Randy orton try to call his freind

orton: hello
his freind son: hello
orton: where is your dad
freind son:my dad here ...here so near ...should i told him who?
orton: told him uncle
freind son: uncle who ...should i told who want him
orton: hello
his freind son: hello
orton: where is your dad
freind son: my dad here ...here so near ...should i told him who?
orton: told him uncle
freind son:uncle who should i told who want him
freind son: uncle.. uncle ..uncle did you see what happend to me
orton: what
freind son: uncle.. uncle ..uncle did you see what happend to me
orton: whaaat
freind son:did you saw my sharpener
orton: sharpener what
freind son: my shapner i give it to my freind soso
orton: soso
freind son: and he give it to lolo
orton: lolo
freind son:yes and he lost it and i told my father and he hit me
orton: well where is heeeeeeeeee?????
freind son:my dad here ...here so near ...should i told him who?

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what happens next?


it continue from left!

orton: told him uncle
freind son: uncle who ...should i told who want him
orton: hello
his freind son: hello
orton: where is your dad
freind son: my dad here ...here so near ...should i told him who?
orton: told him uncle
freind son:uncle who should i told who want him
freind son: uncle.. uncle ..uncle did you see what happend to me
orton: what
freind son: uncle.. uncle ..uncle did you see what happend to me
orton: whaaat
freind son:did you saw my sharpener
orton: sharpener what
freind son: my shapner i give it to my freind soso
orton: soso
freind son: and he give it to lolo
orton: lolo
freind son:yes and he lost it and i told my father and he hit me
orton: well where is heeeeeeeeee?????


I hope you pajeet shits die in a massive nuclear bomb.


bumpy wumpy reddit grumpy


based and rapepilled

What ya mean????


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just where the hell is the dad?? can't wait for the next installment

i fucking hate indians holy shit

duck you

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