Name one good reason you don't watch joshi puroresu

Name one good reason you don't watch joshi puroresu

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I'm not a pedophile

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I don't have any mental conditions.

I actually have a sex life

I don’t watch wrestling but even if I did I wouldn’t watch whatever this shit is

I couldn't find any DVDs on my favorite wrestling DVD retailing websites.

I don't have the time with Raw, Smackdown, NXT, Road To..... shows, WWE NJPW and AEW ppvs.
I doubt the quality of wrestling is very high and if I want to scratch the yellow fever I can just watch fc2

I watch a lot.

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what the heck that have to do with joshi puroresu??
Wrestling is the best stuff around
Gatoh Move Station uploads one free match everyday

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I watch a lot, but has a point. The local pedophile in the joshi community is quite the turn off. He makes us all look bad by association.

The fact that every single one of you who watches it is a raging waifufag makes me think that you are not watching it for the wrestling
Just watch porn if you're horny brehs, it takes up a lot less of your time. Putting hours and hours of your time into waifufagging is the behaviour of individuals without Clues and Showers.

Gook women are ugly and are just as shitty as western women

I'm not a wafifufag. I watch SEAd and Oz.

I barely have the interest to watch NJPW which is the best wrestling going why would I watch a bunch of gookettes botching around a 6 foot wide ring in a pachinko hall?

I regularly interact with non family member females of my age

They're all shitters who would go to America or do anything else if they had the chance. There's only a few that might actually stick to wrestling, like Mayu, but you never know, so fuck giving attention or money to people who are only there because they don't have a choice. It's like supporting a rock band knowing they would play pop music or go be tv hosts instead if they had the chance. Just my feeling, Io and Kairi leaving to go be shitters especially was what soured me on it.

All else is pedo/waifu shit.

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Joshi wrestlers have turned down NXT contracts because they make more $$ in Japan. Nice try though.

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Did you even read what he said?

Provide documentary evidence to support your claim.

if someone restricted his threads to one per week it wouldn't be so bad, but it's easily 10 per day between all the personalities

Yeah he said they're all shitters and he believes it because Io and Kairi left. The thing you virgin cuck little bitch that many of them have turned down going to America. The only FAG here is the ones who watch STARDOM and thinks Rossy whores are the standard.

>many of them have turned down going to America
Provide documentary evidence to support your claim.

No point to when they all rook the same.

Hiroyo Matsumoto said it in an interview in the early days of NXT the money was too low. Meltzer said both Io and Kairi took paycuts to move their lives to the USA and work for NXT. Now go get together with your twitter friends and go fuck yourself.

>Hiroyo Matsumoto said it in an interview in the early days of NXT the money was too low. Meltzer said both Io and Kairi took paycuts to move their lives to the USA and work for NXT. Now go get together with your twitter friends and go fuck yourself.

I already did you whiny little pussy bitch. Also, this is well known to any and all people who have been watching joshi longer than Hana fucking Kimura appeared and made you pay attention. Don't fuck with me bro, I've prove you wrong and embarrass you in front of all these losers.

if Hana got offered big dimes doing some shit like modelling you know full well she would drop joshit instantly. WOO WOO WOO

Fake news merchant boiling? You have yet to provide any shred of evidence to substantiate your claims. You're using two wrestlers who actually went and joined WWE as examples? lololo. Mind sharing a link to that Hiroyo interview you made up in your head?

I only have enough time in the fucking day. I only really care about NJPW, GCW, and watching WWE PPVs with my friend once a month. I could not be asked to watch maybe more below average wrestling.

>nujapanlets are E drones
imagine my shock

Because you beta fucks don't even watch it for the wrestling. Show me a good match from a joshi fed within 2019. It's all the same boring shit.

Seconded, show me the cream of the joshi crop to get me into it, because all you faggots try to persuade people with is photos of your waifus

In 2012, Hiroyo had 98 matches. NXT paid $50,000/year plus you had to move to Florida.
$50,000/90 = $510 per match. Her fee and merch Hiroyo could easily make that and more.
She has more matches a year and probably makes $500/match BEFORE merch not to mention she's with Minoru Suzuki's crew.

You're being an obtuse faggot, STFU.

>No evidence of joshi turning down WWE contracts
>No link to the Hiroyo interview

She wouldn't though because she's not hot enough. How many joshi wrestlers got introduced via their idol management company? Shit in early STARDOM it was their business model via Fuka.

Arisa Hoshiki vs Jungle Kyona is considered MOTY by our foremost joshi reviewer (****3/4)

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She was first on Sara Del Ray's list fuckface. It's not my fault you don't know your joshi history. I'm doing math for you and I noticed you conveniently left of Meltzer writing that Io and Kairi took pay cuts to come to WWE. Take the L now bitch, your asshole will be GAPED when I'm done with you.

It's something I do with my friend. It's more of a excuse for us to talk. I get supremely drunk while be stays sober. Last time I put on a cowboy hat and kept calling him Maggle.

Ok, I admit Hiroyo was 2nd on Del Ray's list after Kana.

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>Last time I put on a cowboy hat and kept calling him Maggle
Absolutely based E-Chad banter

>Still no evidence of joshi turning down WWE contracts
>Still no link to the Hiroyo interview
aight bro

Because I hate seeing my wife Hana getting hurt. I just want to protect her, when that WHORE hazuki hit Hana in the face with her title I blamed myself. I almost committed seppuku in order to atone for my sin, but my Goddess Hana stopped me. Ever since I haven't seen a joshi match, I get sick to my stomach at the idea of my beautiful wife getting injured or worse....

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You're spiraling. Was, or was it not reported that Io and Kairi took paycuts to come from STARDOM to WWE? I'm not looking for a Hiroyo interview from 2012 when I showed you that she easily makes more in Japan. MUH DOCUMENTED is in the Meltzer shit.

Take the L faggot.

I don't have time. I'm already watching WWE, NJPW, MLW and IMPACT and I'm not a virgin who can sit in bed and watch wrestling all day I've got shit to do.

Turns out Sonny also confirmed that Io and Kairi took a pay cut and I found that legit via an anti-faggot apps called GOOGLE...

Imaginations are running wild today.

Provide documentary evidence to support your claim.

But user that is literally all I watch!

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I love Madeline!

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But how about Shida? She looks prettier than most joshis and idols.

Because there are no korean wrestlers.

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>I watch WWE...I don't have time

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>watching women's wrestling
>unironically thinking women's wrestling is good
>lying to yourself that jap bitches can actually wrestle

it's fun watching girls in cute outfits suplexing and stiffing the fuck out of each other though

Doesn't have Milano on commentary.

I was the original poster, I see you had fun arguing, but didn't provide any evidence for something that wasn't even a counter-argument in the first place. How would Meltzer know the pay of Stardom talent? How the fk would he know how much they get paid for dates, and exactly how much they made off of merch? If someone turns down a base NXT contract, they usually up the offer, if this girl was first on the list why would it be 50k? Asuka, Kenta,etc... all got more than that. And are you saying this girl is too stupid to realize NXT gets pay bumps, especially when they hit the main roster? Tell me with your magical sources how much she made last year and how much Asuka made...
Anyway that's not even the fucking point, as I said I feel like Joshi isn't a legitimate thing that the wrestlers want to do first and foremost, and that the image is that they are there because they can't do something better, so why would I be interested? Youre point was 'oh, no, you big dummy, this one girl supposedly turned down a supposed NXT contract because it was less for one year than she supposedly made, and I supposedly have sources but no I wont show them' aka 'she would've left but it wasn't better...' See the problem?

Because Act and Kris Wolf are both gone.

Watch the biggest joshi show of the year OZ, which just came out.

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Honestly? Because it's gook shit, lmao.

Says the guy who probably obsesses over muscle men on RAW each week.

no time to

I have sex

I don't know when and where to watch it regularly on demand, for free. Enlighten me

you get a job and give back money for the things you enjoyto the people that produce them, ya fuckin leech.

no different that any other wrestling promotions. xwt, watchwrestling and co

Womens wrestling is a joke, no matter the race of the "competitors"

The matches are fucking terrible compared to even average men's matches.

Heavily clipped by GAORA TV? No thanks.

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Because I have sex with white girls

Is that Kowry, or is it Lo?

never noticed joshi on watchwrestling before
>reading comprehension
I don't have access to joshi so I don't even know if I'll like it you idiot. I have to see it to know if I'll enjoy it