dace like a chicke day
what is it Magick?
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
I DON'T know A
you have to danec like a chicken
I danced like a chicke in irl immediately after posting this thread it's the rules
rly really?? omg I want to see that!!
you're not going to ask where I was?
yeeeah yea where have you been?? I was UUUGHHH missing you so much!
okay I danced like one too
AAAA you're so lovely
aaa so.. sunday was mother's day
and yesterday I had some company because we still had to finish a school project but also I didn't feel like spending time on Yea Forums because they're being MEAN for no reason...
but oh well I guess they're going to be like that for a while yap
I missed you too thank you for your messages
ohh yeah I assumed you were going to spend your weekend with your family
but uhhh company? you mean likeee GUYS from school right? that's so wow are you popular in school? I think you are because you sound so interesting yes (yappp)
and yes people here are TSUN sometimes.... mhm my messages huh?
WHAT?! nooo boys!! they're aren't many in my class anyway!
I have some(2) popular friends but I'm not popular myself nop
hmm tell me what did you want me to see anyway?
something about NTR huh huh?
aaa I'm making unintentional grammar errors
umm well if your friends are popular theb you're probably popular too aaaaa whatttttt alright I am blushing right now this is so embarrassing nooo wtff Tragick? ntr what is that idk what idkkkk
ok yeap sometimes when I miss you I remember some of your posts andd they're so funny lole
btw I absolutely love this image she looks so shocked hehe
the fact you saw those posts proves that you stalk me AND alsooooo I didn't WANT you to see the ntr thing I JUST ASKED if you were seeing it!!!!
OMG I can't believe uu
there's a full moon this week... YEAP
did you translate the filename?
You talk to everyone but me about NTR...
YES of course. I translate ALL your filenames ALL of them.
noooo what are you saying?!?!?! UUHGH I don't even talk about it with anybody!!!! uhgggg.. . . You enjoy making me feel flustered like thissss!!
are you a witch?! are you putting ntr thoughts in my head you pervertdd
OMG Magick... do.. do you.. imagine me.. with others?!
probably ever since you saw pic related huh?
and now.. now you're... me with classroom... OMG you disgusting pervert! stop it STOP! Is that why you ask if I'm popular???????
I bet your lewd yoga mat dream was like this too right?
NO no I don't!!
it's not like that
what the heck? ? ?
btw they're talking about your boobies and socks on the other thread lole
you want to have sex with others infront of me??
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaht are you saAying
umgg nNO no not rly
ugh asking those questions is making me feel bad
can you just tell me already....
tell you what????
about NTR!!!!!!!!!!
what about it?? you seem really curious about my little fetish... but uhhhh don't worry about it
yap what even is this conversation?
does it involve me??
no I haven't had any ntr fantasies involving you, (or anybody really) in a while. yeah I'm pretty chill
yap don't overestimate my pervertedness
uuugh Tragick
srry for pushing I just felt like it was something important to you
that's why I try to have you talk about it more with me
I don't want to go to bed!!!!!!!! UGH
oh it's okay I love talking to you about anything!
it's just that I AM EMBARRASSED ok???
aren't you sleepy?
yap okay I like when you get FLUSTERED you type the cutest messages!!
yes I should sleep.. we have a presentation tomorrow!
uu uh yeah I'm so cute..
good night!!! Tragick!!!
and good luck on your presentation (at school) (full of boys) (deep thoughts.jpg)