What did Memeltzer mean by this?
What did Memeltzer mean by this?
It means he thought Donald Trump was gonna Make Wrestling Great Again but was sorely disappointed
Gay unlike myself
He's writing a narrative that wrestling is better than ever because the style appeals to him more than ever. Dave grew up on California wrestling which was basically just lucha. So lots of spots and little selling is what he likes, so naturally he'll love the wrestling of today
Dave's naturally a brainlet with pleb taste.
That looks right to me.
His favorite wrestler is Ric Flair.
You can tell which years he was being bullied by WWE were
On one hand, NJPW has really nailed their formula these last few years and they've perfected churning out matches that follow that winning direction without feeling samey, accounting for different characters/styles.
On the other, Dave doesn't even understand a lot of this because he's fucking dumb and misses NJPW storylines constantly. He overrates garbage like Atom Cole/Gargano and the Bucks/Lucha Bros shit.
In ring performance is insane right now.
Other than the fact that wrestlers in general are significantly more healthy and leaner and thus more athletic, wrestlers of today have literally decades of tape and classic matches to study and improve on.
It's no surprise that we are currently seeing a generation where you could legitimatly be watching a contender for greatest match of all time each month or year.
>$11.99ers will defend this
WWE got so fucking wretched that it finally just broke his soul in 2017. He no longer gives even the slightest shit about examining things critically.
>state of this mark
>Wrestlers of today are more athletic
Imagine actually believing this. Modern wrestling is a fucking joke. The matches Memeltzer gives 5+ stars to are especially bad. Nothing we've seen recently can even come close to GOAT status.
>great match = workrate
He bought into his own hype and worked himself into a shoot while workin mf his marks into a spending spree
Cool opinion, I dont agree and neither does a man who is treated with any sort of regard. Wrestling is destined to improve upon itself and you are seeing the results of this. Hell the match commonly regarded here as THE greatest match of all time (though I myself don't agree) is from 2017
Wrestling has sucked for the last ten years. You're an idiot.
>does a man who is treated with any sort of regard
If wrestling is destined to improve upon itself, why's it dying?
If wrestling is improving upon itself, how come its peak was in the late 90s-early 2000s?
He means watch AEW and subscribe to his newsletter so he can make some shekels
Why are you even here then?
The US isnt the only place wrestling exists
I was referring specifically to the US scene, though. NJPW is fine, but if wrestling is destined for some continual improvement, why has the US scene suffered such abject degradation?
>Hell the match commonly regarded here as THE greatest match of all time (though I myself don't agree) is from 2017
What match is that?
Culturally disparaged.
Wrestling could actually be amazing in the US, we could be seeing the second coming of Austin and it still would have to get over that stigma of being "fake shit".
It's moot either way since the vast majority of those 5 stars everyone is bitching about comes from Japan
>In ring performance is insane right now.
the funny thing is that the marks actually believe this
To look down on people like (You).
But it had the "fake shit" stigma back then too.
To make niggers like you seethe
This guy gets it
Shouldn't his baseline standard increase?
It always had that.
>we could be seeing the second coming of Austin
Lmao no we couldn't they're all geeks now
It was also engraved in pop culture. It was cool to like it because of how counter cultural it was at that time. Skirting the line of censorship through sex and violence was huge. You still had your "it's fake so it sucks" crowd but much larger was your "Tits and blood is the greatest shit ever" crowd.
>It was cool to like it because of how counter cultural it was at that time.
It wasn't counter culture though.
It was culture.
Just a hypothetical.
I dont think anyone could be an Austin in this day and age because of catering to multiple sensitivities.
What do you mean? Austin's character was mostly defined by beating up his boss and that wouldn't trigger social media. He'd probably have to not beat women up the way he sometimes did back then but that's really it. His character would be fine nowadays. Same applies to pretty much every single character in the Attitude Era. Minimal changes would be enough to bring them to 2019.
The problem is that the talent fucking sucks nowadays.
It means that the business is in good hands, brother.
>Atom Cole
If every match is a GOAT match, then there are no GOAT matches.
We need to calculate inflation adjusted star ratings
It's easy. Remove one star from every NJPW/AEW/NXT match.
And drinking.
And bullying (while a face).
An Austin today would be viewed as a portrayal of toxic masculinity and the drinking alone would have investors insist on him being pulled.
Of course all that said is irrelevant since if Austin popped up today, he would just be used to get Haitch over if he got too hot.
What? Drinking is fine nowadays. So is bullying, as long as you're targeting the right people (and Mr. McMahon as an old rich white billionaire definitely counts). I don't see how he portrays toxic masculinity at all, either. The Rock would be the one accused of that, not Austin.
>Drinking is fine nowadays
Not when your target audience is literally children and you are rated as such. Today's WWE attempting to push a beer drinking Austin would be looking at lawsuits if they didn't bump their rating up.
And why wouldn't they? All the top TV shows in recent memory are/were rated higher than PG. If a once in a lifetime performer like that came along again they'd change their rating in a heartbeat.
the wrestling itself (minus the women and their slow-motion, botch-a-minute matches) is really the least of wrestling's problems today. the problem with wrestling now is the lack of appealing characters, competent storytelling, entertainment value... in other words everything you look for in any show worth a shit.
Because investors
Because sponsors
Because philanthropy is the way brands are going to win
Regardless the reason, an Austin could not survive in today's WWE because it's rating will not allow it.
>Dave likes wrestling now more than ever
>wrestling is more unpopular now than ever before
Metlz wrestling is killing the biz
The companies he likes aren't the ones tanking in ratings at all time lows, they are companies on the rise.
>All the top TV shows in recent memory are/were rated higher than PG
stop drinking the HBO propaganda kool aid ya simp
If you think those things aren't connected you are an utter brainlet user.
Stories and gimmicks make matches. Stars make matches. When you don't have any of that, you end up with shit like main roster WWE. In somewhere like NJPW everyone is a star with personality and is different from the next wrestler.
deaddie cuckuererro was raped
Pure cringe
Dave made friends with the marks in the ring. He’s an elderly divorced guy who loves the attention of 30 year old wrestlers from Japan or with PWG roots. The favoritism is at an all time high.
Attitude Era was the worst period for wrestling. Little actual wrestlers, only sports entertainers.
The workrate based match became the norm in wrestling
His favorite source is Ric Flair.
>In ring performance is insane right now.
>In ring performance is insane right now.
this is a modern day 4.25
There doesn't exist a single botch free era in wrestling.
>botch free era
what does that have to do with a botch filled match getting a 4.25
Athleticism is only important when it enhances someone who already has a great mind for wrestling and isn't willing to cut corners. Last time I saw that was NXT 2014-16ish
You're retarded if you think there's any consensus on the greatest match in Yea Forums of all places. If there was a vote I'd bet either Austin/Bret or Hogan/Rock would win.
That match is actually based as fuck, but not GOAT status, imo.
If they were smart enough to sign with WWE years ago, the Briscoes could have been huge.
Probably worked out that his site gets more traffic/subscriptions for higher rated matches or something like that.
It proves for the last 3 years that he's gone insane, and can no longer be considered a rational opinion of what good wrestling is.
Dave Meltzer actually thinks that there's been 113 5-star matches in the last 36 years and 43% of them have occurred in the last 3 years. Look at the year-by-year. Every year that there's only one or zero 5-star matches, it's actually a boom year for wrestling. The year 2001 had zero 5-star matches? The entire 2000-2009 decade had only six, and none of them were in WWE?
Now suddenly, he's handing out 5-stars all the time for indie shitters and gookers. And wrestling has never been worse!
so every year?
PACs fault
oh wow he stumbled for half a second what a travesty ya seething E drone
i am talking about the modern "style" of matches not being the problem, you autist. some people want wrestling to go back to the way it was in the '80s which is never going to happen.
Fuck off Takagi poster
Omega/Okada raised the bar, and made a great wrestling match a legitimate draw.
Don't listen to this carny faggots telling you otherwise.
The numbers speak for themselves.
You have low standards.
Okada/Tanahashi did that well before anybody cared about Omega on a main event level.
NJPW also isn't a workrate, wrestling-oriented company. It's more about stories and characters.
>caring about some literal who and his opinions
lowest IQ
>zero 5 star matches
what in the blue fuck dave
Omega vs Okada single handedly made nujapan relevant. Only the nujapan bubble gave a fuck about the Okada vs tanahashitter matches which by the way aren’t talked about anymore proving how forgettable they actually were.
Relevant to you, but the upswing in business began well before Okada/Omega. 2017 was a nice bump but the real surges happened in 2012.
By "NuJapan bubble", you mean their domestic market. Their biggest market. That's a bigger bubble than some fair-weather Western fans that have thankfully moved their shit taste onto AEW.
Could've sworn the Austin/HHH vs Jericho/Benoit tag got 5*.
What I guess happened:
Monday Night Wars ended and Japanese wrestling fell off a cliff in that time period. Dave also went hard into Pride at the time. Probably wasn't watching as much.
07-10 was pretty damn garbage though.
AJ Styles made New Japan relevant. Meltzer kept it relevant by overrating the shit out of it to keep people watching after Styles left. Omega was just there,if he wasn't then Meltzer would have made some other westerner in new japan instead
>AJ Styles made New Japan relevant
AJ wasn't a draw for NJPW whatsoever.
You simps keep overrating the meaning the Western market holds for NJPW. It's a valuable secondary/tertiary but it's certainly not their primary. The vast majority of their business is Japanese, and though AJ had a hand in popularizing them with a Western audience, he certainly didn't do much business on their shores.
Hogan is shit
>bombed Yokohama Arena gates and Who Japan hasn't dared return since
No one is talking about the japanese audience faggot. This thread is about meltzer points, that should be enough subtext for you not to be an anal retard know it all about something unrelated to the conversation
The initial guy said something so brazenly stupid as "Okada/Omega made a great wrestling match a legitimate draw", and you doubled down on the retardation by claiming AJ made them relevant, which he didn't, in any capacity.
You're claiming subtext while spouting fallacies, speaking out of term in a conversation started by someone who clearly wasn't speaking within that subtext anyway.
This was the match that started this trend.
Dave's son was NOT a wrestling fan. He thought wrestling was lame, wasn't a WWE fan, wasn't a fan of any wrestling. Then his son saw the Ospreay vs. Ricochet 2016 match and Dave said that match got him interested in wrestling. Now his son watches NJPW/AEW shows with him, even went to Japan with him for WK week this year.
If you're Dave Meltzer, whose entire career has been covering wrestling, and your son turns out to not be a wrestling fan... that's a bummer. You know Dave, deep down, wanted his son to be a big wrestling fan. That'd be only natural as a father whose career and notoriety is writing about professional wrestling.
>insert soyboy.jpg
You're wrong faggot. You are late to the game.
Okada/Tana is the greatest rivalry in recent history but you can't say Okada/Omega was so fucking good it didn't rewrite the rules of modern wrestling.
Meltz has nothing to do with this, high quality matches are now a draw.. as opposed to 40 years of coked out retard grendpas fucking around,
By the bubble I mean fat weebs like yourself who are brainwashed by bushiroad into thinking your stale promotion is remotely good.
It's a chart of indicating Dave Meltzer's autism levels
Certainly you don’t mean in the US or UK where less people are watching or going to see wrestling than ever.
Japan’s numbers are good. That’s it. This style of wrestling is not drawing shit.
the rating is for the bell to bell match, not the cultural impact of the product.
>N-n-no! It can't possibly be better than Seth and Becky! I know! They are brainwashed! A company that literally does no promotion or advertisement besides promos and posting pictures od their wrestlers somehow brainwashed them, their parent company did it! They aren't WOKE like me!
Everyone have a good laugh at the E-Drones COPE process.
that era (00-02) was the peak of wwe/f in-ring match quality though
Cena vs Umaga should have beeen 5 stars.
Both Carder vs Michaels should have been 5 stars.
Dave a dumb dumb
>Could've sworn the Austin/HHH vs Jericho/Benoit tag got 5*.
4.75 but he now gives NXT geeks 5.5
this guy has good taste
First half of 2002 was hot trash. Only the 2nd half was good
I'd say 96-97 would be close
Nah, he hates Flair now
The moment he broke his scale by giving matches 6+ stars, he opened the door for himself to give 5 stars to whatever matches. Current 5 stars is equal to pre 2014 4 stars.
Not enough flippy shit
Nobody likes senile flair in 2019
Dave used to cover up his racism