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Try your luck on /woo/ pal
What else is on the card?
>Guy with a cute girl vs guy with one hand vs guy literally named Froschy vs the most skinny guy ever.
Nice match
>leaves New Japan
>is back to being a comedy midcarder in bingo halls
Miss me Kenny?
These taiwanese shitters are quite solid so far.
(bingo hall) gook shit, lmao.
He's main event, drone.
Trade war these mofos.
>main event is a mixed tag match
That's even more embarrassing holy shit
Is this show in Taiwan, China or Japan?
Main eventing in a mixed tag match in a Taiwanese warehouse. Although at least there's more people in attendance than in a TNA show.
shiggy eerie yay
Nice botch here, you chinks.
The Cleaner Kenny Omega
Riho did the bang
Menny omega
the size of that fucking crowd lmao
what are you doing kenny
That matching gear is gay as fuck.
t. Cornette
Yucka looks like she doesn't even wanna be there lmao
Kenny vs Yuka nice
Trust me, he'll show up at WK ;)
kenny wresting with his children
Cornette would already stopped watching after that comedy match.
managed to last a couple of minutes before cringing out of the window. enjoy guys
anyone has screenshot of kenny's gear?
This was a pretty cool match!
i need me a Yuka vs Riho match asap
>yuka will never use a seated senton on you
feels bad
You realise he would do those from time to time even as a main eventer in japan right retard?
Do you people ever have fun in your life or do you always take everything this seriously ?
We get it, you are a Kenny fanboy. Doesn't change the fact not everybody is going to enjoy Kenny going from being seen as one of the top in the world to wrestling baby oil men. Imagine Stone Cold, Hogan, Cena, Okada or Tanahashi doing this shit.
thats my AEW womens champ
let my mans have some fun
>ywn stuff your sweaty underwear in her mouth
wtf bros?
Imagine comparing that faggot to actual wrestlers. He’s doing cringe shit because it’s who he is. Cringe shit.
What will they chant tonight?
The match was nothing special, Kenny and Michael doing their routine. But it was fun especially with mixing the women in it. Yuka might have the best facials in wrestling.
It'll be interesting to see if Kenny can get Tony on board with doing intergender tag-team wrestling as that seems to be another thing he wants to be doing.
He won't. It's not something that can work on US screens yet.
As long as it's not the men wrestling the women there won't be a problem. WWE does it without issue.
yeah dude, it's just embarrassing that kenny, who is supposed to be AEW's top guy, is wrestling in front of an appallingly small number of people
ching chong chant
But that's gay. The whole appeal of intergender wrestling is watching a 90 lb woman get slapped around by roided-out freak.
theres nothing wrong with him doing these types of matches every now and then. he obviously enjoys them
It sucks that there is no freedom of expression in the west. I can only hope that things change just like in Stand-up comedy currently
Just an awful match. Omega has fallen so far. The goofiness has taken over.
Yuka was the standout in this match.
Bro what world are you living in? Freedom of anything isn't coming anytime soon.
Nakazawa was a great heel in this match. I both hated him and wished I was him at the same time
crowd looked liked they had fun and were good. why are asian fans the best?
because they are there to enjoy the show not to get themselves over
Any way to watch it after it aired?
3:43 for the main
so this is the drawing power of Omemega
Why are you laughing Vince? Didn't you try to give him millions per year to sign with you?
And creative control as well. Vince was pretty much willing to give him a Hulk Hogan contract.
>And creative control as well.
According to who?
there's no way they didn't lose money putting on this show
>riho looking like shes just had sex
Mu dick
Momo wishes she had this level of charisma
She just did lol
nujapanlet seethe