Where did you talk about wrestling before finding Yea Forums
Where did you talk about wrestling before finding Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
I think you'll find its called "Sports Entertainment", pal.
Nowhere because talking seriously about wrestling is for faggots
I didn't, shitposting on Yea Forums is the only thing that makes WWE tolerable.
i didn't and just held my pent up frustration for so many years until i found this place and just lashed out on all of you thanks for listening to my shitpost
took me whole 3 weeks to decide that reddit is complete shithole and I hate THAT FUCKING INTERFACE SO FUCKING MUCH, I HATE IT WITH ALL OF MY SOUL, IT SHOULD BE TORE DOWN FROM OUR REALITY, and went back onto my home of Yea Forums, which I left after I got fed up with /tg/s cultural change.
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
Nowhere. I only started watching wrestling again a few days before wrestling got kicked off Yea Forums
aol/yahoo chatrooms
kys boomer
Yea Forums
Nowhere. Use to watch Bruce Blitz because it was the only normie looking podcast. I hate wrestling now, fuck waifushit and hope a mass shooting happens at a live event and all the wrestlers and fans die.
Yahoo Answers
also wrestlecrap and others Im forgetting
Indian mark facebook groups
Usually just with my brother. He's always showing me gifs and tweets that he finds on squaredcircle and I think he thinks he has the one up on me in terms of wrestling knowledge cos he doesn't know I browse this place.
Yea Forums
I lurked a few places but people taking pro wrestling seriously always makes me deeply uncomfortable and that's increased for every avi or sig or post count war or flair or online drama that stems from any of the above
at least here I can tell myself it's satire
Based redditchads
smackdownhotel forum
On /wooo/ before they got completely cucked
Comicvine weirdly, but they let 3 nigger friends ban everyone so it killed it off alongside the shit comics Marvel released at the same time
Based. Did you colaborate for the writing of The Death of WCW?
/wooo/ until about 2012/2013 then nowhere until Yea Forums came along
Yea Forums
underneath the Queensboro bridge
I was a gameFAQs chad
Based, same here
no where
you'd be more at home on reddit you piece of shit
Always Yea Forums, I became a wrestling fan in 2017 and YES I am mentally ill.
r/squaredcircle. Both are equally terrible in different ways.
Yea Forums
In my head
Anyone here from tv.com?
Based retard
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
Go back
Inside your mom
I’m actually grateful that I have another late 30’s friend who enjoyed 90’s wrestling as much as I did, even though we didn’t actually grow up together. Anyways, we’ll occasionally talk about the new shit, but definitely reminisce about the mid 90’s. We’ve made it a tradition to attend one wrestling show a year (Chicago, so we have our choices) and it’s fun. We leave are excitement at the door when we return to our families. Our bachelor, get away weekend we got him a replica belt, and the man carried it everywhere, including the beach. Drew dimes from the Panama City Beach thots. Cool guy. I come here because y’all make me laugh.
Any New York chads, or DC chads, remember Ron and Fez’s breakdown of PPVs on Monday nights in the late 90’s early 00’s?
with real life friends, and still do. must be hell only having the internet as a way of socializing. sucks to be you op.
>this isn't a thread to shill some lame discord group
Me three
Anyone remember TVTome? There was a sizable TNA community on that site.
With people in real life. Got back into it in 2014 and had two friends who I would occasionally watch with. We watched Wrestlemania 31 together and went fucking insane when Seth cashed in.
Death Valley Driver forum, fire pro club,
No one. If I wanted news I visited Wrestling Inc & PW Torch. And if I wanted ppv reviews I would go to 411mania
I'm a faggot do you have a problem with that
Yea Forums, hadn't watched wrestling in 10 years until the threads started popping up.