Wrestlers both counter each other move after move

>wrestlers both counter each other move after move
>both hit the ground
>get up at the same time and face each other
>crowd claps

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The marks are in the ring.

Where on Earth could you possibly have seen something that dumb OP?

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How many Meltz asterisks did this get?

Holy fucking yikes

I know this is said often, but wrestling is fucking dead.

I fucking hate this shit too, but it’s been a thing since the 90s.

>get up at the same time and face each other
>crowd claps
this shit infuriates me so much. its literally the cringiest thing ever. this """"""""workrate"""""""" era sucks dick.

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This is awesome
*clap clap clap clap*

What a great SEQUENCE!

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They also did this during ECW's prime.

pure, uncut, cringe

>Implying it wasn't retarded when ECW did it.

The death of wrestling

i hate this faggot, especially when he goes mmmmmmmm with his orgasm face

Just 4. Even Meltzer said they were trying too hard.

Gargano and Cole are both manlets and they suck.

the audience needs their cue for polite applause

I think the only people above 6 foot on the entire NXT roster are Riddle, Ohno and Dream. That brand is dead.


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there was a time when this was perfectly acceptable because it happened organically; wrestlers did a long grappling chain, sometimes with a little shoot wrestling mixed in to see who still had game. And then they needed to rest because that shit is exhausting, and an audience would appreciate it sometimes (sometimes not). I think Henning or Bret Hart talked about this once.

Now, like 90% of matches, it's carefully scripted, right down the the fans being trained to react in the 'correct' way. Wrestling isn't a real sport, but this stuff makes it fake as fuck. is honestly up there with the fags all dropkicking in the middle of the ring for the most cringe shit in wrestling history.

How the fuck do grown ass men still watch wrestling?

there's a handful more
but none of them are getting the spotlight over guys like Gargano & Cole

Cezar Bononi, Punishment Martinez, TNA's Gunner, Keith Lee, Dijak, Fandango, Riddick Moss...

I think Montez Ford's Jannetty and Kona Reeves are pretty tall too. Big Damo is billed as over 6 feet, but I doubt it, he's just fat, not tall.

True and sad

fuck that shit