*Can't afford to bring his kids to college despite working for the big leagues in your path*

*Can't afford to bring his kids to college despite working for the big leagues in your path*

Attached: 74736363.png (562x408, 184K)

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He signed the mark contract

why doesn't he just move back to Canada where the college is free

college doesnt provide a better life anymore anyway. His kids should just be plumbers, mechanics or A/C repairmen.

at this point you can get a college education online for free, you just have to pay money for the paper degree or certificate proving you passed the class. If you went to the library there's an endless amount of knowledge waiting to be learned. The whole college experience is just the atmosphere of being around other like minded people, learning from social interactions and the whole atmosphere of partying. If that's your thing and had the cash to go have fun, be my guest, but if all your worried about is learning, save the tens of thousands of dollars and just study at home.

>bring his kids to college
Was he bringed his kid he with and to school?

Why is higher education so expensive in America?

Everyone should have the critical thinking skills of a college level education regardless of what vocation one learns.

It's a scam.
You learn nothing valuable and then you are forced to get a job to pay your debt.
You can skip the paying back debuff if you choose the rich parents gift when making your character thought


College teaches you to regurgitate information, there isn't much critical thinking involved from my experience, like everyone just takes in information that supports their world view no matter what, it's just part of being human.

Or pay a small amount of money to get some online How2Code courses in Python, Ruby, Java, Javascript, or some such. At least if they can into logic, and aren't just pebbleheads.

>Critical thinking skills
Good one, m80

Attached: Classroom laff.gif (500x255, 987K)

Boomers took the ladder after escaping the flaming building that is America

It's better to take the Savant perk in exchange for the Crippling Autism debuff. Use your superbrain to make some slick computer program on the Apple Store or whatever, and use the resulting obscene pile of money to buy your way through the autism

The sad part is that higher education has been so thoroughly corporatized that the ability of educators to teach students critical thinking skills has been curtailed. After all, critical thinking skills may lead students to develop critiques of the status quo, and that would hurt the bottom line of the wealthy donors to colleges and universities.
Nevertheless, ideally the central purpose of a good education should be critical thinking skills.

No, I heard on The Podcast that he cheated on his wife and she popped his bonce ronce the cornew and des his gona sasd ewrg.


I never thought that there was an agenda behind the lack of critical thinking in my country, more like just lazy teaching and unimaginative assignments where we weren't asked to deduce anything but rather just present the facts as reported in literature.

To keep the inflated economy going since we have to create more and more jobs for the unnecessary unwanted immigrants.

bubba is the one that thinks coal is an eternal industry and doesn't want to learn solar/wind/nuclear alternatives. Let those uncledaddies and cousinmamas die and we'd be a whole better off

Be sure to tell your doctor that college is pointless the next time you see him, idiots.

i see how nuclear can be good for the environment if done correctly, but there are lots of negative issues that come with wind and solar. Solar panels have a problem nobody seems to mention. "
The problem of solar panel disposal “will explode with full force in two or three decades and wreck the environment” because it “is a huge amount of waste and they are not easy to recycle.”
“The reality is that there is a problem now, and it’s only going to get larger, expanding as rapidly as the PV industry expanded 10 years ago.”
“Contrary to previous assumptions, pollutants such as lead or carcinogenic cadmium can be almost completely washed out of the fragments of solar modules over a period of several months, for example by rainwater.”
and wind turbines are basically obsolete, and ineffective. they take up tens of thousands of acres of land to produce minuscule amounts of energy, not enough to power the nearest town. Plus they kill endangered birds, like eagles and falcons, its basically a natural predator in the sky that birds haven't found a way to adapt to

you know its real right?

based liberal retard still believes the smallest percentage of green house gasses causes the most dramatic change in climate.

Go see the world, you just might notice 'critical thinking' isn't something that can be taught by teachers who want to push their beliefs on you, and that critical thinking is pushed hardest in the west, but as a prostituted version where you are led down a path to always be synical against religion, history, a correct way of doing things, etc... Being able to question and discern what is right and wrong, or what makes sense and what doesn't is something taught by the family, not a teacher.
That's how people wish it works, but reality is those people will still end up wasting their lives in front of a screen, not creating something great, but reading forums, and SNS.
I hope nobody young actually reads and believes this shit. You can be absolutely fucked if you don't have a degree nowdays, it limits many things such as jobs, getting a VISA somewhere, being accepted by a girlfriend's family, etc... The vast majority of those who don't go to secondary education are poor and lower class, that's reality. And if you actually have something you want to be good at, just reading books wont cut it. Same as if you want to play piano, you can get all the books you want, without a proper teacher you will never, ever be at a pro-level. Not to say most teachers in schools are good, but you can still find some, and even if they aren't so good school keeps you on track, if you're in class and have deadlines as well as tests chances are you will spend less time jacking off and watching wrestling or playing games, and more time working or studying. As for the cost, yes it is bullshit, you have to find some way to make it work.


>we have to create more and more jobs for the unnecessary unwanted immigrants.
I know you think this is liberal propaganda, but Obama was the one who chased out and deported all the undocumented immigrants; in fact, Obama deported undocumented immigrants at a faster rate than Trump has. Plus, the US economy is so anemic that Mexicans don’t cross into the country without authorization because they don’t make enough to both get by and also send remittances back to Mexico. The only group who still wants to come to America is Central American refugees, who literally have to chose between being shot up by drug gangs in their homeland or living in a cage in the US while Donald Trump decides what to do with them next.

It's not that I think coal is dirty, its that its a finite resource

but there are tons of college courses online that are free, where you have a teacher who is currently a professor at "such and such" college. they give you deadlines and the criteria you will need to learn the material. Its like being in the classroom, while not throwing your money out of the window. Most websites offer you the degree once you complete the course anywhere from $50-150. its the same education, just taken from an alternate route.

So many of those are garbage though. Even Trump university had to shut down for being a fraud

you don’t bring your kids to college you send them there. guess how I know you got a shit education.

>Go see the world,
It's all the same shit. It won't teach you critical thinking, it'll just make you the insufferable faggot posting about "excursions" to some shopping district on Instagram.

Trump university isn't a great example honestly, he's a known businessman, it's not like he carried an aura around with him like he was a mastermind. I think if you actually looked into it you would be surprised. it's like the guy said a few posts above "Not to say most teachers in schools are good, but you can still find some" it also applies on those websites, and same thing for certain authors who publish books.

Can't send your kids to college with hot dogs.

Depends, my university had online for some of the easier courses. First, you need to be absolutely fucking sure that you can do it on your own, keeping up with deadlines and managing your own time, many people can't, especially nowadays with so many distractions. Second, you have to realize that you are still sacrificing actually being with the teacher, being able to ask questions, having office time to see them (this helped me immensely, they gave me the advice I needed, and I was also able to politick), and you are giving up classmates, aka more friends, more possibilities for sex, and networking. Ideal scenario is you have a job lined up before you are even done school. Job hunting is also done during school, the professors helping out vastly and often giving recommendations or straight up lining students up with jobs. Shit teachers are shit, but a good teacher can change your life. Schools also offer facilities like labs, libraries with some things you can't find in other places or even online, clubs, etc... If you have the choice I still say go to an actual school, but if you don't have the choice, or online is the safer bet because money or location problems, etc... then definitely do online and get a diploma anyway. Just make sure it is an actual accredited diploma you can use, for example if you need a Working Visa in another country that it will be accepted.

no but i bet if you opened up a hot dog stand right outside of one after a few years you probably could

That's not what I meant, I mean it might change one's view on the value of what we see critical thinking as. The countries most known for pushing 'critical thinking' seem to clearly have the most biased and at times downright nonsensical thought. I can't tell you the number of times I have heard something like 'oh this country doesn't have critical thinking, they just follow society, like if a traffic light is red they don't cross, I ask them why and they say that's just the way it is.' Such gems as this are often what critical thinking aka cynicism amounts to. It's more of a way of criticizing things beyond the point of rationality and maintaining ego as 'a free-thinking individual' when in fact that 'free-thinking' is just what they were programmed to think and feel, in which they have connection to tradition, history or sometimes reality.

Medschool=/=taking on debt to take a humanities course

In America maybe.

Wait how can he not afford it?


The fuck you talking about

Cody’s dad was a plumber, he turned out fine.

Obese fat fuck

Kek what a fat bastard

college is a relic of pre-internet educaiton systems
there is literally no reason to ever go to college for any modern career except to be certified as a doctor or engineer

Fat cuck.

As a tradechad I agree, fuck Universities
Bad example, Cody can't even bant properly.