What happens if the impossible happens?

What happens if the impossible happens?

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AEW trannys die.
NJPWChads get some dream matches like Tanahashi vs Cena whilst Harold cucks HHH out of creative control (Vince is dead by now)
And it's all positive because in the 1st place:
>There is no way Harold would negotiate with a Vince-Controlled WWE, he would wait until HHH takes over
>He would never allow NJPW Wrestlers to be booked like shit like they were in TNA. (And hence why a AEW deal will never happen, No NJPW Main/Midcarders will be jobbing to Sonny Kiss or Marko Stunt).

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>he thinks Cena is still a wrestler
>he's got trannies and sonny kiss living in his head rent free
mega cringe

>get some dream matches like Tanahashi vs Cena
>dream match

Orton vs Okada too m8.

why is that a dream match?

Because when Orton gives a fuck he is Fantastic.
And Rainmaker Okada is pretty similiar to Young LegendKiller Orton, even down to The Pose.

when was the last time Randy gave a fuck, and how do you know when he is giving a fuck?

He performs better In-Ring.
His Match with Styles at Mania.

>He performs better In-Ring.
Would he give a fuck about the okada match?

Why would I want to see more spics and chinks in my wrestling? Its already enough with Nakamura and Kalisto.


AEW is doomed

Randy was never fantastic. Revisionist history

>nujapanlets are E drones
imagine my shock

Absolutely boiling

Why do you people hate New Japan? They got rid of the E-lite shitters it's not to replace them by Randy boredom and Seethe


>Because when Orton gives a fuck he is Fantastic.
This is by far the worst meme in wrestling.

Orton vs Styles sucked ass

>NJPWChads get some dream matches like Tanahashi vs Cena
These are only dream matches in your tiny little peehead. Nobody even knows who Tanahashi or Okada are. Cena is not a wrestler anymore and when he was - he was not a particularly good one. Orton is a complete shitter, always has been. Who are you going to market this to? The 30 nips that watch NuJapanlet?

Orton gave a fuck at the very start of his career
He's not about to start at 40 years old


Dude is fast elastic and has that mean fucking style when he stomps fingers and poke eyes like a motherfucking Flair.

It's a natural villain.

Imagine being this bitter and having taste this shit for fake fighting of all things.

>Microman WWE Champion
>Kemonito Rudo Authority


Literally Twitter tranny speak to hate Orton go back

This meme that people want to see Cena in a ring and that he's any good needs to die.

Just a former E-Drones turned New NuJapanlets thing.

no was a question

Never gonna happen so no need to speculate and waste time