Who will win the Mayu bowl?
Last thread Double show at Osaka tomorrow.
/Stardom/ General
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same here but only after i ding dong diddly nut
Why is Arisa so based?
5STAR GP 2019.9.7 Momo Watanabe vs AZM
2017.8.20 Mayu vs Hana [LIMITED RELEASE]
The kicking girls really hard is endearing
Based Retard Mayu
>cool band
>kicks really hard
How can one Mayu be so based?
What’s so funny?
Why do you think early twenties physically active woman who plays in bars is a virgin? Also she is a wrestler... user...
I would like to marry Mayu and look deep into her eyes at the altar, feeling a sense of completeness.
Mayu thinks weedings are for simps
Watching the Sendai show now. Mayu seemed particularly confused that day. Posting shitty webms I recorded while watching. Here she is confused about how to get to the ring.
Mayu confused about how to get into the ring.
Also, why does she smell her armband before throwing it to the crowd? Is she making sure she doesn't smell?
Mayu confused about how to shake hands with filthy gaijin.
Mayu's pure strikes.
Come on bro. She kisses it, blessing it with Mayu power.
Nao needs to come back with the Low Speed belt and have a match with Tam over it.
Don't touch her Mayu! She's got prostitute diseases!
Based shorts making that sticc ass look good !
I want to have a long term, open relationship with Mayu. She's either wrestling or sleeping, so I can make out with Arisa or Tam whenever they come to visit.
tamu so slow it takes her an hour and half to watch 60 minutes
for some reason i always imagine mayu having a higher voice
she's attractive, smart, athletic, good looking, she's hot, photogenic, she takes pride in her appearance. i guess what i'm trying to say is, i admire her commitment to community service.
because she's water-kun's oshi.
Mayu's english is the best.
nah the pedophile's oshi is the one that he keeps calling Sumire's name, Arisa is just the girl he started stalking on twitter this year
Arisa has been my (Stardom) oshi for 277 days.
Slugs are just now recognizing her greatness.
>277 days
>Arisa is just the girl he started stalking on twitter this year
looks like you were right
nerve hitting !
devastatingly #triggering
How big is your Arisa folder?
2470+ (including rares from her now-deleted personal account). **
agua made the last four posts, sad life
momo's tummy is the best thing about stardom
EastBalcony took this.
Not true, I was the one that asked him how big his Arisa folder is.
based Ovary
Mmmmm, wouldn't want to mess with her.
did you recognize her greatness in 2011? did you even watch joshi then?
>Riding a motorcycle barefoot
That doesn't seem like the safest of things to do, even if it's stationary.
>caring about safety
She wasn't great then.
You weren’t even watching LMAO
Do you think it's hard to find old Stardom shows?
Defective golem went the wrong way.
he didn't watch her then because he's new to joshi
I could have started watching joshi puroresu last week, I still know more about it than you do.
It is not about the length of time you've spent watching it, it is about the density and depth of your knowledge and understanding.
^ who is this faggot talking to?
Why do you like Arisa?
I actually really like when this stuff happens
god Mayu is so hot
I was immensely fascinated by her striking height (relative to the roster) and long limbs.
She is strong and beautiful.
She has an infectious charisma.
Her ring style is flashy and exciting.
Even more, she has great matches.
hiding this /woo/tier cringe
cute couple
Your forgot that you saw the bandwagon on sq. Circle and jumped on it
What's SQ?
Is it a cute couple if only one of them is cute?
Utami is alright looking.
Did she injure her finger while having aggressive gay sex with Bea?
JAN lives.
Please don't bully Tam.
Reminder that JAN were the only faction untainted by gaijin.
They were also the jobbers faction
Only marks care about that. They were the most pure and untainted by Rossy's gaijin fetish.
What's the name of this show?
Absolute dime
Breaking! Battlemen
that's arisa
TCS is the best faction and they're also the most open to bringing in gaijin. Your point is dumb.
Gaijin only drag down TCS and relieve themselves in the ring.
Do you even surf.
I find them all sexually enticing so it's okay.
That white devil woman should be in jail for doing that to Tam. I'm triggered.
She stuck her tongue out.
Our high speed champ was molested by Michael Nakazawa in the summer of 19
Was just about to post that exact pic. Kyona is kill but at least Tam got P chan back.
yeah i bet you were you fuken pedofile scum off the earth mutt
Based 32 year old beauty Tam working retards into thinking she's pedobait.
I just realized that Sonny is actually making CaWs for the PC version of Fire Pro. According to a rumor one of the reasons he was let go by the company was due to an altercation with Mayu. Well guess which Stardom wrestler he hasn't even bothered creating a CaW for?
I don't know about that theory. If he pissed off Mayu he'd be gone still. I don't think he has that much leverage to play against Rossy than she does.
bump from page 10
Based Pizza Mayu
Saki & Yurie comparing outfit similarities was the most wholesome moment of the 09.08 show
I want to kiss Mayu's six pack.
What would be the point of doing a CAW of someone already in the game?
Precisely, wasn’t the Stardom dlc already out (or on the way) by the time of Sonny’s mysterious leave of absence? The alleged timeline simply doesn’t add up
>still desperately trying to get this meme over
>still nobody giving a shit
Let it rest, user. It's been several months now. It's not going to happen.
This. It is just sad now.
Good thing new girl is flexible.
>mfw pizza is late
>Bea isn't a good wres-
To be honest I was the guy pushing that meme the hardest but my vacation ended and I had to go back to work so I didn't have the time to do it anymore.
Bee has some cool moves but she's lacking the basics. She's often out off position, has some timing issues and isn't good at selling. Just doing big moves doesn't make for a good match. She also overcomplicated somethings like in webm related (it's a minor issue though). That being said I enjoyed the Arisa match. Probably Bee's best match, maybe the Kagetsu match was better but I honestly don't remember it at all.
Arisa playing with Saya in the background like she's an action figure toy is adorable.
Why is this company, the company filled with the shittiest joshi wrestlers, so popular? Kagetsu was like a mid-carder in SENDAI and OZ and now carries some shitter gaijin to a match better than some dude indy show and MAMAMAMAMAMAMA??? It's because of the sub-titles right?
STARDOM is "1-2-3 JUMP" wrestling dude. She's a "good wrestler" here because they ran trough this 100x before the show.
You can practically see the Jap girl counting out loud for Bea.
Mayu is one of the top Joshi wrestlers my dude
I'd buy an arisa action figure desu
Not in STARDOM she ain't. She's never been rated in Japan as one of the top - she's always been 2nd, 3rd, 4th fiddle. Dropping yourself on your neck on the 1-2-3 doesn't make you top.
I want to play with Saya.
don't answer to this retard he's hating on Stardom because no one gives a shit about IR and OZ. He's so blinded by hate that he can't see that Stardom is having as good or better matches than in any other joshi fed.
Imagine how flexible she was when she was more focused on gymnastics.
>Imagine Mayu in ICE RIBBON
>Imagine Jungle in OZ
>Stardom is having as good or better matches than in any other joshi fed.
Then you're not watching actual joshi wrestling fuckface. STARDOM is easily #3 this year.
Skeletons gotta stick together.
First and last time I will be replying to you. I watch Stardom Sendai and Sead. I don't throw fits because no one talks about Sendai and Sead. Arisa vs Jungle was the better joshi match all fed this year so far. Now go back to /woo/ maybe they will care about your bs.
I want a Riho/Saki team in the tag league.
I don't know what /woo/ is, but I'm sure like 99% of newfag joshi cunts they think STARDOM is the best because they can read the words the girls say and ingnore the shit in the ring. Let Mayu and Kyona go, enjoy the rest. Kagetsu has to retire there since she burned all her bridges for Rossy-$$$.
AZM is a top tier prospect
Why are you so angry? Joshi is a niche interest to begin with. Having a promotion like stardom attractive new fans is good for joshi in general.
>AZM is a top tier prospect
For what? ICE RIBBON resurrected RAMU and BTFO AZM with no effort.
>Why are you so angry? Joshi is a niche interest to begin with. Having a promotion like stardom attractive new fans is good for joshi in general.
STARDOM attracts fans who think STARDOM is good joshi, so they're poison from the beginning. It's pedo creep shit.
Don't dilate - bleed.
>brazillian kikki no hosi is so kawai-EE!!
OZ gets the pass since Yokohama was genuinely good until Ozaki forgot which bat was which but sstop shilling Ice Ribbon dude it's dogshit and you know it
so tired of this obvious 420chan faggot coming here to be so cool waving his promotion taste around
he does it just often enough I forget it happens until I go into a thread and see the same shit every fucking time like it's the only thing they have to offer as discussion material
Bedhair Mayu.
oh look its the joshi hipster come to shit on this thread and give his fag opinions nobody asked for
why is it such a bad thing to enjoy wrestling for the story? It enhances the matches by getting you emotionally invested. Great matches are fine but some people prefer promotions with storylines that they can follow.
Who will partner up with stardom first? AEW or WWE.
Saya is cute.
she looks very feminine with her hair up
Tam mentioned on twitter she's trying to drink less coke to improve her skin. Please wish her luck.
I will believe it when I see it. She's always glistening.
Why don't you just make a separate thread to talk about your special snowflake joshi promotions? Are you worried no one will post in them because no one cares about them? Good wrestling should draw dimes if it's actually good.
Based big dimes Kitto big leaguing the obasan
cute chubbies
>last call at the bar and you see her giving you this look from across the room
wat do
Tam is so fucking cute
If oz ribbon is so good how come nobody cares about it?
Ice Ribbon is average.
OZ Academy is poor.
The best bout output of those promotions is middling at best.
Neither promotion has had high rated or universally acclaimed matches this year like 'Dom and TJPW.
I hope Asahi and Giulia will join Stardom.
i wanna fuck that golem
>Neither promotion has had high rated
rated by who?
The english speaking joshi puroresu community (myself included).
The only ratings who matters from the english speaking community are the ones from the revered human joshi puroresu encyclopedia and all around good guy Kevin Wilson from Joshicity.
Finally make my move and wonder why I didn't try earlier.
And he's only highly recommended one Ice Ribbon bout this year so far (Maya-Giulia, 4/25).
And none from OZ.
If there are a bunch of great matches happening in those promotions, they aren't generating a lot of buzz.
Will AZM go to university like SLK ?
You realize I was being ironic right? No one gives a fuck about his or your reviews.
I care about agua's reviews
Based AZM savior of the New Generation
Nishitetsu Hall. This is the first time Stardom have been to this venue, right?
A true beauty, I love her!
I'm n luv wit da Momo!
How’s her bush game?
Momo got me into joshi
I want to have Arisa smiling at me while Tam crushes me with her thighs and I fade off into my heavenly reward.
Best duo.
I want AZM to kick me in the balls and call me an old man
Then I’ll look her straight in the eyes with tears rolling down my face and say
STARSU a cute.
Is Tam the power wrestler of Stars? Everyone else is stick like except for OG Saya, but she's the shortest on the roster.
Kitto is pretty thick these days.
Pretty fat*
would, would, pure and not for sexuals, would, would not.
fuck RiHOE
So that's a vote of no for Riho joining Mayu's harem? Arisa, Saki, Tam, Kitto, Saya and Hanan already enough?
Why so much hate for STARS member Riho?
She’s ugly, so send her to the ugly girl faction (QQ).
QQ is a visual unit.
Mentaiko! Mentaiko! Mentaiko!
she's a traitor
Utami is cute and I want to cum inside her but yes the other girls are ugly
especially Momo
QQ are the virgin unit and STARS are the whores, Riho belongs in QQ because she is pure
Riho is literally one of Kenny's cocksleeves. As for QQ, Bee certainly isn't and she's already corrupted at least Utami, probably into a threesome with Will based on twitter stories.
imagine running down the line and kissing each one of their tummies before they knew what hit 'em
ah stardom, the only promotion that somehow managed to make me violently jealous of both rope and a plush toy
I want to see Arisa naked
a cute, tastefully-sized beaver
she shapes her bush into the udn logo
>universally acclaimed matches
Good one. Also sendai is better than stardom in terms of match quality. And even ice ribbon (while not overall higher quality) has had higher highs this year.
I want to see the adult roster naked, plus Yurie.
which IR matches this year are better than Arisa's white belt matches, Momo vs Kyona, Hazuki vs Kagetsu and Mayu vs Konami?
freshman 15
Anyone claiming Ice Ribbon has had higher highs than Stardom this year is a troll or seriously uninformed. If you think this, good for you, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find others who would agree. Try having at least some semblance of objectivity in your analysis.
Yes even Hanna said WHORE was the first thing that came to mind when she thinks of STARS
>getting worked by her character
Are you happy now? Because of you meanies sweet girl Riho an heroed ;(
Agua curse strikes again.
>Hana calling anyone, whore
The pot calling the kettle black
that's some handicraft if true
I want Mayu to be my wife
kek it can't keep happening
I love her
From the interview where she talks about what her type is, she sounds like she'd be pretty clingy and expect you to be as well.
That interview was a big red flag
Yandere is hot, user.
I want Mayu to plunge a kitchen knife in my neck
I want Mayu to flay my skin with a pizza cutter
Mayu Death Kill
I'd happily be Mayu's clingy bf, I'd never leave her side even during bathing and toilet use
Some fag was saying sayas costume sucks but I think its great, it's simple, and the colours blend well and stick out
Bro, does this guy realise how lucky he was to meet Purest Mayu!?
any time Tam speaks english in these interviews is just an absolute treat. She's the cutest!
He probably died of a heart attack that night.
Yeah, he’s got a mayu shirt on so that’s obviously his waifu.
The key STARS members Mayu, Arisa, Saki and Tam are all non-virgins, that is a fact. No other faction has a higher rate of whores and QQ are the purest.
Arisa and Mayu are both probably still virgins.
Based delusional user
Not with Bea there. Utami's already lost to her influence as well.
Outside of Utami, and Hina and Azumi are off limits, no one wants to bang anyone in QQ. And it will be that way unless they bring some visual in for the next draft or Leo somehow becomes sexy.
Intense Arisa is best Arisa.
Gaijins don’t count
She's not a touring gaijin. She's full time. She's part of them and you can't just sweep it under the rug. Nor the fact that her and Will take Utami out to night clubs. I'm sure things happen there.
Mayu's bridges still make my spine hurt just watching them.
Bro, I got fucking worked by the slip on soles. I know a lot of them use kick pads and fake boots, like Kyona's, but I still thought they had shoes on.
Wait what?
Watch the earlier video - Arisa wears some kind of strapped on shoe soles to make it look like she is wearing shoes.
Looks like Konami has them on here as well
Those finger toes help give her more arch than most joshi can pull off.
Oh weird, I wonder why they chose those instead of their regular wrestling shoes.
i wonder if not having shoes/boots helps them control those head kicks
i too would grab arisa by the leg and just enjoy the view
i wish we could have a feature film with tam and arisa on surreal road trip together
It must be something to do with this, as they both heavily use kicks. They both have an interest in martial arts as well - may have something to do with being barefoot while practising that. Konami used to always wrestle barefoot when she first started as well.
>ywn loiter at the food court with arisa
i imagine it would be easier to sense when to pull the kick if it's skin to skin rather than through a boot. but it also might just be to make a joshi look like a muay thai/mma expert/whatever. and arisa did do shoot kickboxing for a bit
Doubt it, does help against not tearing your knee up on the rotation though since wrestling shoes by nature are grippy. I think only Arisa does a proper rotation on her kicks if I recall correctly.
Upon further examination.
Sendai Girls has peaked higher than Stardom this year in spite of producing best bouts at a far (far) less consistent rate.
Saree vs. Chihiro Hashimoto (6/8) has been rated by fans as the best joshi puroresu bout of the year.
>inb4 this guy is accused of being OP
The way she moves her body is magick
I want to fuck Mayu
congrats on learning about a great match 3 and a half months later
I watched the match not too long after it aired and even shared my thoughts about it on Yea Forums.
The Medusa Complex / DASH & Hiroyo match was my personal best bout of the show.
Mayu? I do agree that there is an entrancing quality about Arisa's movements in the ring, even when she is selling.
It has to be something like that, plus her smile, because she's as much of a stick as Saki, but I desire Arisa and am 'meh' for Saki.
0 streamers
0 fans
I'm a Bea fan.
ASUKA bump from page 10
That Tam wink at the end.
someone needs to step up and translate the oedo diet vids on stardoms youtube
what the fuck is that a man on the left
Wrong thread but someone did.
great, mr translator sir if youre reading this thread can you do the entire series too plz tia
kek and bringing it up in an unrelated thread
yeah ASUKA has a dick
ASUKA is a beautiful woman
thats undeniably a man chin tho. holy shit is that ever a man chin. are trannies allowed to wrestle with whatever gender theyre larping as in japan
41 percento!
who cares about the fuckin' gender?
i mean... we are talking about joshi puroresu...
genders p important.
get that tranny out of this thread.
I won't reply to transphobic ignoramuses
have sex
t. homophobe
I want her to spot me on squats
I'm gonna bone that skeltal
Bring ASUKA to Stardom and bring back FloÜrish.
But why would Stardom hire a man? They're a Joshi company.
you won't
Hi, Kamiyu!
>tfw finding Mayu posting in One Piece spoiler threads.
Not sure how to feel about this. Which one of you was it?
kek. Mayu, Momo, Hana and Konami are on SamuraiTV's battlemen tonight. Momo retweeted it from Stardom's Japanese twitter. Mayu replied with "Eh today!?" because she probably forgot. She's deleted it and replaced it with a reply to Stardom's twitter proclaiming it today as if she knew all along. But I saved it before she deleted it to keep a copy of her shame.
jamie needs to lay off the yakitori
Shame? I'd be disappointed in Mayu if I found out this was all a work and she really could tell time.
The fact she deleted the tweet is probably a sign it wasn't a work. Anyway, looks like she made it in time.
Unprepared and running late and still an absolute cute.
lmao also bump from page 10
I want to shove my dick in Tam's mouth and unload on her face. Thank you.
I'd pay good money to see her slap Jamie's ass, repeatedly.
Jamie is the perfect woman
she really is, shes a great wrestler/performer and her booty game is simply divine
wrong thread
stfu oedo is a faction in stardom and jamie is a fighter in stardom so these fit in a stardom general thread
wrong thread, honey
imagine being so autismal you spend your time policing a Yea Forums joshi thread
imagine being so retarded that you post shit in the wrong thread then get bitchy when called out for it
good now that ive spooked the pig away, time to post some jamie ass
this isn't /oedo/ retard, quit crying
Arisa is part of the activity that was posted, and one I would pay good money for. Therefore Stars is the proper place for this.
why are joshi threads fractured by factions, isnt this a niche enuff thing already
if it was a niche enuff thing already there wouldn't be multiple long running joshi generals ya dip
somebody make a new thread
why don't you?
be the change you wanna see
you lazy fuck
Make a new thread
some of the residents of these threads are cripplingly autistic and need to be quarantined from each other so the general isn't just a constant flamewar
only problem we have in these threads is agua
The agua haters/antagonisers/stalkers are far more annoying than agua himself
not even remotely comparable, but only agua would defend agua