ITT: Cringe entrances

Picrelated is up there. Hunter's motorcycle gets laughed at alot, but this is 10x times worse.
He's holding plastic terminator heads LMAO

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It makes no sense thematically, none of it screams King of Kings, or The Game, or Cerebral Assassin. Plus, he is facing Sting, so demonstrating how many robots you can beat isn't relevant.
For comparison, look at Will Osprey's entrance as the Dragon Slayer. He did it when he was facing The Dragon, and is continuing to do it as he is the first person who beat The Dragon. Despite it not fitting his character, Aerial Assassin, it makes sense story wise.

Sting is friends with Robocop so it sort of relates

It would have looked cooler at night

the skulls on the left represent austin, rock and foley, those defeated in the past

the skulls on the right represent sting, batista and aew, those to be defeated in the future

Immortan Heich is still the only cringe entrance you can enjoy ironically.

that time someone took a shit on the wreslemania ramp

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was this the same year as the low framerate sperm?

>someone taking a shit on set
I thought Curt Henning was dead

that was 33
the shit was this year (35)

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his son is now the CG specialist

Based Sega Dreamcast snek.

This year's Mad Max entrance was by far the worst. Other than being like 5 years behind the times, the little CG movies of cars in the desert looked sub-Dreamcast level, the buggy Haitch rode in on looked like a bockety piece of shit go-kart with plastic skulls taped to it, HE WAS NOT EVEN DRIVING IT and to cap it off, Michael Cole had to say HOW COOL WAS THAT to be met with complete silence.

>skulls don’t relate to the cerebral assassin
Imagine being this dumb

All entrances are cringe if you do anything that takes away from walking to the ring for your match

The Sperm, Randy Orton

Infinitely better than Omega's terminator entrance

Those are robots

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How is that cringe, it was a basic sponsorship. kys


>you now remember that the Terminator was a DLC character in the 2K game that year

Cody really is worse that Hunter, he managed to out cringe him and sneak in animal abuse

>Star Trek cosplay
>pyro and dog at the same time
>all the while, he's a heel with MJF in his corner

Brandy is taller than MJF

>Plastic terminator heads
As opposed to what, metal robocop heads? I get it's stupid but this is a dumb critique.
What does this entrance have to do with Star Trek?

Please for the love of God have sex. Just go outside for a few hours. You'll be ok

At least Paul's shit sounds cool on paper. Skulls, thrones, motorcycles, slave girls. Okay sure. What the fuck was Cawdy going for here?

>gimmick is that he’s inclusive

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>Goes to Saudi Arabia

can somebody link this cringe kino? i never saw it but it sounds like dimes as far as cringe is concerned

Here's an abridged 120p version some Indian put together.

what a fucking retard
why not hide the fucking dog until after the pyro or use some kind of falcon helmet type setup? the dog isn't some kind of world war 1 battle wolf for fucks sake

what a dull faggot

He's a shitty dog owner, I don't understand how he hasn't gotten more shit for this

The night Buttfuck Club died

I think Cody is a fag for dragging the poor dog everywhere he goes just because the dog is more over than him, but he did say the loud mortar fireworks weren't supposed to go off for his entrance, just the flames, and the pyro guy fucked up.

Dude dogs are dumb as fuck that dog was scared for like two minutes and has never thought about that shit ever again

>H dressed as Homo Demens
based H doing an anime crossover of Death Stranding and Fist of the North Star set to his plodding, old ass water bottle theme
boy is H based

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I am not worried for the dog's safety, I mean that including the dog as he did ruined his own entrance. As soon as the dog started geeking out they should have canceled the dog altogether but mulatto women are not renowned for being able to call spots on the fly if you get my drift

>but he did say the loud mortar fireworks weren't supposed to go off for his entrance,

you are an imbecile if you believe that

Unlike you who thinks he did it on purpose based on ???, gotcha.

Based on the multitude of other retarded things he’s done, like dressing up as a Star Trek character for a grudge match at the very same time.

This is one of the only Gaytch entrances I like because he wasted so much of Vince's money just to cosplay a gay Nazi terminator.

It's only a dog fagot.

Everything about this match made zero fucking sense.



Have some respect for Brandi, sir.


Bill O is friends with and defends rapists

gaytch is an embarrassment

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i hate wokeness in wrestling. I fully think racism and homophobia are just fine for heel heat. But setting off concussion shells next to a fucking dog that's clearly afraid? Fuck you cody. I'd punch you in your faggot face if you were in front of me, and you'd job to me because you're a no talent shitter.


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Jericho’s inflatable list of Jericho.

>kenny dresses as terminator
>triple h does it first

Being a massive hypocrite is required to enjoy AEW

>animal abuse

Being this much of a simp

That breed was made specifically to hunt dimes, no wonder it was trying to get the fuck out of there

Wow have sex

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>the dog isn't some kind of world war 1 battle wolf for fucks sake
literally what in the world did the soiboi mean by this

>this whole thread
>no Shockmaster debut

this is false. dogs can get ptsd from traumatic experiences which can include frightening/loud noises. when i was in high school we took our dogs to a parade with other dog owners from a club we were a part of. before walking in the parade, the organizers put all the different groups in line and we were put in front of a drum corp which began to practice prior to the parade's start. one of our dogs didn't care and neither did any of the other people's dogs but our other dog was clearly scared by the noise and was shaking and unwilling to move. after that night, she always got scared whenever there was a thunderstorm and would start shaking, refuse to go outside, and often pee in the house. these behaviors never occurred prior to the night we took her to that parade

shockmaster's debut was based, ya simp
from the helmet, the gut and the voic to Sid's "I told you, oh god" and then trying to sell it

not gonna read your entire whinge mate

It mentally hurts to watch.

He was shameless product placement for Terminator Genisys

care to extrapolate?


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Severe bowel release after all that laughter


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Any time someone dresses up as some "pop culture reference" it's cringe.

>Aeeew is so much different guysss

Sting's entrance should've had robocop to keep up with the continuity of haitch's entrance.

What the fuck are these twits trying to pull off here?

I like to think this was just because HHH is secretly a huge James Cameron fan and a dork for Terminator.

Cody Cringe.
Dusty is cringing in his grave.

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I thought that entrance was an advertisement for WWE 2k preorder bonus Terminator.

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Some dude told me that HHH was going to sue Cody for this irl. He actually fucking believes the shit wrestlers come out with on twitter

Years later, we remember Shockmaster as a big joke sure, but it's not cringe because it was a stunt proper from those times.

based filter raping this reddit cuck

lol he walked on a giant semen to the ring you literally can't make this shit up

Kenny omegay ones


WWE really needs to get rid of those shitty CGI avatars at WM. None of them look good.


CAWdy is aiming to become the king of cringe entrances


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Cody booked a show just to make himself NWA Champion and got mark money behind a promotion he books for. Dusty would be proud as fuck.

Young Bucks and Kenny Omega doing that Street Fighter one was incredibly cringey. Actually, every special entrance AEW has done has been cringey.

>that file name

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Principal owner of Stephanie McMahon

i thought the terminator window mannequins were a proper giggle m8


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Poor doggo.