What made the Edge vs Cena feud so good?

What made the Edge vs Cena feud so good?

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The referees holding the ladder

Lita's tits

None of their matches together were good, only segments.

Edge was a good heel that cena used to define himself

Revisionist history. Edge always sucked ass and couldn't get heat as a heel unless he was with Christian or a woman.

Cena was unbeatable.
Edge was the first wrestler that employed tactics to get the belt off him like making RVD win so he doesnt has to deal with Cena.
Edge was one of the few guys that you could legit buy take the belt off him and because of that their feuds only worked when Edge wanted Cena's belt.

it wasn't good


It was good when I was 10 in 2005

I wonder what would have happened if they never found a good heel for Cena

Before the Edge feud people seriously wanted him dead, after that the boos returned but more in the “it’s cool to boo Cena” fashion that continues to this day

The sex scene

18+ board faggot. Not enough thigh slaps and flips for ya?

Nothing. It sucked.

The entire build up and their final match at Backlash 2009 was kino as fuck

edge was slowly bumping his neck to sawdust


This, Edge was just at his best against Cena. He was at peak fucking kino that whole year. And 06 Cena was based in comparison to what he devolved into. Reflection of the product, I guess.

Edge and Cena were very opposite. Sex and Violence vs Hustle Loyalty Respect writes itself.

That chokeslam Big SHow did to John Cena threw the spotlight was sick as fuck.

Cena was the perfect baby face back then, would lose with BS involved and win clean most times, while cutting non PG promos that got the crowd going
>slurpees for herpes
Mean while Edge did the "dastardly chicken shit heel" stick perfectly with his bimbo interfering GF which would net him wins. This all accumulated the perfect title picture where you had a babyface chasing the championship and keep getting screwed over via bs till the heel finally got his comeuppance.
*sips sprite*

I don't even remember them having a feud. Or much of anything about Cena beyond his boots being far too big for him and the company not doing what they needed to do in order to get him to grow into the spot. While Austin turning heel was the fatal wound, Cena's run as top face and the company's response to the audience's rejection was when the wound became untreatable.

Never thought it was

Reminder that Edge never pinned him clean.

Which is why this can’t be considered a GOAT feud imo.


Yeah they shoulda went 50-50, OMG Cena ALWAYS WINS! Take a look at Gargano Cole, they just... get it. Now that is epic.

>says 18+
>thinks a Cena feud is good

name a good feud, then

How can a completely one-sided feud be considered a goat feud? It’s not like it happened over a few months, this feud went on for years. It’s fucking bullshit that Edge never got a clean, decisive win.

When do heels ever really get clean wins over the top face in any promotion, outside of maybe the indies or NXT?

HHH through the entirety of the 2000s.

Bro since when has that been a thing? Usually the heel never gets a clean win over the face. That's a completely recent WWE NXT thing. Cheating was Edge's whole thing, that's how he got ahead and that's a big part of the story, he didn't need a clean win, it didn't matter for him.


I said recent WWE NXT thing, and both those things include HHH, and his run was relatively panned. Orton became a star despite his feud with him, it really didn't help after everyone sees the matches, and everyone would have reacted a lot better if Orton was HHH's protege that turned face and HHH couldn't beat him because Orton surpassed him. Instead Orton lost and people rarely fondly remember HHH feuds after that point.

They were polar opposites and had great chemistry. Smarks loved Edge for being a veteran and an entertaining heel and hated Cena for becoming a modern day Hogan. Casuals loved Cena for being a white, American superhero and hated Edge for being a sleazy conman with a hot, bitchy gf. They also did a lot of cool and memorable shit during that feud like the very first MITB cash-in, the live sex celebration, Cena throwing Edge into the Long Island Sound and Edge getting his own custom spinner belt. The fact that the feud was on and off during the year with both of them having other rivalries also helped. Overall it was one of the best feuds of the mid-2000s and it defined both of them as top stars in the promotion going forward.

This. The best feuds are always where the character dynamics compliment each other. Actual matches have way less to do with it.

basically this. Lita.

This. Prime Slutty Lita was kino

>tfw I convinced my dad to let me watch raw that night on the big tv downstairs and this was happening

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