in Legally Blonde, been in Rent, Hamlet, Death of A Salesman, and a few other plays.
>muscular and 6 foot tall
Is it because I don’t have any wrestling experience?

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Has anyone ever put in Kenny Omegas info to see if they respond back?

Also in the “Why should we hire you section” I put an answer like “I have never wrestled before so I have not picked up any bad habits and your trainers could mold me into the perfect wrestler”

WWMeme will be bankrupt and out of business within the year. Not a good decision OP.

>Is it because I don’t have any wrestling experience?

How old are you


NXT, while it's technically a developmental league, doesn't really pick up younger wrestlers and develop them into main eventers like a developmental league should. Instead the whole thing is just a front for Triple H's egotistical war on the indies. Basically NXT exists to scoop up main eventers from both indies and rival promotions like TNA and NJPW with promises of WrestleMania main events and "the big time", only to make them jobbers once they make it to the main roster. Anyone they actually have plans to make main eventers will never show up in NXT.

Should I mention in the application I’m fine with being a jobber then?

WWE won't even bother signing you if you don't have any wrestling experience.

this is a good idea
they sign people that dont tho

So should if I took some martial arts classes and added that to my application think it would help my chances?

Go to some wrestling schools first

Nah those seem like scams

I also played one season of college football at Campbell University

The entire fucking wrestling business is a fucking scam jackass
If you want to be a fucking carny learn from the fucking carnys

I don’t think I like your attitude, chief.

Should I get some tattoos? Would that help my chances?

The only thing that's going to help your chances is paying a wrestling school to teach you how to wrestle, and also to be less autistic.

Wrestling schools are scams

What tattoos should I get

When I get signed I won’t forget about you guys

Well Yea Forums what do I do?

This is legitimately false, though. Yes, having wrestling experience will mean you get additional tryout opportunities at RAW/Smackdown for backstage extra spots/security/squash matches, but they have plenty of non-wrestlers attend the Performance Center tryouts. The majority of the time they have them roll, but learn how to take back bumps on the third day while some of the indie wrestlers are putting together matches.
>t. I've done a PC tryout

A lot of them are, a lot of them aren't. You just have to figure out which ones have legitimate connections that can give you proper building blocks and help you get booked out of state to start generating momentum behind your name.

How did you get the try out?

I have a portfolio/account set up on the PC website and keep it updated regularly. From that, they contacted me about doing a tryout before RAW. These are the most common for indie wrestlers, and I usually get to go to at least one taping tryout a year (or more, if Smackdown is in the same area), they'll have you do matches, how those matches are set up depends on who's running it. Depending on the number of people at the tryout, you could do an optional second match.

After my third one, I was invited out to tryout at the PC because they really, REALLY loved my footwork. I didn't get to do a match during the tryout weekend though, sadly.

You’re larping brother. I’ve been applying multiple times a week and there is no way to set up an account/portfolio. Eat shit faggot larper I’m serious about this shit.

What are you talking about? They literally have a spot to update promo pics and match logs.

If you're over six foot and muscular, you wouldn't have been cast in any of those roles. You'd tower over all of the other actors and distract from the performance.

No there isn’t

I wasn’t as muscular then and technically I wasn’t male led in Legally Blonde. I played the ups man who is pretty important. The only reason I wasn’t the male led is because it was a musical and I can’t sing that well.

>No there isn’t
Okay, wait, hold on. You said you were applying multiple times a week? Do you mean the first app on the website?

Because you're supposed to wait until they've processed it, you aren't supposed to send in multiple.

How long until they process it then?

Mine took about two months to hear back, but that was also a few years ago. It depends on how many apps are ahead of yours, this might surprise you but a lot of people try to app through the website.

What was your wrestling background? Did you win any championships? Do you have any credibility?

I have acting experience, one season of college football, and I’m currently an amateur bodybuilder. If what you’re saying is true I apologize for earlier.

I hate to tell you, but all of that isn't going to get you much. If you look at the athletes they signed without prior wrestling experience, they all have long lists of credentials. Ranging from legit TV work, to prestigious . Out of what you have going right now, you should - at minimum - shoot for your pro card in bodybuilding, if you think the indies are beneath you or whatever.

No worries, people lie on here, I get it. I'm just trying to pass on some advice.. Which a lot probably won't be useful anyway, considering I come from a martial arts and pro wrestling background anyway.

I’m not gonna go do some indie bullshit and get injured for life. I think D1 college football and my acting experience does me pretty good. In the section to upload videos I sent them videos of me acting, playing football, and working out.

I'm just saying, man. It's easier to find an accredited indie wrestling school - you get more opportunities to work with the company and get your foot in the door, and if you're as tall and "built" as you say, you'd actually get hotshotted pretty far. Most guys your size don't have to bump much anyway, especially if you work as a tag team.

However, unless you actually made waves in football, did higher tier acting, or have a pro-card, the majority of your stuff is useless. I don't think you understand the competition you're up against when it comes to non-indie wrestling applicants.

Shit you’re probably right. What are the accredited Indy wrestling schools though? How much do they cost to attend?

Again, it varies. Where are you located state-wise? I can try to find some places local for you to look at.

I live in Charlotte

The two I would recommend looking into are AML, and RINGS. I'd put AML before rings, too, simply because they bring in a lot of outside talent to help with new guys which is very important. I do think it's more expensive though. George South, from RINGS, would also be a good connection to have, and I think it's closer to you than AML is. However, RINGS only runs trainings twice a week, which is a downside.

To quickly add, I just realized AML's head coach is Josh Gerry, who has a SHIT TON of connections all over the indies, and would also be an amazing connection to have. He's super nice and I've had the privilege of working events he's attended.

literally who?

Weird AML is based out of my hometown. I’ll check it out.

Respected guy on the indies, I'd honestly be surprised if someone who wasn't a wrestler knew him, he gets most of his good rep from being a coach, not a wrestler. He knows his shit, though.

They do the occasional tryout camp gimmick if you want to get your feet wet too. They have pretty cheap prices compared to other indies as well if it helps, they just structure pay weekly which is a little odd, but better if you have to take a week or two off for personal stuff.

