This is my first threada on Yea Forums

this is my first threada on Yea Forums

Hello, world!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: *dabs*.jpg (700x700, 47K)

Attached: 1533540183390.jpg (498x491, 36K)

what the h*ck is Yea Forums?

Attached: 1549310783894.jpg (400x323, 42K)

>Yea Forums?
I dunno. Have to go. bye/hi!

Attached: hi carl.jpg (925x798, 76K)

would you like to take a guess?
also only girls and gay people post that cat pic

Attached: s4s.png (101x49, 1K)

Hey user

Attached: 1557625921614.png (534x601, 277K)

>what the h*ck is Yea Forums?
The best bort on Yea Forums with the nicest postes

Attached: a butterfly haha.jpg (687x812, 461K)

Attached: 1546183781402.png (348x301, 138K)

>The best bort on Yea Forums with the nicest postes

Attached: wer r the prufs.png (1200x800, 177K)

>The best bort on Yea Forums with the nicest postes
Wher is the pruff to thsi claim?

Attached: whre is the pruf.png (542x495, 12K)

Attached: 1557469487479.jpg (475x355, 50K)



Attached: nice jif.gif (340x480, 1.83M)

That's a non-sequitur, anony

Attached: trick or treat.jpg (539x960, 105K)

it's not, it was a perfectly valid response to that request for proof.

Can't have an argument with sophists, sorry.

Attached: a bit closer to heaven.png (366x400, 240K)

I misspelled fortune
i typed furtune haha

Attached: 1556445512674.jpg (491x491, 52K)


agreed, gg

Would you like to know how I can tell you're a girl?

I hope it's your last.

go ahead, tell me kid.
how do yuo know?

Attached: creeeak.png (525x478, 221K)

that's a bit mean

It's because you have "Femanony" written in your name field

its not nice to rood poste
apologize to your friend

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Attached: 1556761995130.png (262x199, 79K)

is that ur pruf? ur cereal anony?

Attached: ur cereal anony.png (265x280, 168K)

No, not all of it.
There's also the fact that you just changed your name to "Boynony" as an obvious ad hoc attempt to refute the first proof.

Attached: yosho.png (271x274, 15K)

Attached: spikeman.png (148x125, 1K)

i can tell ur cereal
boyanony here btw.

yosho :|

Attached: ur cereal.png (200x265, 60K)

I agree completely, also nice pepe my dude

Do you do memedroid to, user. I got that idea because you used the term "upvote". If so I am the user HIDETHEPAINHAROLD.

>what the h*ck is Yea Forums?

Attached: its [s4s].png (293x37, 3K)

Attached: s5s.png (670x101, 8K)


Attached: being nice is cool.gif (435x248, 376K)


Attached: 1556111752291.jpg (815x981, 198K)

we need some serious discussion on this matter

Attached: serious discussion.jpg (188x268, 7K)

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Attached: esfores1.png (414x45, 2K)

good prufs
i can sleep 2nite

Attached: 9080.jpg (1024x692, 200K)

you are welc fren

Attached: 1556319329940.png (396x397, 10K)

Attached: that chaika look.png (469x400, 280K)


Attached: 1549925829191.gif (400x560, 1.42M)