Any of you ever gotten really drunk and cut your forehead to see how it feels? It actually kinda feels good...

any of you ever gotten really drunk and cut your forehead to see how it feels? It actually kinda feels good. it's almost liberating.

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I think this may literally be the first time in history that someone is just openly discussing how they self harm and have worked themselves into thinking they're just blading..... while alone.... and not in a match.... in their room
You have shit to sort out my bratha

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bump. if you tards keep this thing going long enough for me to get shitfaced, I'll cut my forehead and post it

bro, i get more deep cuts on my hands and arms at a routine day at my job in construction. blood regens really quick.

the trick is actually a fairly small, yet deep puncture. then you flex your neck muscles to push more blood out. have your buddy chop your chest, and you're g2g

I'm rooting for you.

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this one's probably our best bet for the finish of the match. i'll let asp decide tho.

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also, my 'n' key is completely rubbed away. guess what word I type the most...

dont be a pussy. use any of the last 3

i like you. 23 replies and i'll use a construction hookblade.


Don’t make long slices, push in with your thumb and forefinger and then twist the blade. Then flex your neck muscles. When you want to stop you can just clean it up and superglue that shit together.
Don’t be a retard and bleed out though man

don't tell me how to juice, bitch



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samefagging not allowed

Cut your dick if you're such a tough guy

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i've already done that. used to have these really small skin tags on my dick. had them since birth. i hated them. they looked disgusting. clipped them off with fingernail clippers one night. that shit was a brand new kind of pain that I'd never felt.

My bro and his friend got drunk and sliced their biceps open with a blade to become blood brothers or some shit.

Another time at a party, this drunk gay guy showed and was being obnoxious. Dude tripped, busted his face open on a vent, and bled everywhere. He asked for a towel, but we said no, we'd rather watch him bleed all over our carpet. Probably gave our rug AIDS, that gay.

Nah, I've been pretty drunk and put lit cigarettes out on myself, including one time where I gave myself a permanent scar on the wrist. Cutting is for fags, though


dude cigarette burns hurt 100x more than a tiny cut from a sharp blade, you're outta your mind.

Cigarette burns are the chad Jon Moxley form of self harm, cutting is the emo metalcore Seth Rollins form

they don't look good for an audience

did they regrow

nope. looks like it should now. not joking though, that was probably top 5 in my all time most painful experiences.

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reason he cut so deep was the initial chair shot from JBL legit dazed him. He had the blade in his right hand, and the chair shot was a bit too stiff and threw him for a loop. Watch again as he gets hit on the head and accidentally FALLS on the fucking blade. You can see the panic in his eyes when he does a blood gauge on the white mat. He knew he was too drunk and botched the blade job

I did that when I self harmed because I got sick of cleaning up blood. They become this weird bit of raised skin that's all soft and squishy underneath. You pop it and it's nice

Literally what hbk did one night when he was young and drunk according to his book

do you not own a roll of paper towels? perhaps a regular bath towel and some bleach detergent? both are very cheap to buy...

because you have a lot of nerves on your dick, bro. I had a wart on my right middle knuckle that I literally cut out and burned it afterwards with a heated up spoon. Honestly didn't hurt that bad but I have a fairly high pain tolerance.

>be drinking in mom's basement while everyone is asleep
>get tanked enough to consider blading
>envision your picture
>pussy out because ruining the carpet with my own cutting botch would get me kicked out

It was years ago now, but when you do it every day you just get sick of your bedsheets being fucked and ruining clothes

>They become this weird bit of raised skin that's all soft and squishy underneath.
That's called a blister, you fucking idiot.

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Came here to say his

BAnged head on sink and cut hardway